代做BUSM137 Introduction to Marketing Management 2022/2023


Introduction to Marketing Management


Assessment instruction:

Students are asked to choose a particular brand within the market that they segmented in their group project and evaluate their chosen brand on three elements: targeting strategy, pricing strategy, and branding strategy. For each of these elements, students are required to discuss the current strategy taken by the company and provide suggestions for future improvements. Targeting, pricing, and branding strategies will be discussed in the class over the semester. Students will be provided with appropriate frameworks to these strategies. Multiple case studies discussed on each topic will also help students to evaluate strategies and provide actionable recommendations. The report should include:

1. section A- Brief overview of the brand (Desk research using SWOT or 5Cs)

2. section B- Targeting strategy (current strategy, your recommendations)

3. section C- Pricing strategy (current strategy, your recommendations)

4. section D- Branding strategy (current strategy, your recommendations)

General notes on written submissions:

A. Word count

• You are allowed to exceed by 10% for each assessment.

• Tables, diagrams, and figures that you copy from other sources will not count in word limit and can go to the appendix section; however, if you use multiple sources and make your own summary (e.g., a summary table/diagram), then it will count towards the word limit and you should add them in the main text.

• References are not included in the word count.

B. Grading Criteria. Here are some pointers as to what I am looking for in your essays:

• Evidence of reading the assigned literature and thinking about what kinds of theories or concepts might be useful in answering the questions. In other words: Evidence of understanding and ability to apply course concepts

• Logic and justification of choices

• And PLEASE reference throughout the text, even if you are just using the assigned material.



Rubric Row

Module learning outcome

Program learning outcome

Section A (15%).

Providing an overview of the company using SWOT

or 5Cs framework

B1. Assess marketing

concepts in different business contexts and recommend

plans for improvement

2.4. Supports argument with relevant data*

Section B (25%).

Examining the targeting

strategy(s) of the company

A1. Understand the basic concepts and theories in marketing

B1. Assess marketing

concepts in different business contexts and recommend

plans for improvement

2.4. Supports argument with relevant data*

2.8. Evaluate contemporary issues in

business management/society (focus on targeting)

2.10. Recommends solutions that could be applied in practice

Section C (25%).

Examining the pricing

strategy(s) of the company

A1. Understand the basic concepts and theories in marketing

B1. Assess marketing

concepts in different business contexts and recommend

plans for improvement

2.4. Supports argument with relevant data*

2.8. Evaluate contemporary issues in

business management/society (focus on pricing)

2.10. Recommends solutions that could be applied in practice

Section D (25%).

Examining the branding

strategy(s) of the company

A1. Understand the basic concepts and theories in marketing

B1. Assess marketing

concepts in different business contexts and recommend

plans for improvement

2.4. Supports argument with relevant data*

2.8. Evaluate contemporary issues in

business management/society (focus on branding)

2.10. Recommends solutions that could be applied in practice

Overall (10%): Quality of writing, coherence of the arguments, both in each section and as a whole (e.g., logical connection between recommended actions in sections B, C, and D)

C1. Write clearly and report information in a professional and effective manner

A2. Critique how different

aspects of marketing integrate to deliver a coherent plan

2.1. Selects credible sources of data

3.2. Expresses arguments coherently through writing

3.3. Uses appropriate language, grammar and spelling suitable for scholarly writing

3.4. Displays good structure, formatting, style and presentation of writing

3.5. Cites sources of information and data using consistent and a recognised

referencing style

Submission Information

Please observe the following style. guide. Unless otherwise specified,

• All work must be typed and submitted in MS Word or Adobe PDF format

• Font size should be 12 point (unless otherwise specified)

• Font style. should be Arial

• Lines should be double-spaced

• Leave margins for comment Insert page numbers

• Use a header containing your student ID number, the module code to which your work applies, and the date. And Please:

• Always spell-check and proof read your work before handing it in (once you have submitted your work you will not be permitted to retrieve it)

• Keep your own electronic back-up copy of your work and if possible save on two devices Avoid plagiarism

• Submit your work on time

Guidelines and Late-Work Policy

1. Coursework submitted late (and there are no extenuating circumstances) will incur a late penalty. Five per

2. cent of the total marks available shall be deducted for every period of 24 hours, or part thereof, that an assignment is overdue there shall be a deduction of five per cent of the total marks available (i.e. five marks for an assessment marked out of 100). After seven calendar days (168 hours or more late) the mark shall be reduced to zero, and recorded as 0FL (zero, fail, late).

3. Each module has word limits for coursework assignments; however, the decision about whether to impose a penalty mark for exceeding the word limit is made by each module organiser. You must check the module handbook and the assignment briefing documents to see whether the particular module organiser has adopted a penalty system. It is your responsibility to read the handbook and assignment briefing carefully. If no penalty is specified then the module organiser will take into account the word length under the standard marking conventions. For example, if you have exceeded the word limit then it might be that you have not been sufficiently succinct or focused in your assignment and therefore might be penalised for these weaknesses. Please note that word limits do NOT include references or appendices. However if excessive material is included on appendices then this too will be judged accordingly and you may be awarded a lower mark.

4. You should ensure that your submission is in either Microsoft Word or PDF format.

5. Failure to submit in either one of these formats will result in a mark of 0 being awarded for the particular assessment. It is therefore your responsibility to ensure that the file format is correct and it can be opened by the receiving party.

6. You should ensure that the correct piece of assignment is uploaded as the document downloaded on the due date by the module organiser will be marked regardless of content. You will not have another opportunity to submit the work again if you mistakenly uploaded the wrong document.


8. Computer problems, such as computer viruses, failure to make a back-up copy or temporary internet access problems, will NOT be viewed as a valid reason for late submission.

9. Check that your assignment submission has been successful, and print a copy of the confirmation screen.

10. If you submit your assignment after the deadline, you will still be able to submit your coursework via QMplus however you will be penalised for late submission, the only exception to this is if you have an approved extension due to extenuating circumstances.



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