EFIM20036: Panel Data Spring 2024Relevant Readings: Wooldridge; “Introduction To Econometrics, A Modern Approach” Main Content: Chapter 13-14.Exercise 1 (Sample Final - Panel Data). Consider The Panel Dataset That Collects Informa- Tion About Medical Expenditures (Medexp), Household Income (Income
2024/6/21 9:57:09
EFIM20036: Panel Data I Spring 2024 Relevant Readings: Wooldridge; “Introduction To Econometrics, A Modern Approach”Main Content: Chapter 13-14.In A Panel Data Model We Have The Following Structure:Yit = Xit Β + Vitvit = Αi + Uituit = Ρui,T−1 + Εitwe Consider |Ρ| &< 1. The Idiosyncratic Shoc
2024/6/20 10:49:30
EFIM20036: Limited Dependent Variables Spring 2024Relevant Readings: Wooldridge; “Introduction To Econometrics, A Modern Approach” Main Content: Chapter 17 - Section 1-4C.Exercise 1 (Sample Final - Limited Dependent Variables). Consider Modelling The Following Relationship Between The Likelihood Th
2024/6/19 10:56:33
EFIM20036: Heteroskedasticity Spring 2024 Relevant Readings: Wooldridge; “Introduction To Econometrics, A Modern Approach”Main Content: Chapter 13-14.Exercise 1 (Sample Final: Heteroskedasticity). Consider The Usual Regression Model:Yi = Β0 + X1iβ1 + X2iβ2 + Εiwhere (Yi, Xi) Are I.I.D, E[Ε4i] &<
2024/6/19 10:56:32