代做LNG302 Interpersonal Communication in the Workplace Semester 2, 2023-2024 Academic Year Assignment

LNG302 Interpersonal Communication in the Workplace

Semester 2, 2023-2024 Academic Year

Assignment 02 Brief

Critical Review

Date of briefing:              5/16/2024

Date of submission:         5/28/2024

Submission method:         Learning Mall Online

Length:                           3000-3500 words (excluding the reference list and appendices)

Referencing:                    APA 7th

Weighting:                       60% of the module grade

With reference to all readings provided for the module and additional sources as appropriate, write a critique of the main argument in Long, C. (2016, Feb). A social cognitive account of relational work. Journal of Politeness Research-Language Behaviour Culture, 12(1), 1-26.

You may want to structure your critical review according to the following outline. If you choose to adopt a different outline, you should still address the topics, albeit in the order of your choice. Other topics may become relevant as the review is developed and these should cohere in order to strengthen your critique.

●    Introduction

o Summarise the main argument in Long (2016).

o Introduce the main points from this argument to be critiqued.

o Formulate the scope and method of the review with reference to sources including those but not limited to those on the reading list. Concentrate on issues which fall within the scope of the study of interpersonal communication in organisational settings.

●   Analysis

o Elaborate on the main points of Long’s argument.

o Integrate the  elaboration  of this  point  with  a  review  of  the  relevant literature introduced above.

o Develop your own  position  in  response  to  Long’s  argument,  paying attention  not  only  to  concepts,  theories  and  paradigms,  but  also  to empirical findings and texts.

o Refer to specific examples which lend support to each of the main points of Long’s argument, well as those which cast doubt upon the argument. Discuss as part of the development of your own position in the review the merits of these very points of argument. Do not limit yourself to illustrations offered by Long; cite where you think relevant that from Assignment 1, those from the reading list of the module, and any other source that is relevant to interpersonal communication in the workplace.

o Especially in light of these examples, indicate the ways in which the main points of Long’s argument may be connected or disconnected from each other.

●   Conclusion

o State or refine the position you will have taken in relation to  Long’s argument.

o Offer a  brief  critique  of your own  position  by  referring  to  the  same sources and any additional sources of pertinence.

o Beyond simply the strengths and weaknesses you identified in  Long

(2016),  discuss  the  implications  of  your  review  on  the  study  of interpersonal communication in organisational settings.

●    References

o Display the bibliographic data of sources cited in the critical review.

●   Appendices

o Include material (e.g. transcripts, diagrams) which supports the critical review but which is not mandatory for the review to be understood.

Grading Criteria

The following set of criteria will be used to assess the critical review.

Knowledge and Understanding

●    Coverage of task set, particularly in presenting the argument being critically reviewed and in formulating a position in response to it.

●    Grounding in relevant concepts and literature, particularly as they may relate to main argument in question.

Intellectual Skills

●    Originality and creativity, particularly in the selection, employment and organisation of sources towards a well-considered critique.

●    Critical reflection and analysis, particularly of the argument in question, and of relevant literature.

●    Well-argued conclusions, particularly in discussing the implications of the critical review.

Transferrable Skills

●    Appropriate exposition, particularly in developing a position in relation to the argument being critically reviewed.

●    Logical structure, particularly in allowing the position to be developed and strengthened in the critical review.

●    Quality of presentation, particularly in meaningful uses of charts, excerpts, figures, illustrations and tables to support the position being developed.

Superior critical reviews tend to …                         Inferior critical reviews tend to

Present systematically details of the argument in question and how they relate to each other as a whole.

Highlight some of the details of the argument in

question without referring to their connections with each other.

Show an understanding of the multiple

connections between the argument in question and existing literature.

Present the argument in question as largely unrelated to existing literature.

Consider the merits of the argument as well as its shortcomings with reference to sources.

Offer an inadequate treatment of the merits or shortcomings of the argument.

Employ and organise carefully-selected sources strategically to form. the basis of critique.

Include references to somewhat relevant sources in a disorganised manner.

End with a clearly-articulated and defensible position relating to the subject matter.

End without a clear position and without reflections upon the critique nor the subject matter overall.



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