ECON6012/ECON2125: Semester Two, 2024
Tutorial 4
Tutorial Assignment 2
This assignment involves submitting answers for each of the tutorial ques- tions, but not for the additional practice questions, that are contained on the tutorial 4 questions sheet (this document). You should submit your answers on the Turnitin submissions link for Tutorial Assignment 2 that is available on the Wattle site for this course (under the “In-Semester Assess- ment Items” block) by no later than 08:00:00 am on Monday 19 August 2024. If you have trouble accessing the Wattle site for this course or the Turnitin submission link, please submit your assignment to the course email address (which is ECON6012@anu. edu. au if you area postgraduate student, and ECON2125@anu . edu . au if you are an undergraduate student). One of the tutorial questions will be selected for grading and your mark for this tu- torial assignment will be based on the quality and accuracy of your answer to that question. The identity of the question that is selected for grading will not be revealed to students until some point in time after the due date and time for submission of this assignment.
A Note on Sources
These questions and answers do not originate with me. They have either been influenced by, or directly drawn from, other sources.
Key Concepts
Vector Spaces, Linear Combinations, Linear Independence, Linear Depen- dence, Spanning Set, Basis for a Vector Space, Dimension of a Vector Space.
Row-Space of a Matrix, Column-Space of a Matrix, Rank of a Matrix, Or- thogonality, Convex Combination, Convex Sets, Strictly Convex Sets.
Tutorial Questions
Tutorial Question 1
Find the rank of the following matrix. Be sure to justify your answer and show all associated working.
Tutorial Question 2
Find the rank of the following matrix. Be sure to justify your answer and show all associated working.
Tutorial Question 3
Find the rank of the following matrix. Be sure to justify your answer and show all associated working.
Tutorial Question 4
Consider a consumer with preferences defined over the consumption set R2+ = {(x1, x2) : x1 ∈ [0, ∞), x2 ∈ [0, ∞)}. has preferences defined over the set of all bundles (combinations) of non- negative quantities of each of two commodities. Suppose that these prefer- ences can be represented by a utility function U : R −→ R of the form
Perfect Substitutes: U(x1 , x2 ) = x1 + x2 .
Complete the following exercises.
1. Find the equation that defines a representative indiference curve (that is, iso-utility curve) for this consumer, and illustrate that curve. Justify your answer.
2. In a new diagram, illustrate a representative weak preference set (that is, weak upper contour set for the utility function) for this consumer. Justify your answer.
3. The consumer’s preferences are said to convex if every weak prefer- ence set (that is, weak upper contour set for the utility function) is a convex set. Are the consumer’s preferences convex? Justify your answer.
4. The consumer’s preferences are said to convex if every weak prefer- ence set (that is, weak upper contour set for the utility function) is a strictly convex set. Are the consumer’s preferences strictly convex? Justify your answer.
Tutorial Question 5
Consider a consumer with preferences defined over the consumption set R2+ = {(x1, x2) : x1 ∈ [0, ∞), x2 ∈ [0, ∞)} has preferences defined over the set of all bundles (combinations) of non- negative quantities of each of two commodities. Suppose that these prefer-ences can be represented by a utility function U : R −→ R of the form
Leontief (Perfect Complements): U(x1 , x2 ) = min(x1 , x2 ) .
Complete the following exercises.
1. Find the equation that defines a representative indiference curve (that is, iso-utility curve) for this consumer, and illustrate that curve. Justify your answer.
2. In a new diagram, illustrate a representative weak preference set (that is, weak upper contour set for the utility function) for this consumer. Justify your answer.
3. The consumer’s preferences are said to convex if every weak prefer- ence set (that is, weak upper contour set for the utility function) is a convex set. Are the consumer’s preferences convex? Justify your answer.
4. The consumer’s preferences are said to convex if every weak prefer- ence set (that is, weak upper contour set for the utility function) is a strictly convex set. Are the consumer’s preferences strictly convex? Justify your answer.
Tutorial Question 6
Consider a consumer with preferences defined over the consumption set R2+ = {(x1, x2) : x1 ∈ [0, ∞), x2 ∈ [0, ∞)} has preferences defined over the set of all bundles (combinations) of non- negative quantities of each of two commodities. Suppose that these prefer- ences can be represented by a utility function U : R -→ R of the form.
Scarf-Shapley-Shubik Special Case:
U(x1 , x2 ) = max(min(x1, 2x2 ) , min(2x1 , x2 )) .
Complete the following exercises.
1. Find the equation that defines a representative indiference curve (that is, iso-utility curve) for this consumer, and illustrate that curve. Justify your answer.
2. In a new diagram, illustrate a representative weak preference set (that is, weak upper contour set for the utility function) for this consumer. Justify your answer.
3. The consumer’s preferences are said to convex if every weak prefer- ence set (that is, weak upper contour set for the utility function) is a convex set. Are the consumer’s preferences convex? Justify your answer.
4. The consumer’s preferences are said to convex if every weak prefer- ence set (that is, weak upper contour set for the utility function) is a strictly convex set. Are the consumer’s preferences strictly convex? Justify your answer.
Additional Practice Questions
Additional Practice Question 1
Let V bean inner product space. Show that if u ∈ V is orthogonal to every v ∈ V (that is, if〈u, v〉= 0 for all v ∈ V), then u must be the null (zero) vector in V.
Additional Practice Question 2
Let V bean inner product space. Show that if a vector u ∈ V is orthogonal to a vector v ∈ V (that is, if hu, v〉= 0), then every scalar multiple of the vector u is also orthogonal to the vector v.
Additional Practice Question 3
Let V be Euclidean three-space and consider the vectors v1 = (1, 1, 2)T and v2 = (0, 1, 3)T . Find a vector w ∈ R3 that is orthogonal to both v1 and v2 .
Additional Practice Question 4
Do the vectors v1 = (1, 2, 3)T , v2 = (4, 5, 12)T , and v3 = (0, 8, 0)T span R3 ? Justify your answer.