代做FST 102 TEST # 1 REVIEW GUIDE代做Statistics统计


Week 1


  Belasco Chapter 1: Why Study Food?

  Food Studies – A Hands-on Guide, Chapter 1 – From Foodie to Food Studies

Key Concepts/Terms: Food Culture, Food systems, Foodways, Gastronomy, Foodie, Food voice; Food Studies

Reading Guide Questions:

i.        What makes food worthy of academic study?

ii.       What distinguishes a “foodie” from a “food scholar”?

iii.      According to Warren Belasco (2008), what are the three major considerations that guide people’s decisions on what to eat?

iv.       What changes in popular culture have contributed to the obsession with food?

Week 2


  Food and Society, Chapter 1

  Nesheim et al (2015): The US Food and Agriculture System as a Complex Adaptive System

Key Concepts/Terms: Comfort foods, social inequality, structuralist perspective, structuralism, social constructionism,

Reading Guide Question:

i.         Explain these characteristics of a Complex Adaptive System and how they apply to the  U.S. food and agriculture system:

a.  Individuality & Adaptation

b.  Feedback & Interdependence

c.  Heterogeneity

d.  Spatial Complexity

e.  Dynamic Complexity

Week 3


  Food and Society, Chapter 2

  Food Studies – A Hands-on Guide, Chapter 3 – Food, Identity, and Culture

Key Concepts/Terms: Identity work, Food as status symbols, Cuisine, Social solidarity, Third places, Food as a social unifier, Invented traditions, Imagined communities, Ethnic revival, Neo- ethnicity, Corporatization, Cultural capital, Culinary capital, Culinary tourism, Authenticity, Feeding work, “Columbusing” , Soul food

Reading Guide Questions:

i.         In what ways do food choices reflect one’s identity?

ii.       Why do some Native Americans contest the notion of national unity depicted by Thanksgiving?

iii.       How does one appreciate food diversity without diminishing or overlooking the sovereignty and integrity of the originating communities?

iv.       Why is “authenticity” a contested notion when it is used to refer to a cuisine?

Week 4


  Food and Society, Chapter 4

  Listen: The Maintenance Phase: “The Body Mass Index” .

  Watch Fattitude:https://search-alexanderstreet-

com.libezproxy2.syr.edu/view/work/bibliographic_entity%7Cvideo_work%7Cmind-mhs- 3Y0dX0VDJY

Key Concepts/Terms: Claim makers; functional foods; health halo; superfoods; fat stigma; fat activists; fat acceptance; obesogenic environments; social construction of healthy eating;  superfoods; US Dietary Guidelines; Medicalization of fatness; Body Mass Index (BMI); Health at Every Size movement (HAES); Downstream approaches; Upstream approaches.

Reading Guide Questions:

i.         How is healthy eating socially constructed?

ii.       What are the impacts of the medical model of obesity?

iii.      What are the shortcomings of the BMI as a measure of health?

iv.       What is the difference between upstream and downstream approaches to addressing obesity?

v.        What are the five principles of the Health at Every Size Movement?

Week 5


  Food and Society, Chapter 3

Key Concepts/Terms: Mise en place, Emotional labor, Emotion management

Reading Guide Questions:

i.        Why is there a separation of the “back of the house” from the “front of the house”?

ii.       Why should the labor/hard work that goes into the dining experience remain invisible to the diners?

iii.       How does dining out (especially fine dining) demonstrate or accumulate culinary capital?

iv.       How do TV cooking shows compare to the actual work of cooking?



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