PSY 1102 A

Summer 2024

Official Course Description  

We will explore questions about human development, intelligence, personality, mental health, abnormal behaviour, treatment of psychological illness, social psychology and stress and coping.

Course Learning Outcomes

General Course Learning Outcomes

The goals of this course are to provide an overview of the vast field of psychology and to illustrate the scientific methods used to study behaviour.   

Specific Course Learning Outcomes

Because all evaluations in this course are in multiple-choice format, students will be expected to be familiar with details described in both the textbook and the lectures.

Teaching Methods  

The course material will be delivered via ZOOM, based on the TopHat textbook. The lectures are based on the TopHat textbook, but will include additional information, and will be posted on Brightspace before each class. The quizzes and the final exam will be based on material that is covered in the online lectures and the TopHat textbook.

Required Materials/Textbook

We will be using Top Hat for Introduction to Psychology: Applications as the textbook and readership platform. This material is exclusively online.

You will need to buy both: 

• an access to the platform. where the ebook is found (1 year access code)

• as well as an access to the Introduction to Psychology textbook. It is an ebook.

If you already have a Top Hat account, you can go to (https://app.tophat.com/e/066732) to be taken directly to our course digital textbook.

• If you are new to Top Hat:

• Go to https://app.tophat.com/register/student

• Search for our course textbook with the following join code: 066732

• For more information about the interactive features in the textbook, click here: https://success.tophat.com/s/article/Student-Using-Your-Textbook

• Should you require assistance with Top Hat at any time please contact their Support Team directly by way of email ([email protected]), the in-app support button, or by calling 1-888-663-5491. Specific user information may be required by their technical support team when troubleshooting issues.

Take note that this textbook is also used in the other intro course in psychology (PSY 1101).

For instructions on how to create a Top Hat account and enroll in our Top Hat course, please refer to the invitation that will be sent to your school email address or consult Top Hat's Getting Started Guide (https://support.tophat.com/s/article/Student-Top-Hat-Overview-and-GettingStarted-Guide).

For any technical problems with Top Hat that you may encounter while trying to sign up/log in, PLEASE CALL TOP HAT SUPPORT and NOT YOUR PROFESSOR 

Course Calendar  






Mon 17 June

1:00 PM



Introduction.  Chapter 4: Development.   

  24 June 9:00 AM  

  ISPR opens

Wed 19 June

1:00 PM



Chapter 4: Development.  Chapter 10: Intelligence

Mon 24 June

1:00 PM



Chapter 10: Intelligence.  Chapter 12: Personality

Wed 26 June

1:00 PM



Quiz 1 (14%), Ch. 4, 10.  Chapter 12: Personality

Wed 3 July

1:00 PM



Chapter 12: Personality.  Chapter 13: Social Psychology

Mon 8 July

1:00 PM



Chapter 13: Social Psychology  

Wed 10 July

1:00 PM



Quiz 2 (14%), Ch. 12, 13. Chapter 14: Psych disorders  

Mon 15 July

1:00 PM



Chapter 14: Psych Disorders.  Chapter 15: Treatment

Wed 17 July

1:00 PM



Quiz 3 (14 %), Ch. 14, 15. Chapter 16: Stress

Mon 22 July

1:00 PM



Chapter 16: Stress.


Wed 24 July

1:00 PM



Quiz 4, (8 %). Course wrap up.



July 26

4:00 PM

Deadline for ISPR         4% 

Mon 29 July

2:00-4:00 PM




FINAL EXAM. ONLINE. Ch 4, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.

Final Exam: 46 %



The final mark in the course will consist of six components:

  4 ONLINE quizzes:


    Quiz 1 (40 minutes, 30 MC questions, covers chapters 4, 10, and 12)


    Quiz 2 (40 minutes, 30 MC questions, covers chapters 12 and 13)


    Quiz 3 (40 minutes, 30 MC questions, covers chapters 14 and 15)


    Quiz 4 (20 minutes, 15 MC questions, covers chapter 16)


  ISPR (participation in research, throughout term)


  Final exam, 2 hours, 90 MC questions, (covers all chapters)




ONLINE Quizzes.  There will be 4 quizzes.  Quizzes 1, 2, and 3 each cover 2 modules and will contain a total of 30 questions, and quiz 4 covers only one module and contains only 15 questions.  

All quizzes will be hosted on the TOPHAT platform. and will be written on-line (that is, from home). The quiz will open in real time and will close after the allotted time has passed. DO NOT BE LATE. In order to access each quiz, you will NEED a PASSWORD. Detailed instructions will be posted on Brightspace. I will make the password available on Brightspace on the day of each quiz. Following each quiz, there will be a 10-minute break, after which we will have class (I will present course material).   

1. The first quiz, scheduled for June 26, will cover the first two modules of the course (Development and Intelligence).  

2. The second quiz, scheduled for July 10, will cover the next two modules (Personality, Social Psychology).

3. The third quiz, scheduled for July 17, will cover Psychological Disorders and Treatment of Psychological Disorders.  

4. The fourth quiz, scheduled for July 26, will cover only one module (Stress, module 16).

To review the quiz you have written most recently, contact the appropriate TA (see below) once the mark has been posted on TopHat.  Because of time constraints, you will ONLY be able to review the most recent quiz.   

To review Quiz 1: Contact Michael, [email protected]

To review Quiz 2: Contact Somaya, [email protected]

To review Quiz 3: Contact Ana, [email protected]

To review Quiz 4: Contact Ana Espinosa, [email protected]

ISPR- Participation in research: Integrated System of Participation in Research 

The ISPR gives students the opportunity to learn about ongoing research in human behaviour through the experience of participating in studies. The system is about cooperation between researchers and students; students learn about studies and their methodologies while contributing directly to the advancement of research. While we would like all students to participate in research, we realize that some students may not be interested, and these students can contact ISPR Administration to be provided with an alternative way to earn all their credits. ISPR participation accounts for four points of your final grade. Participation options include completing online surveys or completing research alternatives. Generally, one point is earned for each hour of participation, with details listed online in study descriptions.  

The ISPR Summer 2024 session opens for students on June 24, 2024, at 9:00 am (you will not be able to sign in before this date).

Research alternatives must be requested by 4pm on July 18 and completed by 1:00 pm on July 19, 2024 (EDT).

The deadline for completing all other participation is July 26, 2024, at 4:00 pm (EDT).

Study sign-up and points management is done through our online portal, except for those who do not want to participate in research and to complete an ethically valid alternative. Those students must send an email to ISPR Administration at [email protected].  

ISPR participation portal: http://uottawa.sona-systems.com  

To log in:

UserID: prefix of your uOttawa email address  

Password: your university student number  

For more detailed information about the ISPR, please visit this link. If you have questions and you can’t find the answers online, contact ISPR Administration at [email protected]  

MISSED QUIZZES.  If you miss a quiz, you will receive a mark of 0% for it unless you provide me with a valid medical certificate within 5 working days according to the university guidelines.  No make-up quiz will be given for missing a quiz; rather, the weight of the quiz will be shifted to the final exam.  According to University Regulations, the Final Exam CANNOT count for more than 60 % of the final grade. This means that you can ONLY miss 1 quiz and shift the grade to the final exam. I strongly advise students not to miss any of the online quizzes.

Final examination.  The final exam is worth 46%.  It covers the entire course and will be written ONLINE, on the Top Hat platform. I will send you instructions and the password to write the final exam. The final exam will be TWO hours long and will occur on July 29, at 2 PM.

If you miss the final exam for a valid reason, contact the School of Psychology in order to apply for a deferral. https://www.uottawa.ca/current-students/exams 

FORMAT OF THE QUIZZES AND FINAL EXAMINATION.  The quizzes and final exam will consist entirely of multiple-choice questions.  The quizzes and the Final Exam will be hosted on TopHat.  Log in to Brightspace to receive the Password before each quiz. Further instructions about test taking and the TopHat platform. will be posted on Brightspace.  

It is your responsibility to be aware of the University regulations about missing exams (Academic Regulation 9.5: Justification of absence from an examination or of late submission of assignments).  You must also be aware of University Regulation I-14, which deals with Academic Fraud.

LANGUAGE.  The language of PSY1102A is English, and the textbook, all class notes, and the quizzes and final exam questions will be in English.   



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EMail: 99515681@qq.com
QQ: 99515681