代做ES3 51Z Imagery of the Environment代做Matlab编程

ES3 51Z Imagery of the Environment

Winter ‘24

Course Description:

Imagery of the Environment takes a unique approach to Environmental Studies---what can world art teach us about environmental change and about our past and present relationships with nature?  We’ll explore different cultures and times, investigating themes such as climate change, species extinction and distribution, conservation efforts, and our practical, spiritual and ethical ties to other species and to the Earth---using art (all 30,000 + years of it!) as a tool and inspiration.  I’m very excited about this GE course! Welcome to the class!


After completing lecture and summary assignments you will be able to:

· Discover how depictions of nature can serve as important historical indicators of environmental change.

· Explore what nature-based imagery can teach us about the distribution, composition and/or extinctions of species worldwide.

· Assess human impacts on the environment as evidenced in visual imagery.

· Explore the themes and styles used in environmental imagery, both culturally and through time.

· Analyze techniques of creation, including petroglyphs, rock paintings and sculpture.

· Examine changing cultural and world views of nature as evidenced in environmental imagery.

· Discover how environmental imagery has been used as advertisement, turning nature into commodity.

· Explore the themes of the artist as naturalist/scientist and conservationist, in the past and today.

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Student Learning Outcomes:

· Assess and apply the criteria and objectives necessary to be successful in the Imagery of the Environment class.

· Synthesize and evaluate the results/effects of historic art/environmental traditions (for example--biologists and the Renaissance; art of the Indian tiger; Chinese landscape art; Ansel Adams and landscape photography; Alexander Hogue and the Dust Bowl; species loss and Paleolithic cave art etc.).

Recommended text:

 Johnson, Cathy 1997 "The Sierra Club Guide to Sketching in Nature", Available via Amazon.com etc. or 3 copies will be on reserve at the Stewardship Resource Center (SRC) at the Kirsch Center (with limited checkout time). The book is out of print but both new and used are still available and either edition is fine.


· Artist’s drawing pad with good quality (9”x 12” drawing paper not too rough and not too smooth) available in the college bookstore, Aaron Brothers etc.

· drawing pencils- I recommend 3B, HB and 3H. no charcoal pencils or colored pencils etc.

· eraser- plastic and kneaded erasers

· sharpener

· An inquiring mind and eye!

· A willingness to be still & quiet, to sit and observe.

This is not an art class and no prior art experience is required!!! The art assignments are just an opportunity to gain hands on experience of the art process but are a significant part of the total points required to pass the class.

The Course:

Please view the orientation power point lecture posted along with the syllabus in the introductory module on Canvas at the top of the class page, for an overview of the class.

Student Introduction and Quarter Summary:

The first assignment gives me and your classmates a chance to hear about you, your goals and background. The second assignment is due at the end of the quarter and is a summary of how the quarter went for you regarding the art assignments and which unit had the most impact and why. Both assignments are worth 5 points each. Check due date list for due date.

Class discussion posts:

There will be 4 discussion posts that you will be required to comment on. They will not require any outside research but your own experience and opinion. I will be giving a prompt question that you will base your post on and hopefully spark conversations within the class. Each is worth 5 points.

Weekly quizzes:  

There will be (9) 1-2 hour narrated video lectures, 2 per week. Accessing the Lecture videos is done through 3C media Solutions. The lecture playlist link is, this link is included throughout the Canvas class site:         http://www.3cmediasolutions.org/playlists/646

You will see the complete list of lectures for the quarter, in the order they are presented on the site. Click on the lecture you want to view, and it will load in the screen at the top. There will be a quiz which includes 4-5 questions based on information presented in each lecture. Two unit quizzes will be posted every week and due the following week. The 1st quiz of the week is due the following Tuesday and the second is due the following Thursday, both before 11:30 pm of that day. The answers come directly from the audio lectures which can be accessed throughout the quarter. No additional research is necessary but of course encouraged. Sound capability on your computer is important to hear the lecture information and answer the questions. Points are based on clear and complete answers. Cutting and pasting passages from published work or the lecture notes is not allowed and if done, credit will not be given.

Art Portfolio:

There will be three studio art sessions during the quarter. All three lecture sessions will be viewed on videos using your class 3c media solutions video list.  I will be introducing various techniques and the drawing assignments. You will complete (3) drawing assignments, (1) drawing will be completed during each session. The drawing assignments will be submitted through Canvas during the last week of the quarter as a power point. You will need to scan and save your images onto your computer then click and drag them into a power point document with just the images and their labels. Drawings will be graded only on time and effort invested and whether the drawing satisfies the requirements of the assignment. Additional sketches on your own time and choosing, as long as the subject is from nature, can be submitted with the your art assignments and will be counted as extra credit. Practice, Practice, Practice!!! You will be required to use your own NATURAL subjects, no photos.

Final Presentation Project: 

You will investigate a theme related to this class and prepare a module (using power point etc.) A written slide by slide narrative summary on the subject will also be handed in. Both are due the last week as your final. Start thinking about possible topics, what you’re interested in, maybe a subject I introduce in lecture but don’t delve into with detail. A power point explaining the project further is available on Canvas in the first module at the top of the class canvas site. Your subject ideas will need to be OK' d by me before starting the project, see the calendar at the end of this syllabus for the due date.

Research Summary:

There will be a 1-page (350 words at least) research summary paper on an endangered species that you will choose from the list provided in the assignment information in the week 3 module. As part of this assignment, you are required to  share and discuss solutions for saving the species you chose in endangered species solutions discussion post. Check the calendar for the due dates.

Video Write Ups:

You will be viewing 1 short video and 1 longer video during the quarter. Write ups are assigned to summarize the information presented and will be submitted through Canvas. These videos enhance the information presented in the lecture and are a valuable resource.

Article Summaries:

There will be articles posted relating to some of the units for further research. You are to choose (3) out of the 4 posted to read and write a summary about the important points the article presents. I encourage you to read all the articles and choose 3 that impacted or interested you the most. Due dates for these write ups are at the end of the quarter along with your art assignments and presentations. Any summary you submit beyond the 3 required will be considered extra credit.


 Weekly lecture quizzes             135 pts. (9 @ 15 pt. each)

 video write ups      25 pts.(#1 =10pts + #2=15pts)

 Research Summary    30 pts (20 for summary +

        10 for solutions post)

 Final assessment project             100 pts.(75 pts. power point

        25 pts. write up)

 Art Assignments    75 pts.(3 @ 25 pt. each)

  Introductions & end of quarter posts 10 pts. (5 pts. each)

 Class Discussion posts   20 pts. (4 @ 5pt. each)

 Article Summaries    30 pts.  (3 @ 10 pts. each)

Total possible point       425 points possible 

late assignments will receive 1-point deductions for every day that it is late!

Grading scale for your final course grade:

A= 90% - 100%

B= 80% - 89%

C= 70% - 79%

D= 60% - 69%

F = under 60%



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