Essay questions
1- What impacts do globalization and/or the rise of English as global language have on ‘local’ education systems?
You may address globalization and English as global language or choose to focus on one of them.
In your answer, you can focus on any of these aspects: policy, curriculum, pedagogies, student experience. You can also choose a particular national context to ground your discussion.
2- How may global education prepare students for the increasing ‘interconnectedness’ among people and nations afforded by globalisation? In your answer, provide examples to support your argument.
3- In what ways are the goals of education being transformed in the current globalized and neoliberal times? In your answer, provide examples to support your argument. You may also focus on a particular local context to ground your answer.
4- What are the consequences of intergovernmental organizations influencing local educational policies and practices? In your answer, provide examples to support your argument.
5- How can definitions of literacy be expanded in order to educate future ‘global citizens’? What ‘literacies’ should be focused on? In our answer, consider ideas such as global competencies and/or global mindedness. You may focus on a particular local context to ground your answer.
6- Why is there the need to engage with the concept of Global Education critically? In your answer, provide examples to support your argument.
7- In what ways might the Global Youth Climate Strikes show evidence of ‘Global Education’ in terms of engagement with the challenges and opportunities afforded by globalisation? In your answer, provide examples to support your argument.
8- You may choose to develop you own essay question. If this is the case, please get your tutor’s approval for your chosen topic.