Assignment 1
Due: 5pm EST, 2/08/2025
1. Regular expression patterns
Write regular expressions matching the following patterns. The matching should cover the entire input string (not partial).
1 import re
3 def isMatch(s, p):
4 """
5 :type s: str. Input string
6 :type p: str. Regular expression
7 :rtype: bool
8 """
9 print(’Input: s="%s", p="%s"’ % (s, p))
10 m = re.match(p, s, re.A)
11 r = m is not None and m.end() == len(s)
12 print(’Output: %s’ % r)
1 >> isMatch("begn", "beg.n")
2 Input: s="begn", p="beg.n"
3 Output: False
5 >> isMatch("begin", "beg.n")
6 Input: s="begin", p="beg.n"
7 Output: True
(a) Write one regular expression that matches DNA (strings of A,C,G, or T) in upper/lower case
Return True:
• acgtagaatgacatactgactgactactagcatgactgactgactg
• catcatcatcatcatcatcatcatcatcatcatcat
• catcatcatcatmeowcatcatmeow
Return False:
• tagtagtagtagbodyspraytagtagtagtag
• actg actga actga tacgtagtc tag atcg actgac tg a
• 12345
(b) Write one regular expression that matches words containing at least two vowels (a, e, i, o, u, A, E, I, O, or U).
Return True:
• Jamie
• Michael
• Staci
• David
• Phillip
• either
Return False:
• Shiny
• Zack
• Katlyn
• Chris
(c) Write one regular expression that matches dollar amounts of at least $1000.00.
Return True:
• $1000.01
• $1234.12
• $1221222121212.00
Return False:
• 1000.00
• $010.00
• $499.99
• $1000.121
2. Regular expression for sentence split
The chemprot sample abstracts-10 .tsv file contains plain-text, UTF8-encoded CHEMPROT sample set PubMed record in a tab-separated format with the following three columns:
• Article identifier (PMID, PubMed identifier)
• Title of the article
• Abstract of the article
A total of 10 records are provided in this sample set.
(a) Write a Python script. and use [ˆ\ . \!\?] * [\ . \!\?] to extract sentences from each abstract. How many sentences can be extracted from each abstract (NOT the title)?
Number of sentences in the abstract (3rd column)
Example: 10471277
(b) Give 2 examples that the extracted text is not a complete sentence and explain why the regular expres- sion does not work.
(c) Submit the runnable script.
3. Text preprocessing
The chemprot sample abstracts .tsv file contains plain-text, UTF8-encoded CHEMPROT sample set PubMed record in a tab-separated format with the following three columns:
• Article identifier (PMID, PubMed identifier)
• Title of the article
• Abstract of the article
In total 50 records are provided in this sample set, where each line contains a single PMID, title, and abstract separated by tabulators.
(a) Calculate the total number of sentences, the number of unique words, and the number of unique lemmas in all abstracts.
Unique Words
Unique Lemmas
(b) Upload the source codes.
(c) Find 2 tokenization examples in the dataset that Spacy and Stanza return differently.
(d) Find 2 lemmatization examples in the dataset that Spacy and Stanza return differently.