代写Mini-Project 03 Tableau Visualization代写Processing

Mini-Project 03

Tableau Visualization

There are four components of the Data Visualization Mini-Project.

1)    Dataset ( 10 points) – You need to locate a dataset from any public source that you would like to work with for the Mini-Project. Each student will locate their own unique dataset. It is fine to choose the same dataset as another student, but if you choose the same dataset, please note that your assignment will be subject to extra scrutiny to ensure that you do your own work. You may not choose a dataset that we use for demonstration in class (Global Superstore or Chicago Financial Incentive Projects).

Features of a Good Dataset for this Project

•     Minimum 100 observations (100 rows of data)

•     Minimum of two categorical variables  (such as  Country, Business  Unit, Location,  Customer Type, Product Type, etc.)

•     Minimum of two quantitative variables (such as Sales, Profit, Population, SAT Score, Income, Percent Attended, etc.)

•     You want to be able to respond to a question such as “What is the quantity of Y by the category X” (what are profits by country?).

•     You must add two variables to your dataset: 1) Analyst Name  the value will be your name for every observation; and 2) Analysis Date  the value will be a date that you worked on this mini-project for every observation.

When loading your dataset into Tableau, please make sure the file is saved as a “Live” Data Source and not as an Extract. Once you save the data file, maintain the same filename – that will maintain the data with your workbook. Do not move the .twbx file and the datafile (.csv or .xlsx usually) to different file locations. The files must be linked for the Tableau packaged workbook in order for our graders to be able to see your visualizations.

2)    Observation and Question of Interest ( 10 points)  Clearly describe what makes a unique observation/row in your data (an order, a person, a company, a country, a city, a business, an MLB player, etc.). Then, specify one central question of interest regarding the data as a whole to help guide you as you analyze the dataset. Think of this as a narrative or information that could help inform. a business/organizational decision, or an overall takeaway that you might be able to make from the data.

You must include your written description of what defines an observation/row in your Tableau Story. You must also write your question of interest to the organization that you are studying in the Tableau

Story. These should be explicitly marked in the story or its header (may I suggest a text box in the story) so that the grading team can easily find and evaluate your analysis.

3)    Building the Tableau Story (25 points) – You will create 3 visualizations that make up a Tableau Story for your data.

The Tableau Story (this is a specific type of tab in Tableau) must contain 4 story points (4 individual sheets):

1) Story Point 1: Text with your response for Observation and Question of Interest.

2) Story Point 2: Visualization 1 and text for I-N-I model describing Visualization 1.

3) Story Point 3: Visualization 2 and text for I-N-I model describing Visualization 2.

4) Story Point 4: Visualization 3 and text for I-N-I model describing Visualization 3.

You should choose three different types of visualizations (bar/column chart, geographic map, heat map, line chart for example) for the story. Please note that column charts and bar charts will be counted as the same type of visualization during grading, so if you use both a column chart and a bar chart during grading, that counts as just one visualization.

You must use color strategically to help tell the story in at least one visualization. In order to qualify for using color strategically, you  must change the color from the default color scheme  provided  in Tableau for the visualization.

Make sure that you interpret what you want your audience to understand from your Tableau Story using the I- N-I model. This should also go in a text box on the sheet by each visualization.

All variables must be clearly labeled with legends, marks, axis labels, and units.

4)    Interpreting the Tableau Story (15 points) – You must demonstrate that you understand the purpose of your visualization, describe the visualization, and interpret what can be gleaned from the visualization.

Write  three  sentences  about  each  visualization.  The  sentences  should  be  clearly  shown  as  a  text  box accompanying each visualization. The three sentences must follow the I-N-I model:

INTENTION – What is the purpose of choosing the visualization type that you selected? What was your intent in choosing this visualization type? Why is this visualization effective compared to other options?

e.g. I chose a bar chart because it shows how the number of students (a quantitative variable) differs by their class rank (a categorical variable).

NARRATION – How would you describe the visualization? What is a key story that the visualization depicts? Is there a pattern that you can share that is visible in the visualization?

e.g. The bar chart suggests that the number of students is increasing each year: seniors are the smallest class and freshman are the largest class.

INTERPRETATION – What is the implication for the organization that we are analyzing? This is the “so what?” How does the story that you visualized inform. a business/organizational decision?

e.g. This information is useful for the Dean of the College of Business to ensure that the number of courses is set appropriately for the size of each class.

Please note that it may be tempting to “borrow” work from a student who did a similar project in a previous semester. The assignment is not the same and doing so is CHEATING. Do your own work!

You must save your project as a Tableau Packaged Workbook (.twbx file) with a Live connection to your dataset. An improper file is not gradable and will incur a 10% reduction.

Evaluation Criteria for Visualization Project

Dataset and Observation (20 points)

The dataset is readable in Tableau (likely an xlsx or csv file). There are at least two categorical variables, two quantitative variables, and 100 observations in the dataset. The dataset is visible in the data source tab of the Tableau workbook and is saved as a Live Data Source (not an Extract). The student states what makes up an observation/row and specifies one relevant question for consideration; these statements are made in text boxes on the Story tab.

Building the Tableau Story (25 points)

Visuals are chosen that develop a coherent narrative to respond to the question of interest. Three unique visualizations make up the Tableau Story. Labels are clearly marked and meaningful.

Interpreting Tableau Story (15 points)

Each visualization in the Tableau Story contains clear text that addresses the three aspects of the I-N-I model (Intention, Narration, and Interpretation). There is one sentence for each aspect and each visualization. It is easy to find the I-N-I aspects accompanying each visualization in the Tableau Story.

Filter Extra Credit Option (+2 points - optional)

You may earn additional points worth 2 points for adding an interactive filter to your story which allows the viewer to modify what is displayed by choosing values for the filter. To earn credit for the Filter, you must also explain in 1-2 sentences how it works as a text box in that visualization. Note that automatically built-in filters that come with colored visualizations do not count for extra credit.


100% credit for on-time; 90% credit within 1 day late; 80% credit for up to one week late; 50% credit if completed by end of semester.

Submitting your file

You will submit your Tableau file (.twbx) including the dataset, all visualizations (one per tab), and your Tableau   Story (another tab) directly in Canvas for the assignment. Please test your file by sending it to a peer in the class to verify that someone else can view your data, visualizations, and the Tableau Story from the file. We will score  your assignment based on the file, so please make sure all aspects are provided. Expect a 10% deduction if we   need to ask you to provide additional information in your submission to be able to grade your assignment.

Getting Tableau Desktop

1.   Fill out the form. athttps://www.tableau.com/academic/students#form . You have to use your @illinois.edu email and actual birth date. School name is University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Tableau then will   send you email with instructions on the download and a product key.

2.   Download Tableau Desktop from the link in the email

3.    Install Tableau Desktop

4.   Activate it in the Help menu of Tableau Desktop with your product key in the email

What Data is of Interest to You?

Find a dataset of interest … Can you import it to Excel or otherwise connect it in Tableau?

Here are a few - there are thousands more to choose from so find something that interests you.



https://data.cityofchicago.org/ https://www.uillinois.edu/data


(or any other professional sport)


https://opendata.cityofnewyork.us/ https://www.nber.org/data/


(very interesting on movies, but might require a little work to get 2 categorical variables)


(or probably any other city)


(I love the CityOwnedTrees or ParkingMeters datasets!)

Any public company’s Corporate/Investor Relations section of their website!



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