CSE3666: Introduction to Computer Architecture
Spring 2025
Course information
Course Number and Title: CSE 3666 Introduction to Computer Architecture
Credits: 3
Prerequisites: CSE 2050 or 2100; open only to students in the College of Engineering and declared Computer Science minors. Not open for credit after passing CSE 2304, 4302, or 4950.
Course description
Structure and operation of digital systems and computers. Instruction sets and assembly language. Integer and floating-point arithmetic. Machine organization, control and datapaths, pipeline, and the memory hierarchy.
David A. Patterson and John L. Hennessy. Computer Organization and Design RISC-V Edition: The Hardware Software Interface (The Morgan Kaufmann Series in Computer Architecture and Design) 2nd Edition, Morgan Kaufmann. Dec 2020. ISBN-13: 978-0128203316.
Course Goals and Objectives
1. Represent data (e.g., integers, floating-point numbers, instructions.) with bits.
2. Program with RISC-V instructions (computing with instructions).
3. Design an instruction set architecture (ISA). For example, describe types of instructions, encode/decode instructions, and identify and apply good design principles.
4. Design digital circuits (e.g., arithmetic-logic unit) with logic gates.
5. Design a processor that supports a specified ISA.
6. Design a processor pipeline and handle data and control hazards.
7. Design memory cache in a computer system.
8. Evaluate the performance of a computer system. The course schedule will be posted online separately.
Syllabus information maybe subject to change, with the exception of materials for purchase.
Lectures, labs, and exams
Lectures, labs and exams are in person.
• 001, Tue and Thur, 12:30PM – 1:45PM, Prof. Shi, MCHU 101
• 011, Tue and Thur, 2:00PM – 3:15PM, Prof. Scoggin, CAST 212
• Lab 002L, Mon 11:15AM - 12:05PM, E2 306
• Lab 003L, Mon 12:20PM - 1:10PM, E2 306
• Lab 004L, Mon 1:25PM - 2:15PM, E2 306
• Lab 005L, Mon 2:30PM - 3:20PM, E2 306
• Lab 006L, Mon 3:35PM - 4:25PM, E2 306
• Lab 012L, Mon 9:05AM – 9:55AM, ITE 134
• Lab 013L, Mon 10:10AM – 11AM, ITE 134
• Lab 014L, Mon 11:15AM – 12:05PM, ITE 134
• Lab 015L, Mon 12:20PM-1:10PM, ITE 134
• Lab 016L, Mon 1:25PM-2:15PM, ITE 134
Exams 1 and 2 are held at night, starting at 6:45 PM. Both exams will be in ITE C80. We may adjust the starting time slightly.
• Exam 1 is on Wed, 02/26/25.
• Exam 2 is on Wed, 4/16/25.
• The final exam will beheld during finals week. It is scheduled by the registrar’s office.
Students’ final grade is based on the following components:
• 5% Lecture Participation
• 10% Labs
o Performance (auto and manual grades): 5%
o Lab Participation: 5%
• 15% Homework
• 70% Exams
o min(Exam 1, Exam 2): 10%
o max(Exam 1, Exam 2): 25%
o Final Exam: 35%
The final grade is based on the weighted total of components in the course. Students can estimate their grade using the following table. The instructors reserve the right to adjust the thresholds and apply + or – to grades near thresholds.
Level of Mastery
Letter Grade
Expected floor