Final Exam CS365, Operating Systems1. [3 Points] A User-Level Process Cannot Modify Its Own Page Table Entries. A.TRUE B. FALSE Why?2. [3 Points]The Scheduler Is The Part Of An Operating System That Determines The Priority Ofeach Process. A.TRUE B.FALSE. Why?3. [3 Points] Shortest R
2024/6/17 16:10:39
CS365: Operating Systems Assignment 3: Hard Disk, BSF, SDD, Etc 1. What’S The Purpose Of A Hard Drive? ( ) A. Store Long Term Memory B. Store Fat Term Memory C. Store Short Term Memory D. Store Memory 2. What Is The Recommended Hard Drive? ( ) A. PATA B. SATA C. SSD D. HDD3
2024/6/17 13:48:42