BIO130 Library Information Resources Assignment
• To examine the peer review process and understand how this applies to scholarly journal articles
• To be able to distinguish between peer-reviewed primary research papers and review papers
• To learn how to use on-line library resources to locate a review paper and primary research paper on a topic of interest
• To begin to learn about the parts of a primary research paper and how scientists read the primary literature.
• Read the following instructions, notes and appendix.
• View the following movies/tutorials on Quercus in the Library Assignment Module:
1. Sources of Information
2. Web of Science
3. PubMed
These movies/tutorials were created in partnership with the Gerstein Library. There is also a link to the BIO130 Library Research Guide. This guide will provide you with essential resources to support the research and facilitate the use of scholarly sources. For example, it will help you determine if your chosen papers are peer-reviewed or need some help avoiding plagiarism.
• Complete the library information resources assignment and upload your completed assignment plus a PDF of your primary article (2 files total) to Quercus before Lab 4.
In this assignment you will locate 2 science articles using online search resources: one peer- reviewed primary research article and one peer-reviewed review article. You will need to fill in the table included in the ‘Library Assignment Worksheet’ posted on Quercus. You will also need to download a PDF of the primary article so that you can upload it with your completed assignment. Please note that you are only required to provide a link to your review article in the assignment worksheet. Carefully follow the instructions on the next few pages. Your TA will go over the expectations during the first meeting.
Topic choice
Your TA will choose the topic for your lab group, and they will communicate this topic during the first meeting. In addition, a list with all topics will be posted on Quercus and you can determine the assigned topic based on your TA’s name, lab section and group.
Please note that this assignment is to be submitted online to Quercus and is due before the start of Lab 4. Submitting this assignment requires uploading two files in total: (1) a Word or PDF file with your answers to the assignment questions and (2) a PDF of your primary research article. More detailed instructions on uploading your assignment are included below.
1. Find a peer-reviewed review article that addresses your topic. Refer to the tutorial and animations in our Library Assignment tab on Quercus for guidance. Also read Appendix 1 at the end of this document.
2. Copy and create a link in your worksheet to your review article. Please note this is how your TA will locate and mark your choice of review article, so make sure your link is accurate.
3. Find a peer-reviewed primary research article that addresses your topic. Again, refer to this document as well as the animations and resources posted on Quercus under ‘Library Assignment’ for guidance.
Note: Your primary research article must cover the same topic as your review article. Hint: The list of sources cited in your review article can be a good place to find primary research articles on the same topic.
4. Download and save a PDF of the primary research article.
5. Download and complete the ‘Library Assignment Worksheet’ that is available on Quercus (available as PDF and a Word document).
a. Use the Council of Science Editors (CSE) style for your citations. Refer to the BIO130 Library Guide: “Citing Sources” section to see how to do this.
b. Note that you will need to view the “Sources of Information” tutorial as well as read
Appendix 1 to complete the table.
6. Submit your assignment on Quercus, by uploading your completed worksheet, and a PDF of your primary article (2 files total). It is helpful to your TA if the files have informative file names. To submit:
a. Click on the ‘Library Assignment Worksheet’ link.
b. Select ‘Submit Assignment’
c. Click ‘Choose File’ and upload your assignment.
d. Click ‘Add Another File’ and repeat (c) to upload your Primary Research Article.
e. Click ‘Submit Assignment’ .
Note: You can resubmit your assignment without penalty until the due date. If you cannot upload the assignment by the due date, there will be a penalty of 10% of the value of the assignment per day late. Assignments more than 24 hours late will not be accepted without documentation.
Appendix 1—Reading and Distinguishing Between Primary Research and Review Articles
Reading Scientific Papers
Biology is a collective enterprise; the growth of our understanding depends on the work and insight of many individuals and on the exchange of data and ideas. Ultimately, biologists must be effective writers because no experiment can contribute to the existing scientific knowledge unless it has been described so others working in the same field can access this information. With so much information out there, to be a successful biology student, and perhaps later an effective research scientist, you will need to develop competent writing skills as well as information-literacy skills. In other words, you need to know how to locate the scholarly work of others, how to critically evaluate these sources, and how to incorporate this information effectively into your own writing.
For this course, you will be required to find and do some reading of original scientific papers for your Library Assignment. The guidelines in this section are intended to help you distinguish between different types of scientific papers. Another goal of the Library Assignment is to learn about the parts of a primary research paper. Understanding the key components of primary research papers will help you to read them more easily. Furthermore, reading research papers will help you develop stronger scientific writing skills and will allow you to more easily read and critically assess scientific literature.
Learn to distinguish primary and secondary sources
Primary sources are reports of original findings and ideas usually found in peer-reviewed research papers, which are published in scholarly journals directed at a specialized scientific audience. There are thousands and thousands of journals. Some (e.g., Nature, Science, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS)) report findings across many disciplines, while others focus on more specialized areas (e.g., Plant Cell Biology). One of your tasks as a student is to become familiar with the key journals in the area you are studying; for this course the area is molecular and cell biology.
In addition to research papers in peer-reviewed journals, other primary sources include conference papers and technical reports of government or private agencies. However, refereed journals area safer source for credible information as the articles have been reviewed and scrutinized by other scientists before being published.
Secondary sources are more general works that are based on primary sources. Some types of secondary sources such as review articles are also written for a specialized knowledgeable audience. Other types of secondary sources are intended for readers with little specific knowledge of the area including magazines such as: American Scientist, Scientific American or The New Scientist. These secondary sources are a good place to start if you want an overview of the area without a lot of unexplained jargon.
Primary Research Article
Ultimately you will need to read the original (primary) source, but this information assumes a thorough understanding of the background information and is therefore a difficult place to start. Primary articles are written by research scientists to inform. the larger scientific community, primarily their specialized peers, of their findings; therefore, the authors assume readers are knowledgeable in the area. Research articles tend to have a very narrow focus. To appreciate the context and relevance of a particular research paper, you may find it easier to read reviews and other secondary sources first.
Review Article
A review article differs significantly from a primary research article. A review article summarizes, synthesizes, and evaluates the concepts and/or results from several research articles on a related topic; thus, authors of review articles compare, contrast, and interpret the work of others. Authors of review articles are themselves experts in the field and bring to the topic an integrated perspective. Original or new data is not introduced in a review, but knowledge of the area is assumed. Authors of review articles are often invited by journal editors to review a topic; other authors write unsolicited reviews.
However, many review articles are not easy to read at first either. Before reading the review, you will need to familiarize yourself with the terms and general concepts in other secondary sources such as a textbook or course lecture notes.
Where do you find review articles? Some journals publish review articles exclusively: Trends in Biochemistry/Genetics/Biotechnology/Microbiology or Current Opinion in Chemical Biology. Many journals have a mixture of primary research and review articles (e.g. Science and Nature).
How do you recognize a review article and distinguish it from primary research? The format of a review article is different from a primary research paper as the review does not present original experimental results. Abstracts may or may not be included, the Materials and Methods section is usually omitted, and tables and graphs are rare except for summarizing comparative data. Often review articles have “Review” or “Minireview” near the title. A review paper typically has a Title, Author(s), Abstract (or Summary), and then the Discussion is the main part of the paper with an extensive list of references at the end.
Components of a primary research paper
Now that you have been introduced to the differences between primary and secondary sources, we will now go into greater detail about the components of a primary research paper.
Primary papers in most scientific journals strictly adhere to a traditional format with Title, Author(s), Abstract (sometimes called Summary), Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, and
References. Although some journals (e.g., Science) do not explicitly print the section headings, the content usually follows in that order.
The context of a paper is set up in the Introduction and elaborated in the Discussion section. The Introduction is a good place to start when reading a paper, especially in areas less familiar to you, as this section frames the scientific question that the paper addresses. The Abstract is a concise description of what was done and the outcome, often given very tersely, and is more difficult to follow than the Introduction.
The Materials and Methods section will contain a description of each technique used by the authors, generally separated by headers. The methods and materials are described in enough detail that someone skilled in the field could repeat the experiments. Therefore, detailed descriptions are not necessary and often the authors reference other papers for details on the techniques used. A growing number of journals provide the Materials and Methods at the end of the article.
The Results section is where the authors will describe the outcomes of their experiments. A scientist will approach a primary paper in his/her own field very critically, paying particular attention to the Results section. The Results are usually presented as a series of tables, graphs, or photographs and a scientist will critically read this section to determine whether the author’s interpretation of the data is correct. In future courses, you will also learn to look at the data carefully, to evaluate the data independently of the author’s own interpretation. A primary research paper typically has one critical figure summarizing the most significant data related to the experimental question – try to pick this figure/table when examining your chosen primary research paper. Usually, the rest of the data are provided to reinforce/supplement this key finding.
The Discussion contains the interpretation of the results and explains how the findings relate to those of others. Often scientists will use the discussion section to explain how their work builds upon or deviates from the work of others and will further justify their results here.