代做HPSC0008 Science Communication and Public Engagement 2024-25代做Statistics统计

Science Communication and Public Engagement


Course Syllabus


Course Information

This interdisciplinary course introduces the public dimensions of science and technology. Drawing on sociology, history, cultural, media and communication studies it explores the relationship between the professional world of science and the social, cultural and personal spaces in which science contributes to the shaping of society. It also develops students’ critical analysis skills with respect to the communication of science in different public contexts including the news media, museums, fiction and online. Ultimately it aims to develop students’ skills in academically interrogating science communication and engagement.

Assessment 1

Word limit: 1,000 words

Contribution to final mark: 35%


Writing the Life Scientific

Choose one episode from the BBC podcasts The Life Scientific. Write it up as a magazine profile. 100 of your words should state what magazine you are writing for and how your content is angled towards its editorial policy, as well as its targeted audience. You can focus on explaining the science itself, or on the life story of the scientist, or a hybrid of the two. If you are writing about the science itself, make sure you explain how the science was done, not just the ‘facts’. If you are writing a life story, avoid writing a straight, chronologically linear biography. There is no need for formal footnotes though you can hyperlink sources as relevant to the audience. Make it interesting and lively.

There is no need for formal footnotes though you can hyperlink sources as relevant to the audience. Make it interesting and lively.

• Pick one of the below target magazines to write the assignment for:

i. Cocoa - www.cocoagirl.com

ii. ii. OYLA Magazine - https://oyla.uk

iii. iii. New Scientist - https://www.newscientist.com


Defining Moments of Science

Write a blogpost about a defining moment of science (perhaps from global media, or national relevance, or personal). What message(s) about science was conveyed? How did ‘the public’ respond to it at the time? What is your reflection on it now? What is its significance for your reader? How do you want to use it to challenge what the reader thinks about science? Make sure your blogpost touches on the themes of power and audience as we have discussed them in the course. There is no need for formal footnotes though you can hyperlink sources as relevant to the audience. Make it interesting and lively.

There is no need for formal footnotes though you can hyperlink sources as relevant to the audience. Make it interesting and lively.

Pick one of the below target blogsites to write the assignment for:

i. The Guardian - A Newspaper Column - https://www.theguardian.com/science

ii. ii. Wired - Popular science and technology blog - https://www.wired.com/category/science

iii. Science Museum - Blog for a museum - https://blog.sciencemuseum.org.uk

Whichever version of the writing exercise you do, the aim is to provide evidence that you have understood the issues of power that have informed the first half of the module.

You should never be simply providing a descriptive account of the content of the science communication studied. The content of a piece of science communication is only relevant insofar as it allows you to answer more interesting questions about it (not just what did it say, anyone can read/watch something to answer that!). Bear in mind also the difference between the research literature and your own experience. This is particularly important when dealing with popular culture or media, subjects which we are all familiar with and have experiences of in our everyday lives.

You may experience the mass media and popular culture in one way, and thus form. your own opinions about them but this does not mean that your experiences and opinions are representative of everyone else’s. Sociology is about society not individuals. So be very wary of making statements like, “the public will think this…”, “this won’t make sense to the public…” or “this will make everyone think x”. You may feel that way, but unless you have concrete evidence backing up such claims, these are simply unsubstantiated assertions based upon one person’s experience.

You are at university to study these things in an academic and critical manner, so you should always ground your arguments and observations within the academic literature you have read. You should therefore justify your arguments through such mechanisms as sourcing, citing data, referencing, providing logical justification, etc. There is nothing wrong with having personal opinions concerning an issue, but we want to see that you have engaged with the context and issues rather than simply writing a polemic, one-sided and unsubstantiated editorial on the topic! If you want to bring your own opinions or values to bear on your research, you need to make sure that you reflect on how these articulate with other viewpoints or values from within the literature.

Assessement 2: Exam

Example of Exam Questions:

1. Analyse example/s of either flat-earth, climate sceptic or anti-vaxx activity and characterize participants’ engagement with science. Do they present themselves as denying science or as practising science? Would you characterise this as evidence of the ‘deficit model’? Why or not?

2. Which of the three elements of scientific literacy (subject knowledge, knowledge creation, and disciplinary policing) are treated in the media, and how?

3. In what way(s) have the public been (re)presented by science communicators? What is the ideal way to conceive of the public for purpose of public engagement?

4. Is citizen science real participation in science, or is it just free labour/just pretend?

Module aims & objectives


The course aims to impart knowledge and understanding, at an introductory level, of:

• Concepts in public understanding of, and engagement with, science

• Public spaces for science, including the mass media, science museums and everyday life

• Cultural, social and political issues around science communication


By the end of this module students should have:

• Knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts and scope of science communication

• A broad understanding of the cultural, social and political issues around science in public

• Skills in written and spoken communication

• Skills in relating personal experience to the ideas, tools and values of academic research

• Skills in the recognition, collection and analysis of research materials

• Skills in argumentation, listening and constructive dialogue

• Confidence in contributing in class



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