代写MGMT 223 Module 6: Job quality analysis: an example帮做Python语言程序

MGMT 223 Module 6: Job quality analysis: an example

Individual essay

You are required to apply the effort-reward imbalance(ERI)model and the job demands-resources (JDR)model to(a)analyse the quality of a job and(b)to make recommendations on how the job could be improved for the benefit of the individual and the benefit of the organisation(or without causing harm to the organisation).This is to be expressed in an essay of 1500 to 1700 words.

You may pick a job(a)that you currently hold or have held or(b)a job depicted in a TV series or movie ora job described in a novel,biography or memoir you have read.Jobs must be paid forms of employment but can be in any country.Where you analyse a job depicted in a TV series,movie or novel/biography/memoir,it must be the job of a specifc character or person and the events related should be set in the current century or in the last half of the twentieth century.If you anticipate difficulty in analysing a job of type(a)or type(b),please contact Peter Boxall immediately to discuss an alternative assignment.

This essay does not rely on you discussing sources beyond those in the course readings although such reading will be valuable for your understanding.It relies on you applying the theoretical models indicated(i.e.the ERI and JDR models)to the job you choose.In other words,this is an assignment in the application of the theory in the course,not an assignment about how widely you can read.

Performance criteria

A range

1.The theoretical models are applied in an excellent way,which shows an accurate and highly perceptive understanding of the theory and how to use it to assess the quality of a job.

2.The argument is highly compelling.It is hard to refute the logic or argue against the analysis and recommendations because they are so well thought through.

3.The work is highly readable,enhancing the power of ideas presented.Skilful,reflective editing of key points and wording has made for a high level of persuasiveness.

B range

1.Shows the same faithful understanding of key concepts and theories as the Cgrade performance but applies the theoretical models with greater understanding.

2.As for the Cgrade but showing greater overall strength of argument.It is possible,however,to identify ways in which the assignment could be improved to reach the excellent(A)grade.

3.As for the C grade but likely to demonstrate a more lively style and demonstrate the benefits of better editing and reflection.

C range

1.The major theoretical models associated with the analysis are understood and appropriately applied but the quality of understanding could be deepened.

2.Arguments are adequately defended.However,deeper reflection on the analysis would lead to improvements in key parts of the argument.

3.Word choice and paragraphing is appropriate but writing style can be improved to enhance persuasiveness.


1.Major concepts and the theoretical models relevant to the assignment are overlooked, misunderstood or misapplied.

2.The assignment fails to focus appropriately on the question or the argument is seriously flawed.

3.Word choice and paragraphing is often inappropriate,compromising the effectiveness of communication or plagiarism is present in all or part of the assignment.

Requirements for formatting and submission

Assignments must be typed using standard A4 paper size.

You must state the number of words used in the text of your essay on the frontpage(i.e.the total words used exclusive of the reference list).Marks may be deducted for failing to do this or for exceeding the word limit,which is 1700 words.Excess words often reveal poor organisation of the material included or poor editing of the essay.

·Standard Microsoft Word settings of 2.5 margins right-and left-hand side are acceptable.Fully justified paragraphs are requested(as opposed to left-or right-aligned).

1.5 line spacing is required.

12pt Times New Roman,Arial,or Calibri are the best fonts.

Following APA citing/referencing style,each assignment must contain in-text citationsand a complete reference list.APA style. advice can be found here:


Submit an electronic copy to CANVAS (see the"Assignments"tab on Canvas).No paper copy submissions are accepted.Digital submission is the only acceptable method.

All submissions will be checked through the Turnitin software(embedded within Canvas "Assignments").



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