Assessment 1: Individual Assignment (10%) - Social Media Campaign Proposal Deadline: Week 4

Overview: As part of your media analytics subject, you are required to develop a proposal for a social media campaign in Instagram and Facebook. This assignment aims to assess your understanding of media analytics and your ability to apply it in a practical setting.

Assignment Task:

Your proposal should include the following components:

1.  Campaign Objective: Clearly define the objective of the Instagram and Facebook social media campaign. Whether it is to increase brand awareness, promote a new product or service, or engage with a specific target audience, the objective should be specific and measurable.

2.  Target Audience: Identify and describe the target audience for the campaign. This should include demographic information, such as age, gender, location, and interests, as well as any relevant psychographic data that may influence their behavior on social media.

3.  Content Strategy: Outline the type of content that will be used in the campaign. This could include images, videos, stories, or a combination of different formats. Explain how the content will be aligned with the campaign objective and tailored to resonate with the target audience.

4.   Analytics Tools: Research and select appropriate analytics tools that will be used to measure the success of the campaign. This could include Instagram Insights, Google Analytics, or third-party social media analytics platforms. Explain how these tools will be utilized to track key performance indicators (KPIs) and evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign. Please make sure you are using the Instagram and Facebook business account to access the accounts’ insight

5.  Budget and Timeline: Develop a budget for the campaign, including any costs associated with content creation, advertising, and analytics tools. Create a timeline that outlines the key milestones and deliverables for the campaign, including launch date, content creation schedule, and reporting deadlines.

6.  Evaluation and Optimization:  Describe  how the campaign will  be evaluated and optimized based on the analytics data collected. This should include a plan for regular monitoring and analysis of campaign performance, as well as strategies for making adjustments to improve results.

Your proposal should be well-researched and supported by relevant academic sources where applicable. It should also demonstrate a clear understanding of key concepts in media analytics, such as engagement metrics, reach and impressions, and conversion tracking.

Please ensure that your proposal is professionally presented and follows the conventions of academic writing, including proper citations and references where necessary.

Submission Format:

•   Submission of this assignment will be made through myTIMeS in PDF format only.

•   Your submission needs to include following:

-     Assignment coversheet (first page)

-     You may include any accompanying images with photo captions and source.

-     List of references used

-     Feedback form. (last page)

Assessment 2 - Individual Assignment (40%) Case Studies in Media Analytics Report & Analysis: FINAL PIECE Deadline: Week 8

Overview: For this assignment, you are required to select a case study related to media analytics and conduct a comprehensive analysis. The purpose of this assignment is to assess your understanding of media analytics concepts and your ability to apply them to real-world scenarios. You will be expected to critically evaluate the case study, draw insights from data, and present your findings in a structured report format.

Assignment Task:

1.  Select a Case Study: Choose a real-world case study related to media analytics. The case study can be from any industry such as marketing, advertising, public relations, social media, or online content.

-     In order to select a case study for your assignment, please conduct a search using the appropriate keywords to find a recent and relevant case study. It is important that you discuss your selection with the lecturer to ensure its suitability. Additionally, please ensure that your chosen case study must be recent (within 5 years) and has not already been selected by another classmate. You are encouraged to think creatively and present unique insights in your analysis. Use the provided spreadsheet link in MyTimes to input your selected case study on a first come first serve basis.

2.  Analyze Data and Metrics: Gather relevant data and metrics from the chosen case study. This may include but is not limited to audience engagement, social media metrics, website traffic, conversion rates, or any other relevant analytics.

3.  Apply Media Analytics Concepts: Apply media analytics concepts and techniques learned in the course to analyze the data. This may involve using tools for data visualization, trend analysis, sentiment analysis, or any other relevant analytics methods.

4.  Report Writing: Write a 2000 - 2500 words formal report presenting your analysis of the case study. The report should include the following sections:

-     Introduction: Briefly introduce the chosen case study and its relevance to media analytics.

-     Data Analysis: Present the data and metrics gathered from the case study. Use visual aids such as charts, graphs, or tables to support your analysis.

-     Media Analytics Insights: Discuss the insights and findings obtained from the data analysis. Explain how media analytics concepts were applied and what conclusions can be drawn from the data.

-     Recommendations: Based on your analysis, provide recommendations for the company or organization involved in the case study. These recommendations should be supported by the insights derived from the media analytics analysis.

5.  Formatting Requirements: The report should be well-structured with clear headings and subheadings. Use appropriate formatting for citations and references following the APA referencing style.

Assessment Criteria:

Your assignment will be assessed based on the following criteria:

- Selection of a relevant and suitable case study for analysis.

- Application of media analytics concepts and techniques to analyze the case study data.

- Clarity and coherence of the report structure and writing.

- Critical evaluation of the case study and presentation of insightful findings.

- Appropriateness of recommendations based on the media analytics analysis.

Note: Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Ensure that all sources are appropriately cited and referenced in your report.

This assignment is designed to assess your ability to apply media analytics concepts to real-world scenarios and communicate your findings effectively. If you have any questions or need clarification on the assignment requirements, please do not hesitate to seek assistance from your lecturer

Submission Format:

•   Submission of this assignment will be made through myTIMeS in PDF format only.

•   Your submission needs to include following:

-     Assignment coversheet (first page)

-     You may include any accompanying images with photo captions and source.

-     List of references used

-     Please include Turnitin Report in the submission.

-     The plagiarism percentage cannot be more than 20%

-     Feedback form. (last page)

Assessment 3 -  Group Project (40%) Social Media Campaign Creation and Engagement Metrics Analysis Deadline: Campaign Implementation Week 5 - Week 13 & Campaign Report Week 14

Overview: This group coursework assignment involves creating a social media campaign on Instagram and Facebook, with a focus on measuring user engagement metrics.

Please ensure to use the spreadsheet uploaded in MyTimes to include the names of your team members, their student IDs, and your campaign big idea. It is important that the entire team is in the same tutorial group. The campaign idea should be based on the proposal submitted by the team member or combination of ideas (from the same group) for Assessment 1: Social Media Campaign Proposal.

Task Description:

1.  Social Media Campaign Creation: You are required to promote the campaign to your target audience. You must get to know the target audience and their media usage including the prime time. You can try and error by looking at the analytics OR simple research on your own social media account (Millennials & social media platforms). Always remember that to create awareness or promote a cause in social media, you need repetition.

•   Collaborate as a group to develop and execute a social media campaign on Instagram and Facebook platforms.

•   Create engaging content on Instagram and Facebook to achieve the following objectives:

-     Heighten brand awareness

-     Increase social community size

-     Accurately target specific audiences

-     Strengthen engagement strategies to foster increased brand loyalty

2.  User Engagement Metrics Analysis:

•    Measure and analyze key metrics related to user engagement on Instagram and Facebook.

•    Evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign in achieving the stated objectives.

•    Identify areas for improvement and optimization based on the engagement metrics collected.

3.  Deliverables: You are required to submit a report and insights of your digital campaign. Clients need to know the full picture  of the campaign after the execution. As part of this assignment, you are required to submit a comprehensive report detailing the planning, execution, and insights gained from the entire campaign. Your report should include a thorough analysis of the campaign's objectives, target audience, chosen strategies, implementation process, and the results obtained. Additionally , please provide insights into the strengths and weaknesses of the campaign, along with any recommendations for future improvements. It is important that your report demonstrates a clear understanding of the campaign's overall planning and execution, as well as the ability to critically evaluate its effectiveness. Your insights should be supported by relevant data and metrics where applicable. Your report should include:

•    Detailed social media campaign plan outlining objectives, target audience, content strategy, and engagement tactics.

•   Creative content created for Instagram and Facebook platforms.

•   Analysis of user engagement metrics collected during the campaign period.

•    Report summarizing the campaign performance, insights gained, and recommendations for future campaigns.

Assessment Criteria:

- Creativity and effectiveness of the social media campaign in achieving objectives.

- Utilization of engagement strategies to enhance brand awareness and loyalty.

- Analysis and interpretation of user engagement metrics.

- Clarity and depth of insights provided in the campaign report.

Note: Collaboration within the group is essential, and each member's contribution should be clearly documented. There will be peer evaluation for this assignment that consist another 10% of the total assignment.

Submission Format:

•   Submission of this assignment will be made through myTIMeS in PDF format only.

•   Your submission needs to include following:

-     Assignment coversheet (first page)

-     Social media report, insights and evaluation

-     List of references used

-     Feedback form. (last page)




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