代做ELEC 373 Verilog Assignments 1 & 2 (2024-2025)帮做Python语言程序

Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics


Digital Systems Design

Assignments 1 and 2

Random Number Generator



Coursework name

Assignment 1 and Assignment 2

Component weight

Assignment 1 = 15%, Assignment 2 = 25%



HE Level


Lab location

PC labs 301, 304 as timetabled, at other times for private study



Timetabled time

12 hours (3 hours per week - Wednesday 2pm - 5pm)

Suggested private study

10 hours including report writing

Assessment method

Individual, formal word-processed reports (Block diagrams and ASMs can be hand drawn and scanned into the report)

Submission format

Online via CANVAS

Submission deadline

Assignment 1: 23:59 on Sunday 17th November 2024

Assignment 2: 23:59 on Sunday 9th February 2025

Late submission

Standard university penalty applies

Resit opportunity

August resit period (if total module failed)

Marking policy

Marked and moderated independently

Anonymous marking



Via comments on CANVAS

Learning outcomes

LO1: Ability to design digital systems using the ASM design method

LO2:  Ability  to  implement  digital  systems  using  the  Verilog  Hardware Description Language

ELEC 373 Verilog Assignments 1 & 2 (2024-2025)

Assignment Overview

These assignments have been  set to get you familiar with designing digital  systems  and synthesising them from a Verilog description. You should develop your design using Altera’s Quartus II V13.0-SP1.

The first assignment is for you to undertake the first two stages of the design process i.e. the conceptual   design,   communicated   by   block   diagrams,   and   the   embodiment   design communicated  by  ASM  charts.  You  will  also  be  coding  some  blocks  in  Verilog  and simulating them to prove they function correctly.

The second assignment will require you to develop the full system in Verilog to prove that it works,  although you  can use  a  “bdf”  file  to  connect  your blocks together. You will be allowed to modify your design based on the feedback from the first assignment. You will test your design on a DE2 board in the EEE Department.

Assignments Outline

Many games of chance require a random number as input, be it from the throw of a dice or a ball on a roulette wheel. Your objective is to develop a design which will display random decimal numbers on the 7 segment displays of the DE2 board. For this example we will use the numbers as our selection for the national lottery where the choice of numbers starts at 1 and goes up to the last two digits of your University ID (add 20 to this number if the last two digits of your number are less than 30).

Your system operation should be as follows:

1.   The operator presses KEYV to start the sequence.

2.   The operator then presses KEYW and the first number is displayed on HEXX  for Y seconds.

3.   The system then starts counting again and the operator repeats stage 2. However, note that a number previously selected can’t be selected again.

4.   The process is repeated until the number of numbers selected is equal to Z1. Remember that you should be careful about how you handle asynchronous inputs.

Report - Assignment 1

Your report should include the following.

1.   Description  of  Architecture(s)  and  Controller(s)  (with  block   diagrams   showing interconnections).

2.   ASM Charts for all Algorithmic State Machines. (1 page per ASM)

3.   Commented Verilog code for each module for the Seven Segment Decoder and any counters you have in your design.

4.   Full simulations of the Seven Segment Decoder and any counters you have in your design, with annotations indicating what the simulation proves.

5.   Photographs of the 7 segment decoders working.

6.   Discussion and Conclusions about the design choices made.

You should also submit your design and report via CANVAS. Make sure all the files need to compile, simulate and test the modules under Quartus 13.0SP1 are included in a single zip file. The report should be attached as a separate Word file. You should structure your report about each module, i.e. include ASM, then, where appropriate, Verilog code, then  simulation  results  consecutively  for  each  module  rather  than  grouping  all  the ASMs together. All pages should be at the correct orientation for reading on a monitor.  Report - Assignment 2

Your report should include the following.

1.   Description  of  Architecture(s)  and  Controller(s)  (with  block   diagrams   showing interconnections).

2.   ASM Charts for all Algorithmic State Machines. (1 page per ASM)

3.   Commented Verilog code for each module.

4.   Full simulations for each module you have in your design, with annotations indicating what the simulation proves.

5.   RTL Schematic of the full system.

6.   Simulation  of  the  full  system.  (With  annotations  and  maximum  ½  page  on  any comments)

7.   Photographs of the system in operation.

8.   Explanation of experimental test results. (Max 1 page) Is it truly random?

9.   Conclusion (Maximum ½ page)

10. Signed demonstrators check sheet if you design has been checked

You should also submit your design and report via CANVAS. Make sure all the files need to compile, simulate and test the design under Quartus 13.0SP1 are included in a single zip file. The report should be attached as a separate Word file. You should structure your report about  each  module,  i.e.  include  ASM,  then  Verilog   code,  then   simulation  results consecutively for each module rather than grouping all the ASMs together. All pages should be at the correct orientation for reading on a monitor.


When marking the reports I will be looking very closely for any signs of collusion, as this is unacceptable. I need to assess your own ability not that of your friend or colleague. If I find any evidence of collusion then the formal University rules will be followed which may result in your suspension.

Assignment 1 Submission Deadline

You only need to submit an Electronic copy: Sunday 17th November 2024 @ 11:59pm. You also need to submit a ZIP file of your modules by the same date and time.

Assignment 2 Submission Deadline

You only need to submit an Electronic copy: Sunday 9th February 2025 @ 11:59pm. You also need to submit a ZIP file of your modules by the same date and time.


The challenging part to this assignment is preventing duplicate numbers being generated. However,  you  will  get  more  marks  for  a  working  system  that  does  generate  duplicate numbers than for one that fails to work whilst attempting to eliminate duplicate numbers.



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