代写COMP S311、代做Java编程语言
Advanced Java Programming and
Mobile Application Development
Autumn 2024 Presentation
Assignment 03
Please submit this assignment to OLE by 10 February 2025
COMP S311 Assignment 03 (Autumn 2024)
This assignment covers COMPS 311 Units 6 to 7. You will attempt problems related to
resources, layout, fragments, networking and concurrency. Hope you will enjoy this
Kevin Tse

COMP S311 Assignment 03 (Autumn 2024)
Question 1 – Basics and resources [20 marks]
In this question, you create an Android app that displays some text according to the device
- The name of the app is “COMPS311A3”, and the package name of the app (i.e. app id)
is “comps311.a3.q1”.
- By default, the app displays your name in English, your student ID, and the current
time in three lines.
The following are sample outputs when the app is.
Submit one whole Android project that contains all your work for this question.

COMP S311 Assignment 03 (Autumn 2024)
Question 2 – Layout and UI [40 marks]
In this question, you develop a simple calculator app. A skeleton project, called Calculator,
is provided to you. Complete the app according to the following screenshots and
COMP S311 Assignment 03 (Autumn 2024)
a. Modify the default/portrait activity_main.xml layout (included in the skeleton
project) to add the 17 buttons (0, 1, …, 9, . the dot, =, +, -, *, /, C) under the output
b. Create a new activity_main.xml landscape layout that contains the same
components in the default layout (with the same IDs).
c. In the MainActivity class, modify the onCreate method as follows:
o Fill in the buttonIDs integer array with the IDs of the 17 buttons.
o In the for-loop, find the button from the ID and set up the button’s click listener. The click-listener puts the text (label) of the button to the
CalculatorData (using the enter method), obtains the output of the
CalculatorData (using the getOutput method), and displays the output
to the UI.
d. Create an XML menu file; in the file, create an “About” options menu item and show
it as an action item. You may use a built-in Android drawable resource as its icon.
When the item is selected, an “About” dialog box appears to show your name and
your student ID.
e. Create three options menu items “Large text size”, “Medium text size”, and
“Small text size”. These menu items are checkable, mutually exclusive, and in a
group. They control the text size of the output display. To set the text size in code,
you may use the constants SMALL_TEXT_SIZE, MEDIUM_TEXT_SIZE, and
LARGE_TEXT_SIZE in the MainActivity class.
Submit one whole Android project that contains all your work for this question.

COMP S311 Assignment 03 (Autumn 2024)
Question 3 – Fragments, networking and
concurrency [40 marks]
In this question, you develop an Android that views protocol and host of an URL. A skeleton
project, called UrlInfo, is provided to you. Complete the project by working through the
following tasks.
a. In the MainActivity class, create and show the MainFragment when the app
starts. The main screen is similar to the left screenshot shown below.
b. In the MainFragment class, set up the “Get URL Info” button to determine the
protocol and host of the input URL. Display the result in the result field; in case of
error, display the error message instead. Note that multithreading should be applied in
network communication in order to maintain responsiveness of user interface. Also,
you should execute all the UI operations in the UI thread.
c. In the MainFragment class, append a history message to the MainActivity’s
history object (StringBuilder) after the protocol and host have been retrieved
by clicking on the "Get URL Info" button. For a history message, it contains the
protocol, host, and the surfing date/time; in case of error, no history message should
be logged. Refer to the right screenshot below for some example history messages.
d. In the MainFragment class, set up the “View History” button to show the history
e. Create a HistoryFragment class and its associated fragment_history.xml
layout, for displaying the MainActivity’s history result. Refer to the right
screenshot below.
The following screenshots show the main screen (left) and history screen (right) of the app.
Submit one whole Android project that contains all your work for this question.
COMP S311 Assignment 03 (Autumn 2024)
End of Assignment
COMP S311 Assignment 03 (Autumn 2024)
Appendix A Assignment Submission Format
• Submit a report containing answer to the required questions. Your report should be
stored in a Word format.
• You should then ZIP up the report document with other required files (such as Java
program files). Name the ZIP file in the format of Assignment03-
SXXXXXXXX.zip, where XXXXXXXX is your student ID.
• Submit the ZIP file to the OLE Assignment Submission system.
• If you have a difficulty with submission, please discuss with your tutor or the course
Appendix B Extension Application
• Please submit the assignments on or before the cut-off dates.
• Your tutor is authorized to grant extension of up to seven days.
• Only in the circumstances of sickness (with medical proof), long business trips (at
least a week long and happen within 2 weeks of the cut-off dates), and exceptional
events would extension of 8 to 21 days be considered. Please apply through the
OLE Assignment Records and Extension System. You may be required to send in
supporting documents.
• No marks will be awarded for any late assignments without prior approval obtained
from the Course Coordinator and/or the Dean.
• If you are in an exceptionally difficult situation and unable to submit within 21 days,



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