代写Understandingthe Business Environment代写留学生Matlab程序


This individual assessment task requires you to search, prepare and participate in a series of job ready activities. You will be finding a suitable job advertisement in the business environment, setting up your digital ePortfolio using the software Folio by Portfolium and participating in a job interview task.

The purpose of this assessment is for you to obtain an understanding of what opportunities there will be available for you when you graduate, to see how your degree can help you work in areas both within and outside what you may think of as 'business', and to prepare you for the job hunting process.

In this course you will undertake an assessment journey which comprises of three parts. This assessment task is your first part of your three part assessment journey.

Learning Outcomes

The targeted Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) for this assessment are:

CLO1: Explain how modern businesses operate and how they respond to different challenges

CLO4: Apply digital literacy to navigate practical situations in modern business environment

CLO5: Investigate and use an ePortfolio to digitally document achievements, capability development and evidence of learning outcomes for the purpose of future careers and employability.

Marking Criteria

This assessment will measure your ability to:

Explore the range of professional and enterprise opportunities related to business.

Articulate and explain your knowledge on how modern businesses operate and how they respond to different challenges.

Demonstrate employability, 21st century skills and enterprise capabilities.

Your Task

Job interviews can be a complicated process, so your task will prepare you for that experience. You will start by finding a suitable job and then writing a small brief (250-350 words) about why you are interested in this job. Most job applications require this, so try to be honest and succinct. After that, you will sit for your job interview.

Working individually, you will be required to complete three (3) key tasks:

Find a job advertisement following a set of search guidelines and suitability. In 250-350 words tell us what interested you about this job.

You are required to search and find a suitable job advertisement within the business environment using, LinkedIn, reputable online job search portals (ie Seek) or the RMIT career centre job boards and career resources.

Your job advertisement needs to follow the below guidelines:

Full time.

Suitable skill level for a university business graduate.

Anywhere in the world and in any industry.

Write 250-350 words on why you chose this job.

Please note that you will not be reaching out to this organisation directly or applying for this job advertisement. This is a simulated activity only.

Create a digital ePortfolio tailored to your profile. This video shows you how to access it:

An e-portfolio is a collection of digital artefacts curated by an individual student to showcase their coursework, projects, work-integrated learning and other relevant activities and achievements.

Your ePortfolio is a working document throughout your studies here at RMIT. You will continuously add to your ePortfolio as part of your studies within the Bachelor of Business.

This assessment task requires you to create your account on Portfolium and start the initial set up and input the below key elements within your ePortfolio.

Your task will be to complete the following in your ePortfolio:

Register your account.

Complete your profile including uploading your photo, banner and tagline.

Complete the overview.

Input your education.

The following tasks are optional, you don't need them for the assignment, but may choose to add them if you want to:

Add your skills (if any).

Provide a brief introduction (optional).

Add your accomplishments (optional, if any).

Add in any work experience (optional, if any).

Add in any volunteer opportunities (optional, if any).

Add in any clubs, affiliations & programs (optional, if any).

You may choose to have two completed certifications - LinkedIn learning or Credentials (note creds need to be added in via Badgr using the same email address) (optional, if any).

Add connections (it could be with your peers) (optional).

Connect with social media platforms: LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Github (optional).

Create a project (optional, if any).

All your learning resources on how to open and create an ePortfolio are found in your Canvas shell under the module: Course Toolkit

Participate in a job interview task and respond to (3) three pre-determined questions. A guide to using the STAR technique to answer interview questions can be found here. The questions that you must answer are:

Question 1

Question 1: (200 word answer)

What motivates you to work hard and achieve your goals? Can you give an example of a time when you were incentivised to work harder than usual?

Question 2

Question 2: (200 word answer)

Can you describe a situation where you had to make a difficult decision between two options? How did you weigh the costs and benefits of each option?

Question 3

Question 3: (200 word answer)

Thinking about your prospective employer, what are two key factors likely to impact the business environment within which your prospective employer operates in the next 5 years? If your prospective employer is a private business organisation, explain how each of these two factors impact the market demand/supply for the goods and/or service the business produces. Alternatively, if your prospective employer is a public sector organisation or not-for-profit organisation then explain how the two factors you have identified are likely to influence the work undertaken by the organisation.

Submission Details

This assessment requires you to submit one (1) document electronically in Canvas.

All you need to do is open a Word document and add four headings.

Under the first heading (call it Job), copy and paste a screenshot of the job advertisement. Under the screenshot, tell us in 250-350 words what interested you about this job.

Under the second heading (call it ePortfolio), copy and paste a screenshot of your ePortfolio's first page.

Under the third heading (call it Interview), provide your answers to the interview questions.

Under the fourth heading, write down any reference that you may have used excluding lecture notes.

Then, just convert this file to a PDF and upload it on to Canvas as a submission.


If you have any questions, check the discussion board to see if they have already been answered. If not post your question or alternatively ask your teacher in your lectorials.



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