PMS4101 GIS and Managing Smart City
Term (2) 2024/25
Assignment 1
Due Date: 13 February 2025 (Thu) at 11:59 pm
(Please submit via Moodle, 15% mark will be deducted for late submission per day) Total mark: 50
This assignment covers lecture and tutorial materials in Week 2 and 3.
Please submit the map URL and your answers in.pdffile with your name and SID.
Task 1: Digitize then create a “good” project showing the Kowloon Park, and share the map URL to a primary school to help them with planning a park visit.
i.e. Indicate the location of different facilities (polygon), pathways (line) and number points on ArcGIS Online (25 marks)
** Note: Remember to configure the map properly
Task 2: Compare and discuss the difference between Circular buffer and Network buffer, how would they influence on the results of spatial analysis? Please use examples/maps/applications to justify your answers. (25 marks)