CE335 ASSIGNMENT 2023-2024 (20% Of The Total Module Marks) Analysing Object Recognition And Attention Impairments In Alcoholics Using Visual Evoked Potential Signals Please Read The Following Rules Before You Start: 1. You Should Use Only MATLAB For The Code. 2. Use The Following File Name Format: F
2024/11/20 15:08:22
CE335-6-AU Undergraduate Examinations 2022 DIGITAL SIGNAL Processingquestion 1 (A) Consider The Following Signal X(T) At Fs = 10, 000 Samples/Second.X(T) = 3 Cos(2Π500t - Π/5) + 6 Cos(2Π700t + Π/5) + 4 Cos(2Π600t + 2Π/7)(I) How Many Samples Would We Have After 16 Ms? [2%] (Ii) What Is The Sine An
2024/6/17 14:40:24
CE335-6-AU/AT Undergraduate Examinations 2021 DIGITAL SIGNAL Processingquestion 1 (A) A Digital Communication Link Carries Binary-Coded Words Representing Samples Of An Input Signalxa(T) = 3 Cos 600Πt + 2 Cos 1800Πt The Link Is Operated At 10,000 Bits/S And Each Input Sample Is Quantized Into
2024/6/17 13:48:42
CE335-6-AU Undergraduate Examinations 2019 DIGITAL SIGNAL Processingquestion 1 (A) If X1(N) And X2(N) Are Odd Sequences, Determine Whether Y(N) = X1(N)X2(N) Is An Odd Or An Even Sequence. [6%](B) Compute The Convolutional Sum H[N] = H1[N] ⊗ H2[N] When H1[N] = {0.5, 0.5}, For 0 ≤ N ≤ 1 And H2[N] = {0
2024/6/15 17:01:28
CE335-6-Auundergraduate Examinations 2020DIGITAL SIGNAL Processingquestion 1(A) Consider An Analogue Signal X(T) = 2Cos(2000Πt) + Sin(4000Πt). [10%](I) Determine The Sampling Frequency That Should Be Used To Avoid Aliasing. [3%](Ii) Assume That The Analogue Signal X(T) Is Sampled
2024/6/15 17:01:28
CE335 ASSIGNMENT 2023-2024(20% Of The Total Module Marks)Analysing Object Recognition And Attention Impairments In Alcoholicsusing Visual Evoked Potential Signalssubmit Your Matlab Code In A Single .M File And A Short Report (Word Or PDF)Through FASER: Http://Faser.Essex.Ac.Uk/NOTE: THIS IS AN INDIV...
2023/12/18 7:32:03