代做MARK2051 Consumer Behaviour - 2025代做留学生SQL语言

MARK2051 Consumer Behaviour - 2025

General Course Information

Course Code :  MARK2051

Year :  2025

Term :  Term 1

Teaching Period :  T1

Is a multi-term course? :  No

Academic Unit :  School of Marketing

Course Details & Outcomes

Course Description

The need for marketers to understand why consumers act as they do in the marketplace is the crux of this subject. You are equipped with theoretical and conceptual knowledge of consumer behaviour, drawing heavily on both psychological and sociological viewpoints. This includes the psychology of individual decision-making and choice, patterns of behaviour exhibited by aggregate groups of consumers, and also the sociological and cultural infuences on consumer attitudes and behaviour. This prepares you for making informed decisions about how to manage and respond to the needs and wants of consumers.

Course Aims

The objective of MARK2051 Consumer Behaviour is to develop an appreciation and understanding of the core aspects of consumer psychology. The course is relevant to those of you who want to understand a human behaviour from an economic and marketing perspective. The aim is to prepare you for a future role as marketing managers, consultants or advisors. The goal is to improve your ability to understand, critically analyse, and apply current research in consumer behaviour to concrete management problems.

Relationship to Other Courses

The aim of this course is to develop an appreciation and understanding of the core aspects of consumer psychology. The course is relevant to those of you who want to understand human behaviour from an economic and marketing perspective. The aim is to prepare you for a future role as marketing managers, consultants, or advisors. The goal is to improve your ability to understand, critically analyse, and apply current research in consumer behaviour to concrete management problems.

Course Learning Outcomes

Course Learning Outcomes

Program learning outcomes

CLO1 : Articulate major concepts and research

in specifc marketing, economic, and

psychology areas which have relevance to consumer behaviour.

PLO1 : Business Knowledge

• PLO6 : Global and Cultural Competence

CLO2 : Defne and analyse how consumer behaviour is conducted and translated into practical knowledge.

PLO1 : Business Knowledge

PLO2 : Problem Solving

• PLO6 : Global and Cultural Competence

CLO3 : Think critically, independently, and creatively about consumer behaviour concepts and application.

• PLO6 : Global and Cultural Competence

• PLO7 : Leadership Development

CLO4 : Apply consumer behaviour concepts to construct practical solutions and effective marketing strategies.

PLO2 : Problem Solving

PLO4 : Teamwork

• PLO5 : Responsible Business Practice

• PLO6 : Global and Cultural Competence

CLO5 : Communicate ideas succinctly and professionally for a specifed audience.

PLO1 : Business Knowledge

• PLO3 : Business Communication

CLO6 : Work efciently and effectively in both individual and collaborative conditions to

achieve discipline-specifc outcomes

PLO4 : Teamwork

• PLO5 : Responsible Business Practice

Course Learning Outcomes

Assessment Item

CLO1 : Articulate major concepts and research

in specifc marketing, economic, and

psychology areas which have relevance to consumer behaviour.

• Online Activities - Tutorial Preparation


• Group Project

CLO2 : Defne and analyse how consumer behaviour is conducted and translated into practical knowledge.

• Online Activities - Tutorial Preparation


• Group Project

CLO3 : Think critically, independently, and

creatively about consumer behaviour concepts and application.

• Online Activities - Tutorial Preparation


• Group Project

CLO4 : Apply consumer behaviour concepts to construct practical solutions and effective marketing strategies.

• Online Activities - Tutorial Preparation


• Group Project

CLO5 : Communicate ideas succinctly and professionally for a specifed audience.

• Online Activities - Tutorial Preparation


• Group Project

CLO6 : Work efciently and effectively in both individual and collaborative conditions to

achieve discipline-specifc outcomes

• Group Project

Learning and Teaching Technologies

Moodle - Learning Management System | Echo 360 | Zoom

Learning and Teaching in this course

We will vary the pace by having a mix of formal lectures, group activities, and self-study.

The course is designed to challenge you, encourage you to think for yourselves, and take responsibility for your own learning. Thus, emphasis is placed on self-directed as well as active learning during discussions and application tasks. The primary aim of the lectures is to introduce you to the theory and concepts of consumer behaviour in an involving and stimulating environment. Use of video, audio, examples and lecture activities is made in that respect. Class/ tutorial activities on the other hand encourage self-directed learning and practical application of key concepts to marketing problems.To obtain full benefts from this course, I suggest you extend yourself beyond your comfort zone. There is a course textbook read it, but keep in mind it is for your background information. The course is developed to provide value by teaching "above and beyond the book." I will share the most recent insights in the feld that are not yet in any textbook.

In particular, many of the readings will highlight alternative perspectives and they will help you honeyour skills in making critical evaluations.



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QQ: 99515681