代写EECS31L Introduction to Digital Logic Design Lab Winter 2025 Lab 4代写R语言

Introduction to Digital Logic Design Lab


Winter 2025

Lab 4 (100 Points)

Through this course, we want to design a RISC-V Single Cycle Processor.   Here in this Lab, we will work on the Datapath part of the processor.  In Part 1, we again review the RISC-V datapath.  In part 2 we talk about how to design the data memory and in part 3 we talk about designing the datapath and finally in part 4 we test the datapath.

1    Datapath

Figure 1:  RISC-V Datapath.

Figure  1 shows the datapath of a RISC-V single cycle processor.  The instruction execution starts by using the program counter to supply the instruction address to the instruction memory.  After the in- structionis fetched, the register operands used by an instruction are specified by fields of that instruction. Once the register operands have been fetched, they can be operated on to compute a memory address (for a load or store), to compute an arithmetic result (for an integer arithmetic-logical instruction), or an equality check (for a branch).  If the instruction is an arithmetic-logical instruction, the result from the ALU must be written to a register. If the operation is a load or store, the ALU result is used as an address to either store a value from the registers or load a value from memory into the registers.  The result from the ALU or memory is written back into the register file.  The blue lines interconnecting the functional units represent buses, which consist of multiple signals.   The arrows are used to guide the reader in knowing how the information flows.  Since signal lines may cross, we explicitly show when crossing lines are connected by the presence of a dot where the lines cross.

Some of the inputs (RegWrite, ALUSrc, ALUCC, MemRead, MemWrite, MemtoReg) are control signals which are derived by a module named  “Control” .  The control unit will be designed in Lab 5.  Here in this lab, assume you have all the control signals as inputs.

Table 1 shows the list of Instructions that our Datapath supports.

Table 1 : Instruction Set.

Note:  along with the provided  instructions  in Table  1, your datapath needs to support "lw" and  "sw" instructions  too.   Table  2  and  3  show  format  of these  two  data-transfer instructions.

Table 2 : Instruction Set (lw).

Table 3 : Instruction Set (sw).

For this part, you need to save these two instructions into the ”Instruction Memory” that you designed in lab 3.  Add the following two instructions into the instruction memory (as you did in lab 3):

memory[18] = 32’h02b02823; // sw r11, 48(r0) alu result = 32’h00000030

memory[19] = 32’h03002603; // lw r12, 48(r0) alu result = 32’h00000030 , r12 = 32’h00000005

2    Lower Level Modules

As it is shown in Figure 1, there is a top module  (Datapath) and nine lower-level modules  (FlipFlop, Adder, Instr mem, RegFile, Imm Gen, Mux (two instantiations), ALU, data mem).  Eight sub-modules are designed in the previous labs and in this lab, we start by designing the last sub-module which is data mem.

Note:  32-bit ALU design source is provided for you in section 2.2.  You are welcome to use your own design source from Lab 2, if your design source got the full point.

2.1    Data Memory

Same as the Instruction Memory (refer to the previous lab), the Data Memory in our processor is byte addressable. We can store 128 data each with 32 bits (128 x 32).  To address 128 x 4 = 512 bytes, 9 bits are required for address line.  These 9-bits come from the 9 LSBs of the output of the ALU (ALU Result). To read a data, we need an address (addr[8:2] which uses bit 2 to bit 8 from 9-bit addr) and the read enable signal (MemRead). To write a data, we need an address (addr[8:2] which uses bit 2 to bit 8 from 9-bit addr), the write enable signal (MemWrite), and a data to write (write data).

Note:  Use the provided module definition to design your Data Memory.  Otherwise, your submission will not be considered for grading.

Code 1:  Data Memory

1 ‘timescale 1ns / 1ps 2 // Module definition 3 module DataMem ( MemRead , MemWrite , addr , write_data , read_data ); 4 // Define I/O ports 5 6 7 // Describe data_mem behavior. 8 9 10 endmodule // data_mem

2.2    Mux

The MUX on the output of the Data Memory will decide whether the writing data (to the register file) should come from the ALU or come from the Data Memory (refer to Figure 1).  You can use 2-to-1 Mux design from Lab 1. The only diference is that for this datapath, you need to consider size of input data and output data for each 2-to-1 Mux. For example, for the last 2-to-1 Mux in datapath (refer to Figure 1), size of data input is 32 bits. Follow the same rule for the Mux which is before ALU in the datapath.

2.3    32-bit ALU

Code 2:  32-bit ALU

1 module alu_32 ( 2 input [31:0] A_in ,B_in , // ALU 32 bit inputs 3 input [3:0] ALU_Sel , // ALU 4 bits selection 4 output [31:0] ALU_Out , // ALU 32 bits output 5 output reg Carry_Out , 6 output Zero , // 1 bit Zero Flag 7 output reg verflow = 1’b0 // 1 bit Overflow flag 8 ); 9 reg [31:0] ALU_Result ; 10 reg [32:0] temp ; 11 reg [32:0] twos_com ; // to hold 2’sc of second source of ALU 12

13 assign ALU_Out = ALU_Result ; // ALU Out 14 assign Zero = ( ALU_Result == 0); // Zero Flag 15 16 always @ (*) 17 begin 18 verflow = 1’b0; 19 Carry_Out = 1’b0; 20 case ( ALU_Sel ) 21 4’ b0000 : // bit - wise and 22 ALU_Result = A_in & B_in ; 23 24 4’ b0001 : // bit - wise or 25 ALU_Result = A_in | B_in ; 26 27 4’ b0010 : // Signed Addition with Overflow and Carry_out checking 28 begin 29 ALU_Result = $signed ( A_in ) + $signed ( B_in ); 30 temp = {1’b0 , A_in } + {1’b0 , B_in }; 31 Carry_Out = temp [32]; 32 if (( A_in [31] & B_in [31] & ∼ALU_Out [31]) | 33 (∼A_in [31] & ∼B_in [31] & ALU_Out [31])) 34 verflow = 1’b1; 35 else 36 verflow = 1’b0; 37 end 38 39 4’ b0110 : // Signed Subtraction with Overflow checking 40 begin 41 ALU_Result = $signed ( A_in ) - $signed ( B_in ) ; 42 twos_com = ∼( B_in ) + 1’b1; 43 if (( A_in [31] & twos_com [31] & ∼ALU_Out [31]) | 44 (∼A_in [31] & ∼twos_com [31] & ALU_Out [31])) 45 verflow = 1’b1; 46 else 47 verflow = 1’b0; 48 end 49 50 4’ b0111 : // Signed less than comparison 51 ALU_Result = ($signed ( A_in ) < $signed ( B_in ))?32 ’ d1:32’ d0; 52 53 4’ b1100 : // bit - wise nor 54 ALU_Result = ∼( A_in | B_in ); 55 56 4’ b1111 : // Equal comparison 57 ALU_Result = ( A_in == B_in )?32 ’ d1:32’ d0 ; 58 59 default : ALU_Result = A_in + B_in ; 60 endcase 61 end 62 63 endmodule

2.4    Adder

You can directly use the addition operator in Verilog ‘+ ’ to calculate the next pc (PCPlus4 in Figure 1).  Don’t use a separate adder module to calculate PCPlus4.

3    Higher Level Module

Now that we have designed all of the submodules, we can use them as a component and design the Datapath.   Here again, you see the Datapath.   Blue lines are wires used to connect the submodules. Define these blue lines as “wire” and connect the components to complete the Datapath.

Use the following code for the module definition of your Datapath.

For Datapath code, we used lowercase letters for input/output naming. You need to use the exact code samples provided for you to design the Datapath and tb Datapath.  Otherwise, your submission will not be considered for grading.

Careful!  * The port names in the diagram are slightly diferent than the port names in the module definition. When writing your code, please use the port names provided in the module definition.  (The diagram is just provided for visual purposes.).

*Pay attention to the orientation of MUX in the figure (which signals are passed to D0 & D1)

*PC increments by 4 bytes to get the next instruction because RISC-V uses byte-addressable memory.

Code 3:  Datapath

1 module data_path #( 2 parameter PC_W = 8, // Program Counter 3 parameter INS_W = 32, // Instruction Width 4 parameter RF_ADDRESS = 5, // Register File Address 5 parameter DATA_W = 32, // Data WriteData 6 parameter DM_ADDRESS = 9, // Data Memory Address 7 parameter ALU_CC_W = 4 // ALU Control Code Width 8 )( 9 input clk , // CLK in Datapath figure 10 input reset , // Reset in Datapath figure 11 input reg_write , // RegWrite in Datapath figure 12 input mem2reg , // MemtoReg in Datapath figure 13 input alu_src , // ALUSrc in Datapath figure 14 input mem_write , // MemWrite in Datapath Figure 15 input mem_read , // MemRead in Datapath Figure 16 input [ ALU_CC_W -1:0] alu_cc , // ALUCC in Datapath Figure 17 output [6:0] opcode , // opcode in Datapath Figure 18 output [6:0] funct7 , // Funct7 in Datapath Figure 19 output [2:0] funct3 , // Funct3 in Datapath Figure 20 output [ DATA_W -1:0] alu_result // Datapath_Result in Datapath Figure 21 ); 22 23 // Write your code here 24 25 26 endmodule // Datapath

Important Note:  we want you to have separate source files for each of the datapath sub- modules.

4    Test the Datapath

Use the code bellow to test your Datapath design.

Code 4: tb Datapath

1 module dp_tb_top (); 2 3 /** Clock & reset **/ 4 reg clk , rst; 5 always begin 6 #10; 7 clk = ∼clk ; 8 end 9 10 initial begin 11 clk = 0; 12 @( posedge clk ); 13 rst = 1; 14 @( posedge clk ); 15 rst = 0; 16 end 17 18 /** DUT Instantiation **/ 19 wire reg_write ; 20 wire mem2reg ; 21 wire alu_src ; 22 wire mem_write ; 23 wire mem_read ; 24 wire [3:0] alu_cc ; 25 wire [6:0] opcode ; 26 wire [6:0] funct7 ; 27 wire [2:0] funct3 ; 28 wire [31:0] alu_result ; 29 30 data_path dp_inst ( 31 . clk ( clk ), 32 . reset ( rst ), 33 . reg_write ( reg_write ), 34 . mem2reg ( mem2reg ), 35 . alu_src ( alu_src ), 36 . mem_write ( mem_write ), 37 . mem_read ( mem_read ), 38 . alu_cc ( alu_cc ), 39 . opcode ( opcode ), 40 . funct7 ( funct7 ), 41 . funct3 ( funct3 ), 42 . alu_result ( alu_result ) 43 );


45 /** Stimulus **/

46 wire [6:0] R_TYPE , LW , SW , RTypeI ; 47 48 assign R_TYPE = 7’ b0110011 ; 49 assign LW = 7’ b0000011 ; 50 assign SW = 7’ b0100011 ; 51 assign RTypeI = 7’ b0010011 ; 52 53 54 assign alu_src = ( pcode == LW || pcode == SW || pcode == RTypeI ); 55 assign mem2reg = ( pcode == LW ); 56 assign reg_write = ( pcode == R_TYPE || pcode == LW || pcode == RTypeI ); 57 assign mem_read = ( pcode == LW ); 58 assign mem_write = ( pcode == SW ); 59 60 assign alu_cc = (( pcode == R_TYPE || pcode == RTypeI ) 61 && ( funct7 == 7’ b0000000 ) && ( funct3 == 3’ b000 )) ? 4’ b0010 : 62 (( pcode == R_TYPE || pcode == RTypeI ) 63 && ( funct7 == 7’ b0100000 )) ? 4’ b0110 : 64 (( pcode == R_TYPE || pcode == RTypeI ) 65 && ( funct7 == 7’ b0000000 ) && ( funct3 == 3’ b100 )) ? 4’ b1100 : 66 (( pcode == R_TYPE || pcode == RTypeI ) 67 && ( funct7 == 7’ b0000000 ) && ( funct3 == 3’ b110 )) ? 4’ b0001 : 68 (( pcode == R_TYPE || pcode == RTypeI ) 69 && ( funct7 == 7’ b0000000 ) && ( funct3 == 3’ b111 )) ? 4’ b0000 : 70 (( pcode == R_TYPE || pcode == RTypeI ) 71 && ( funct7 == 7’ b0000000 ) && ( funct3 == 3’ b010 )) ? 4’ b0111 : 72 (( pcode == R_TYPE || pcode == RTypeI ) 73 && ( funct3 == 3’ b100 )) ? 4’ b1100 : 74 (( pcode == R_TYPE || pcode == RTypeI ) 75 && ( funct3 == 3’ b110 )) ? 4’ b0001 : 76 (( pcode == R_TYPE || pcode == RTypeI ) 77 && ( funct3 == 3’ b010 )) ? 4’ b0111 : 78 (( pcode == LW || pcode == SW) 79 && ( funct3 == 3’ b010 ))? 4’ b0010 : 0; 80 81 initial begin 82 #420; 83 $finish ; 84 end 85 86 endmodule

Check the outputs (opcode, funct3, funct7, alu result) to see if they are correct.  Put a screenshot of the wave in your report.  Here you see the screenshot of the wave for the datapath:

Note1:  After running the  simulation, you can add modules/signals from the scope tab to add more signals.   After adding the signal to the wave window you re-run the simulation to show the updated values.

Note2: For Windows users, the use of the slicing operator on the ‘instruction’ wire to pass values to the register file input ports ‘rg rd addr1’ , ‘rg rd addr2’ and ‘rg wrt addr’ - as shown below - might result in a faulty output waveform.

Code 5:  Problematic Register File Instance

1 RegFile rf (...; 2 . rg_wrt_addr ( instruction [11:7] ), 3 . rg_rd_addr1 ( instruction [19: 15] ), 4 . rg_rd_addr2 ( instruction [24: 20] ), 5 ... 6 );

Although this issue will not afect the correctness of the module’s functionality, it can be avoided by creating wires and assigning them to the sliced values and finally connecting these new wires to the ports of the register file as follows:

Code 6:  Solution

1 wire [ RF_ADDRESS -1:0] rd_rg_wrt_wire ; 2 wire [ RF_ADDRESS -1:0] rd_rg_addr_wire1 ; 3 wire [ RF_ADDRESS -1:0] rd_rg_addr_wire1 ; 4 5 assign rd_rg_wrt_wire = instruction [11: 7]; 6 assign rd_rg_addr_wire1 = instruction [19: 15]; 7 assign rd_rg_addr_wire2 = instruction [20: 24]; 8 9 RegFile rf (...; 10 . rg_wrt_addr ( rd_rg_wrt_wire ), 11 . rg_rd_addr1 ( rd_rg_addr_wire1 ), 12 . rg_rd_addr2 ( rd_rg_addr_wire2 ), 13 ... 14 );

5    Assignment Deliverable

Your submission should include the following:

•  Block designs  and testbenches.   (FlipFlop.v,  InstMem.v,  RegFile.v,  ImmGen.v,  Mux.v,  ALU.v, DataMem.v, Datapath.v. tb Datapath.v).  Use the files we provided for you with this lab.

•  For the Mux design, consider size of data inputs and change your previous designs to match with the processor datapath (see Figure 1).

•  A report in pdf format.  Follow the rules in the “sample report” .

Note1: Compress all files (10 files :  9 .v files + report.pdf) into zip and upload to the CANVAS before deadline.  Make sure that you submit one  .zip file, otherwise your submission will not be considered for grading.

Note2:  Use the code samples that are given in the lab description.  The module part of your code should exactly look like the code sample otherwise your submission will not be considered for grading.



mktg2509 csci 2600 38170 lng302 csse3010 phas3226 77938 arch1162 engn4536/engn6536 acx5903 comp151101 phl245 cse12 comp9312 stat3016/6016 phas0038 comp2140 6qqmb312 xjco3011 rest0005 ematm0051 5qqmn219 lubs5062m eee8155 cege0100 eap033 artd1109 mat246 etc3430 ecmm462 mis102 inft6800 ddes9903 comp6521 comp9517 comp3331/9331 comp4337 comp6008 comp9414 bu.231.790.81 man00150m csb352h math1041 eengm4100 isys1002 08 6057cem mktg3504 mthm036 mtrx1701 mth3241 eeee3086 cmp-7038b cmp-7000a ints4010 econ2151 infs5710 fins5516 fin3309 fins5510 gsoe9340 math2007 math2036 soee5010 mark3088 infs3605 elec9714 comp2271 ma214 comp2211 infs3604 600426 sit254 acct3091 bbt405 msin0116 com107/com113 mark5826 sit120 comp9021 eco2101 eeen40700 cs253 ece3114 ecmm447 chns3000 math377 itd102 comp9444 comp(2041|9044) econ0060 econ7230 mgt001371 ecs-323 cs6250 mgdi60012 mdia2012 comm221001 comm5000 ma1008 engl642 econ241 com333 math367 mis201 nbs-7041x meek16104 econ2003 comm1190 mbas902 comp-1027 dpst1091 comp7315 eppd1033 m06 ee3025 msci231 bb113/bbs1063 fc709 comp3425 comp9417 econ42915 cb9101 math1102e chme0017 fc307 mkt60104 5522usst litr1-uc6201.200 ee1102 cosc2803 math39512 omp9727 int2067/int5051 bsb151 mgt253 fc021 babs2202 mis2002s phya21 18-213 cege0012 mdia1002 math38032 mech5125 07 cisc102 mgx3110 cs240 11175 fin3020s eco3420 ictten622 comp9727 cpt111 de114102d mgm320h5s bafi1019 math21112 efim20036 mn-3503 fins5568 110.807 bcpm000028 info6030 bma0092 bcpm0054 math20212 ce335 cs365 cenv6141 ftec5580 math2010 ec3450 comm1170 ecmt1010 csci-ua.0480-003 econ12-200 ib3960 ectb60h3f cs247—assignment tk3163 ics3u ib3j80 comp20008 comp9334 eppd1063 acct2343 cct109 isys1055/3412 math350-real math2014 eec180 stat141b econ2101 msinm014/msing014/msing014b fit2004 comp643 bu1002 cm2030
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