代写IIT Lab 05 – Basic HTML and CSS代写留学生R语言

IIT Lab 05 - Basic HTML and CSS

Setting up the web development environment

For this and all our future web labs, we need to setupupa suitable web development environment (framework) which can host and run our web files. For this purpose, we will be using an open source web development environment called XAMPP. Follow the instruction below to download and setup XAMPP in your device. This is an essential step before you can start this week’slab.

1.    Open theApache Friendswebsite and download 7.2.31 version of XAMPP for Windows.

2.    Click OK button in the next prompt.

3.    Choose following components to be installed. While you can install other components, those will not be essential to your labs.

4.    Set following installation path in the next screen.

5.    Keep clicking Next until installation starts. Wait for installation to complete.

6.    Click the Allow access button to allow the app through your firewall (if applicable).

7.    Click Finish to open XAMPP Control panel.

8.    Start Apache and MySQL services from the next screen.

9.    If you have issues starting any of the services, refer to the Troubleshooting XAMPP issues.pdf document in Moodle.

10. XAMPP installation and setup is not completed.

11.  Download IITLab5.zip file from Moodle. Unzip the file and copy it to C:\xampp\htdocs location in your computer.

Setting up text editor (Notepad++)

In addition to setting up a web development environment (XAMPP), we also need a suitable text editor to edit your script. files. While the default Notepad application is good enough for this job, it is highly recommended to install and use a more advanced text editor. For this and all future labs, we will be using Notepad++ application as our default script editing tool.

1.    Navigate tohttps://notepad-plus-plus.org/downloads/and download the latest version of Notepad++ to your device.

2.    Click on the downloaded installation file and install Notepad++ application.

Viewing your web page

1.    Open a web browser (it is highly recommended to use Google Chrome for this Lab)  and navigate to


2.   You should be presented with the following screen.

If you do not get the screen above, it means either your XAMPP services havent been started or you haven’t copied IITLab5 folder to the right location.

3.    Opening up the page1.html should give you the following screen output.

4.    Go to the C:\xampp\htdocs\IITLab5 folder in your device and open page1.html and mystyle.css in Notepad++ by right clicking the files and selecting Edit with Notepad++.

5.    In a new browser tab, open http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/. This will give you a list of CSS properties you can use. Spend few minutes exploring the content before starting on your lab tasks.

Task 1

Using CSS make the heading appear in the middle of the page.

This can be done by adding text-align: center; to the header section (in mystyle.css).

Remember each time you change a CSS or HTML file that you need to reload the page you can do this by pressing F5 in the browser or clicking the reload button.

Task 2

Change the background-color of the main div to be white. Change the background-color of the body to be #cccccc.

Task 3

At the bottom of the HTML page (under the text but still inside the main div)  after the last

but before the

Create an unordered list (dot points) that looks like this:

•    Apple

•    Orange

•    Mango

You need to use one



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