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MME Main Assignment 2025 – Questions
Answer the seven questions below.
Each question carries 10 marks, making a possible total of 70. Your total will be converted to a percentage to give your final mark for the assignment.
Answers will be judged equally on mathematical correctness, and on quality of explanation, as described in:
Mathematical Writing, Explanation, and Proof
In particular: use a ‘running commentary’ style of explanation.
Q1. (a) Show that the function defined by can be expressed as a vector quadratic function in standard form.
HINT: Start by saying how ‘vector quadratic function’ is defined. [3 marks.]
(b) Show that the function defined by is a vector quadratic function. [3 marks.]
(c) Let be a vector quadratic function. Define the function as , where is a variable vector, is a fixed matrix, is a fixed vector, and and have suitable numbers of rows and columns.
Show that is a vector quadratic function, and hence find any critical points of . [4 marks.]
HINT. If you can’t do the problem as it stands, attempt it for the case where all quantities are scalar.
Q2. Let be defined by . Show that can be written as a vector quadratic function in the standard form, and hence solve the unconstrained problem . [10 marks.]
HINT: Pay attention to second-order conditions.
Q3. Recall Week 1 Problems and Answers Q1-6, A1-6, where the following result is shown. (Do not repeat the proof.)
Let , where are parameters, be a scalar quadratic function. Then without using calculus methods (differentiation) we can show that if , then has a unique global minimum at .
Show how to generalize this analysis – again, without using differentiation - so that it applies to vector quadratic functions. [10 marks.]
HINT. To simplify the algebra, you might find it useful to write the expression in the form , using the fact that is symmetric in a vector quadratic expressed in standard form.
Q4. (a) The supply function for makeover consultations is . Supply is measured in hours per week; price is measured in dollars per hour.
The demand function is . Demand is measured in hours per week.
Use Newton’s numerical equation-solving method to find the equilibrium price and quantity in the market for makeover consultations. [3 marks.]
HINT: The first step in the method is to define a function , where we want to solve the equation to obtain the equilibrium price . Initiate the algorithm using the starting value .
(b) Use numerical methods, implemented on a spreadsheet, to find a critical point of the function
, where .
Explain the algebraic aspects of your answer systematically, as well as presenting the numerical calculations neatly. Copy-and-paste your answer from a spreadsheet calculation. Use the starting value . [4 marks.]
HINT: See Week 3 Lecture Slides. Suitable column headings in your spreadsheet are those that appear in one of the examples:
(DET is the determinant of the Hessian.) Note that it is not necessary to work out full algebraic formulae for the last three columns, since they can all be expressed in terms of the previous columns.
HINT: Don’t copy spreadsheet files to each other – it will only end in tears.
(c) Discuss whether the point you have found is a strict local minimum of the function, and briefly describe what other steps should be taken to arrive at a complete solution of the problem. [3 marks.]
Q5. (See Week 4 Course Notes, p. 7). My firm produces a single product, nails, but uses 2 plants, each of which requires inputs of labour and capital.
Plant 1 has production function .
Plant 2 has production function .
Total capital and labour are fixed at and respectively, but I can decide how to allocate each of the factors between the two plants, maximizing total production subject to the resource constraints.
(a) Write down a formal statement of the resulting optimization problem. Say what the choice variables and the parameters are. [2 marks.]
(b) Write down the Lagrangean function, and thereby obtain first-order conditions for the problem. [1 mark.]
(c) Obtain an expression for in terms of the parameters. HINT: You will need to use one of the two constraints. [2 marks.]
(d) Obtain expressions for . [1 mark.]
(e) Describe and obtain the extreme-value function for this problem. [2 marks.]
(f) Interpret any Lagrange multipliers in the problem. [2 marks.]
HINT: The question does not ask you to find the values of these multipliers.
Q6 A function is strictly concave if for all and , where , and for all scalar ,
Using this definition, show that the function is strictly concave. [10 marks.]
HINTS: I recommend you introduce the notation . If you cannot manage the question for general , attempt to work it through for the special (scalar) case , where . There is a similar problem in Week 4 Problems and Answers, Q4-6.
Q7. A company has a linear cost function and a linear production function .
The company has signed a contract, saying that it will produce an amount . The two factors of production and cannot be negative.
(a) Formulate the firm’s minimum cost problem as a formal constrained optimization problem. [1 mark.]
(b) Express the problem in standard Kuhn-Tucker format, and hence obtain the Lagrangean function for the problem. [1 mark.]
(c) State all Kuhn-Tucker necessary conditions for to be a solution of the problem. [2 marks.]
(d) Express the problem in (a) as a primal-format linear programming problem. [2 marks.]
HINT: A primal-format linear programming problem is of the form subject to
(e) Obtain the corresponding dual-format problem. [2 marks.]
(f)Show that if a primal-format linear programming problem subject to and has two (optimal) solutions and , and is a convex combination of and , then is also an optimal solution of the problem. [2 marks.]