代写Homework 6: Measuring Binary Search Trees and AVL Trees代做留学生C/C++语言

Homework 6: Measuring Binary Search Trees and AVL Trees

Overview and Objectives

Organization of Classes and Files

Empirical Testing of Data Structures

         Sample spreadsheet for your data - make a copy

How to Test

Challenge Bonus Problem!

How to Submit

Overview and Objectives

Homework 6 is similar to Homework 3 and Homework 5, but instead implements two different kinds of binary search trees. Write the same methods for two different implementations of binary search trees— regular binary search tree and self-balancing AVL tree—and measure their performance empirically.

Binary search trees satisfy the property that the key of each internal node is greater than all the keys in the respective node's left subtree and less than the ones in its right subtree. This property allows us to use an algorithm similar to binary search for insert(), find(), and remove(). The latter two operations may cause the tree to become less balanced, resulting in a degradation in performance for find().

A self-balancing tree can use property preserving rotations of groups of tree nodes to help keep the tree more balanced to ensure the performance of insert(), find(), and remove() are proportional to lgN, where N is the number of keys in the binary search tree.

AVL Tree is one such self-balancing tree, which features two different types of rotation (single or double), each with two variants (left or right).  Red-Black trees are another, which has 14 different rotations, making it less suitable for implementation in a Homework project.

With each algorithm, it is important to identify what situation might cause the worst case execution time. We measure both the worst case execution time observed, the average case, and the best case. But most importantly, we want to understand what situations will cause each of these to occur. Run your program and collect measurements for the input test files: random.txt (which are randomly shuffled) and sorted.txt (which are sorted into ascending alphabetical order ignoring letter case). Your program should not ignore letter cases, so the words that start with an uppercase letter will all come before any words that start with a lowercase letter.

Again, write many helper functions to do the hard work for the public methods. Not only does this practice keep our functions small and easier to understand/debug, this design allows us to use recursion if we wish to implement shorter and more elegant solutions.

All three operations will have the same time complexity, because they are each proportional to O(h), where h is the height of the binary search tree. If things go well, h is proportional to jgN. However, in regular binary search trees, h can be proportional to N if the tree is skewed to the left or to the right.  This skewing results from inserting keys that are somewhat sorted (in either ascending or descending order).

Also, it is time to practice more C++! This is an ideal time for another iterator and to practice converting a class to be a template. Write an iterator for BST, and convert your BST hierarchy into a template where the types for both key and value are parameterized.

Organization of Classes and Files

Define a class hierarchy with a base class, named BST, and two derived classes named BSTree and AVLTree, with the public methods and the private helper functions provided in BST.h. Again, define a simple framework for measuring the performance of the methods insert(), find(), and remove(). Your goal is to understand the behaviors of both balanced and unbalanced binary search trees given different ordering of input data (one random and the other sorted).

Keep your functions small and clean, so they are easier to understand, debug, and reuse!! Give each function a good name, descriptive of its purpose, with good parameters also with descriptive names.

Some of the code you wrote in earlier homework assignments is reusable for Homework 6.

Code for bst.h and other needed files is provided on the hw6 repo on GitHub.

We also need class TreeNode— a helper class to implement a binary search tree—with three essential data members:  key of type std::string, and left and right of type TreeNode*.  We also add value (of any type) when implementing a map (as opposed to a set), and int height required for the balanced AVL tree.  Use these names, so we are all speaking the same language. Do not add any other data members. Definitely do not add getters/setters.

Each BST will have one important data member TreeNode * root, which is the pointer to access our linked tree, similar to how ListNode * head is the pointer to access our singly linked list contained within our classes. We add string name, and int count for better information output by our measurement framework.

Data members root, count, name, class TreeNode, and methods find(), print(), and the iterator will be the same for both concrete types of BSTs. Factor them out and move them up to the BST class, so now we need to define them only once, and then they are inherited by the derived classes (BSTree and AVLTree).

Write a random-access iterator for BST.  Write it once at the BST level, and it will work for both concrete BST implementations. Use your iterators to write print methods for each concrete class.  The print method should be

void print(ostream & out) {

for (auto e : *this)

out << e << ‘ ‘;


Empirical Testing of Data Structures

In the same way as with earlier Homework assignments, empirically measure the execution times of the operations insert(), find(), and remove() for both of our BSTs with std::string and with large sample input files derived from the Linux dictionary. The file random.txt is a random shuffle of these words, and sorted.txt is a sorted list of these same words. Each file has 45,392 words, a reasonably large N. This number is defined as constexpr NWORDS at the top of bst.h.

Using a BST means that we DO care what order the entries are in, so we can define three different traversals: in-order, pre-order, and post-order.  in-order will allow us to visit the nodes in alphabetical order, and you can imagine having different iterators for each type of traversal. However, we will only implement the in-order traversal for our BST::iterator.

Use the same measurement technique as in earlier homework assignments, which divides the data into K partitions, then measures performance of each algorithm (insert(), find(), remove()) for each concrete data structure (BSTree and AVLTree) and for each input file (random.txt and sorted.txt).

Sample spreadsheet for your data - make a copy


How to Test

Write good GTests for class BST.  Apply them to both concrete implementations of binary search trees. We may provide some GTests on the GitHub hw6 repo, but you must practice and reinforce the habit of writing good GTests for your programs each week.

Be sure to print out your lists to verify they are in sorted order when using an in-order traversal! Create a smaller input file for initial testing until you are convinced your program is working correctly. I created two sample files shortrandom.txt and shortsorted.txt that I found useful for initial testing and debugging. Once your program seems to be working correctly, run it on the full word file. Try it on both random.txt and sorted.txt to see how they compare.

Mentally trace (execute) every function you write on a simple input test case to strengthen your skill in mental debugging! You will be amazed how much time it will save you in debugging. As you spend less time debugging and more time creating programs, programming becomes much more enjoyable. Always keep your functions small, and be eager to invent helper functions - even if they are one-liners.  Writing small functions and mental tracing for debugging is the path to enjoying programming!

Challenge Bonus Problem!

To challenge yourself and get a headstart on preparing for job interviews, solve this LeetCode Medium problem. Always start solving by writing on paper or on a whiteboard. Devise the simple, obvious solution first, then consider how you can make it more efficient using what you know about algorithms and data structures. How can you identify that using a binary search tree leads to a superior solution?

How to Submit

In GradeScope for Homework 6, upload from GitHub these files detailed above:

· .Analysis_46HW6

· timer.h

· bst.h

· bst.cpp (initially EMPTY)

· bstree.h

· bstree.cpp (initially EMPTY)

· avltree.h

· avltree.cpp (initially EMPTY)

· main.cpp




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