代写CS&D 210: The Neural Bases of Communication Summer, 2023代写留学生Matlab语言程序

CS&D 210: The Neural Bases of Communication

Department of Communicative Disorders

Summer, 2023

Official Course Description: Considers the neural basis for communicative behaviors. Provides understanding of the anatomy, physiology and physiopathy of the central and peripheral nervous systems as they relate to normal and disordered communication.

Credits: 3

Meeting Time and Location: online, asynchronous

Requisites: Sophomore standing or consent of instructor

Course Designations and Attributes: General Education; CS&D major requirement


• Breadth – Biological Sciences counts towards the Natural Sciences requirements

• Level – Intermediate

• L&S Credit – Counts as Liberal Arts and Science credit in L&S

• NOT repeatable for credit.

Canvas Course URL: https://canvas.wisc.edu/courses/349450


One UW credit equals the learning that takes place in at least 45 hours of learning activities. This is a 3-credit course, equaling at least 135 hours of learning activities. This does not include taking quizzes and exams.

This condensed course carries the expectation that students will dedicate 17 hrs/week to working on course learning activities (roughly 2.5 hours every day, 7 days a week). Students must plan their time wisely.

Students will read the learning objectives, watch/listen to lecture recordings, read materials and book chapters, interact with the online brain atlas, study, and complete one written assignment that is a critical appraisal of a book dealing with a communication disorder, in addition to taking quizzes and exams. The syllabus includes more information about assignments and expectations for student work.


This is summer semester course presented in an online style. with asynchronous format. The modules are thematic, based on the structure and function of the nervous system as they pertain to communication function and dysfunction. Each module represents 1 week of this 8-week course. Each modules opens 1 week prior to assignments, but the instructor will be handling questions and discussions pertaining to learning objectives for the assigned week.

Content delivery is an introductory audio+ PowerPoint recording with major themes, accompanied by written course materials/slides from the PowerPoints and assigned readings from the textbook as well as hyperlinks to video examples. There is also an online, interactive brain atlas. Additional focus for each unit is available through the “extras” section in each module.


This course provides an overview on how the brain controls functions that are related to communication. The learner will acquire knowledge on basic anatomy and physiology of the nervous system, with focus on speech, language, hearing, and cognition. Further, the learner will understand how diseases, trauma, and aging may affect these functions.

The following are the overarching themes that guide the structure and content of the course.

• Communication is vital for survival and quality of life.

• Communication is multi-modal and thus the control of communication by the brain is complex.

• Despite the complexity of the neural control of communication, there are some organizing principles that help us learn how to diagnose and treat disorders of communicative function.

• Knowing how normal function breaks down with diseases or conditions that affect communication helps to inform. and improve diagnosis and treatment of communication disorders.

At the end of the course, the learner will be able to:

1. Use appropriate terminology related to the study of neuroanatomy and neurophysiology.

2. Identify key structures of the central and peripheral nervous systems.

3. Describe the basic development of the nervous system.

4. Describe the major components of the vascular and cerebral spinal fluid systems to the brain and spinal cord.

5. Describe the parts of a neuron, as well as the basic neurophysiology of how neurons conduct electrical and chemical signaling within the nervous system.

6. Differentiate between the following in terms of function and impairment: upper motoneurons, lower motoneurons, corticobulbar tract, corticospinal tract.

7. Describe the basic components of the sensorimotor system, including the basal ganglia, cerebellum, thalamus, primary and association cortices, and ascending and descending pathways.

8. Perform. a basic cranial nerve exam.

9. Identify the basic neural components of the visual and auditory systems.

10. Describe the major neural components that contribute to speech motor control and how damage to these contributes to motor speech disorders.

11. Identify the major language areas of the brain and describe how patterns of damage contribute to the various manifestations of language disorders.

12. Define higher order functions of the brain and explain how deficits manifest in patients.

More specific learning objectives are posted for each module.

GRADES                           (How your learning outcome will be measured)                  Weighted Grades

           1 Course Project (written assignment on canvas) 100 pts                                          20%

          11 Quizzes (open book) 10 pts each                                                                         22%

           8 Weekly Module Discussions                                                                                   8%

           2 Tests (closed book) 100 pts each                                                                          20%

           1 Final Exam Notes Sheet                                                                                        3%

           1 Final Comprehensive Exam (closed book) 200 pts                                                   25%

           1 End of Course Reflection                                                                                       2%

                                                                                                        Total                       100%

Scale: 93-100%=A 88-92.99%=AB 81-87.99%=B 76-80.99%=BC 69-75.99%=C 59-68.99%=D >59%= F

*I do not round up. Therefore, 92.99 = AB, 87.99 = B, and so on.



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