This assignment involves researching a topical development in microcontroller based systems. This will allow you to develop an appreciation of the pace of change in microcontroller technologies and an understanding of the current state-of-the-art. Critical appraisal of your research topic will also develop your ability to analyse and evaluate such technologies.
The outcome of your research should be a short paper (1000+ words) at an appropriate level for a reader who is undertaking the Microcontroller Programming course.
Your topic can be selected from:
1) Microcontroller families
Comparison of microcontrollers, e.g. Cortex-M, MSP430 highlighting key / differentiating features
2) Security for the Internet of Things
Identification of security risks, comparison of technologies, e.g. ARM Trustzone, Analog Devices Deepcover
3) Heterogeneous vs Homogeneous Multicore
Performance, development challenges
4) Low Power & Energy Harvesting for the Internet of Things
Low power µCs, operational principles, transducers
5) Languages for µC Embedded Systems
C, C++, alternative paradigms e.g. Simulink, Labview
6) Real-time Operating Systems for µCs
Use cases, trade-offs, comparisons e.g. TI RTOS, Free RTOS
To be submitted:
• The report should be submitted electronically on MyUni as a pdf with your student ID as the filename.
• The report should be suitably structurede.g.: introduction and background, literature review, analysis and evaluation, conclusion; and properly presented: word-processed and checked for grammar and spelling.
• The report should reference at least 5 appropriate sources such as: journal & conference papers, company whitepapers and technical reports which should be cited appropriately.
• The report will be checked for plagiarism with Turnitin, including AI checks.