CMN 222
Winter 2025
Guided Exercise 2: Interactive Wireframe
Due: Fri. Feb. 7, 11:59pm ET
Create a wireframe. for an imaginary website using Adobe XD.
Submit a text file (e.g. .txt, .rtf, .doc, or .docx) with both your sharing link and any password you've set (if the link isn’t public).
Choose a concept you’ve brainstormed for the Major Assignment Series, and create a wireframe for it that show the user experience. Consider using the one you also used for your Site Map; however, if you choose, you may select a different concept to work with. (Remember, the Major Assignment Series asks you to brainstorm concepts for a company or organization that would provide a service for an underserved portion of the TMU community.)
Remember to:
• Include at least 4 separate screens connected together
• Focus on the user’s mobile experience (i.e. on a phone or phone-like device)
The website concept could apply to the Major Assignment Series
There are at least 4 main screens.
The 4 screens are connected/interconnected.
The wireframe. focusses on a mobile experience.
The wireframe is complete and includes all the components necessary to understand the user experience.
Generative AI Guidelines
Using generative AI such as ChatGPT is not recommended, but you may use it to brainstorm, spell-/grammar-check, and/or create citations. If you do, you must indicate on your submission how you’ve used it. You may not use generative AI to generate images, video, audio, multimedia, text, or code.