159.352 Assignment 1

 159.352 Assignment 1: 

In this assignment you will extend the minimalistic HTTP server (server3.py - we 
developed in the tutorials) to serve a password protected website which enables the user 
to manage their investment portfolio.
The conceptual framework of this web application is shown in Fig. 1. Your HTTP server 
will run in docker container hosted on Heroku (PaaS cloud). To service client requests, 
your server will use REST API to access data from the Investor Exchange (IEX) cloud.
You will need to sign up for free developer accounts on IEX 
(https://iextrading.com/developers/) and Heroku (https://www.heroku.com).
Fig. 1 Conceptual framework
The objective of this assignment is to gain hands on experience with HTTP 
fundamentals, so strictly do not use any high-level frameworks (e.g. Servlets, flask, 
node.js, Django etc.,) since they abstract the low level HTTP functionality.
1) Authentication (6 marks) Implement basic access authentication scheme in your python HTTP server such that 
without the correct login credentials none of the resources on the server should be 
When the browser sends the initial GET request, the server should check for 
authentication credentials in the headers and respond with a suitable HTTP status code
requesting for authentication credentials using the basic access authentication. 
At this stage the browser would prompt the user to enter username and password
When the browser sends the authentication credentials, the server checks the headers 
and serves the requested content if the authentication credentials match. Set the 
authentication credentials for your website to be your student ID number:
Assume your website is dedicated for only one user, that is you.
2) Portfolio (10 marks)
When the user visits the url /portfolio your HTTP server should respond with a html 
page showing the user’s investment portfolio, along with input boxes and command 
buttons to update the portfolio.
Stock Quantity Price Gain/Loss
TSLA 100 $250 1000%
AAPL 50 $150 -5%
Stock symbol
The portfolio will be stored on your HTTP server as either XML or JSON file. For our 
assignment, the portfolio is made up of stocks only. For each stock the server needs to 
store the ticker symbol, the quantity of shares purchased (i.e. owned by the user), and 
the purchase price of a share. Work out a suitable data representation to store the 
portfolio information. You can choose either to work with XML or JSON. Name the file
as portfolio.xml or portfolio.json.
In updating the portfolio file, the user can add a new stock, or reduce/remove an 
existing stock using negative quantity. You must validate the user inputs on the server 
side when updating portfolio file. Use HTTP POST method for updating the portfolio 
To help the user input the correct symbol, use the following API endpoint to get the list 
of symbols. Note the JSON response from this API call contain all types of securities, 
so you will need to filter symbols for common stock (cs) type. 
make sure to substitute your API token in the above URL
Refer to API documentation for details; https://iexcloud.io/docs/api/#symbols
Compute the gain/loss percentage for each stock in the portfolio on the server side using
the following API endpoint which fetches the latest quote for the given stock symbol. 
Gain or loss = (latest quote – price) / price * 100
make sure to put the actual symbol (e.g TSLA) in the above URL
3) Stock chart (7 marks)
When the user visits the url /stock your HTTP server should respond with a html 
page containing an input boxes to enter the stock symbol. After entering the stock 
symbol, the page should display a graph of the daily closing price for one year period 
Stock symbol
Use the same API endpoint discussed in the portfolio section to help the user enter the 
correct stock symbol. 
Use the following API endpoint to extract the chart data for the given stock symbol.
You may plot the data either on the client side (using any javascript library of your 
choice e.g. canvasJS) or on the server side (using python plot library e.g. matplotlib, and 
saving the plot as image).
4) Deployment (7 marks)
After you have finished developing and testing, deploy your web application in a docker 
container and host it on Heroku cloud.
Useful documentation
Complete and well-documented source files necessary to run your web application in 
docker. A README file containing instructions needed to run your web application. In 
your README file make sure to put down the URL of your web application hosted on 
Heroku. Submit it a in zipped file on Stream.



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