代写5012MKT: Applied Advertising and Campaign Management代写Java编程

BA (Hons) in Digital Marketing

5012MKT: Applied Advertising and Campaign Management (Part Time)

Assessment Brief

Due Dates:

CW1: 3 Feb 2025

CW2: 24 Feb 2025 (Presentations will be held during tutorials)

Coursework 1: Campaign Analysis (50%) – Individual Learning Outcomes Assessed by this Assignment

1. Explain the key stages of the communications planning process.

2. Define and evaluate appropriate measures for evaluating marketing communications activities.

3. Analyse an advertising campaign for a particular business scenario.

4. Explain how the creative idea and relationships are managed when using a range of marketing communications agencies and evaluate the selection criteria for choosing the agencies.

Breakdown of CW 1 - Campaign Analysis:

Section A:         1500 Words

Section B:         500 words


This assignment allows you to revisit your analytical, academic, and critical engagement skills, as well as building your transferable skills such as research, time management/project planning and critically observing various aspects of an advertising campaign. You will learn the key requirements in campaign execution by reviewing an IMC campaign of your choice and unpacking key components to understand how it worked and identify areas for improvement.

Assignment Description

Tapping on key concepts and frameworks learnt in the module, with specific reference to Fill’s (2009) ‘Marketing Communications Planning Framework’, select a campaign for fashion brand that ran within the last five years.

There are 2 components to this assignment. Review both tasks carefully before attempting the assignment.

Section A:        1500 words

Apply the following steps in Fill’s (2009) framework (in the following sequence) in your analysis.

-      Context Analysis (or Situational Analysis): Identify the current issues faced by the chosen fashion brand.

-      Marketing Communications Objective(s): What were the communication objectives for the chosen campaign?

-      Marketing Communications Strategy: What were the campaign strategies used? What was the core message of this campaign? How did the brand communicate this? Who was the target audience of the campaign?

-      Communications Tactics/Tools : What marketing communications tools were utilised in this campaign? Please include copies of advertisements, evidence of public relations efforts, or brand’s social media platforms, wherever applicable.

-     Scheduling : What were the (estimated) timings of the campaign? (i.e. start and end date)

-      Resources (financial & human resources): Financial resources - refers to the estimated cost/budget for the campaign. Human resources – i.e. in-house or creative agency?

-      Results & Evaluation:  State the campaign results achieved. How was the campaign’s success measured or evaluated?

Section B:         500 words

Based on your analysis in Part A, recommend how the brand can improve the effectiveness of the campaign. You must use relevant Marketing Communications theories to justify your suggestions.

Helpful Information

Details about advertising campaigns are available via trade magazine websites (e.g. Marketing, Marketing Week, The Drum, PR Week, Campaign, Brand Republic etc.)

You should include pictures/copies of the brand’s advertising/PR and other promotional tools within your report. Please ensure these are referenced.

Word Count

The total word count for both sections is 2,000 (both sections must be completed).

The word limit includes quotations but excludes the references/bibliography.

How to submit your assessment

The assessment must be submitted by the due date as stated. No paper copies are required. You can access the submission link through the module folder on Blackboard.

•   Your coursework will be given a zero mark if you do not submit a copy through Turnitin on Blackboard. Please take care to ensure that you have fully submitted your work.

•    Please ensure that you have submitted your work using the correct file format, unreadable files will receive a mark of zero. The University accepts Microsoft Office and PDF documents, unless otherwise advised by the module leader.

•   All work submitted after the submission deadline without a valid and approved reason (see below) will be given a mark of zero.

•    If you would like to apply for a slight extension, you must apply before the deadline with a valid reason and supporting copies of documentation.

•    If you need a considerable amount of extension, you may apply for a deferral, which takes you to the next assessment period (for example, to the resit period following the main Assessment Boards). You will find information about the process and what is or is not considered to be an event beyond your control at


•   Students MUST keep a copy and/or an electronic file of their assignment.

•   Checks will be made on your work using anti-plagiarism software and approved plagiarism checking websites.


As part of your study you will be involved in carrying out research and using this when writing up your coursework. It is important that you correctly acknowledge someone else’s writing, thoughts or ideas and that you do not attempt to pass this off as your own work.  Doing so is known as plagiarism.  It is not acceptable to copy from another source without acknowledging that it is someone else’s writing or thinking. This includes using paraphrasing as well as direct quotations. You are expected to correctly cite and reference the works of others. The Centre for Academic Writing provides documents to help you get this right. If you are unsure, please visit www.coventry.ac.uk/caw.

Self-plagiarism or reuse of work previously submitted

You must not submit work for assessment that you have already submitted (partially or in full), either for your current course or for another qualification of this and any other university, unless this is specifically provided for in your assignment brief or specific course or module information. Where earlier work by you is citable, i.e. it has already been published/submitted, you must reference it clearly. Identical pieces of work submitted concurrently will also be considered to be self-plagiarism. Self-plagiarism is unacceptable because you cannot gain credit for the same work twice.

Blackboard includes a plagiarism detection system and assessors are experienced enough to recognise plagiarism when it occurs. Copying another student’s work, using previous work of your own or copying large sections from a book or the internet are examples of plagiarism and carry serious consequences. Please familiarize yourself with the APA Reference Style (on Blackboard) and use it correctly to avoid a case of plagiarism or cheating being brought. If you are unsure, please contact the Centre for Academic Writing, or a member of the course team.

Coursework 2: Advertising Plan (50%) - Group

Learning Outcomes Assessed by this Assignment

1.   Define  and  evaluate  appropriate  measures  for  evaluating  marketing  communications activities

2.   Develop an advertising plan using a range of creative ideas to meet a specific advertising brief

3.   Present and justify advertising ideas according to audience, messages and media criteria


This assignment allows you to showcase your presentation and delivery skills. You will showcase the  necessary content to experience the skills  involved  in a  pitch.  Consideration to content, delivery, pitch angle and choice of strategy will be tested in this component.

Assignment Description

For this group coursework, each team will act as the creative agency pitching an advertising campaign for potential client, Impossible Foods. Your lecturer will discuss the details of the client brief in class.

Each group  is  expected  to  plan  an  IMC  campaign  to  address  stipulated  objectives  including promoting one of the client’s products strategically across different media platforms to increase sales. Your pitch (using PPT slides) must include the following:

1.    Introduction of creative agency and client organization

2.    Situational analysis

a.    identification of key issues in the macro or microenvironment which may impact the client (consider SWOT or PESTLE)

b.   justification for proposed campaign

3.    Introduction of proposed campaign (i.e. campaign name, slogan and duration)

4.    Campaign objective/s

5.    Target audience

6.    Core message/s

7.    Strategies and Tactics (including communication tools, ad appeal and executional framework strategies, media channels, advertising design and copy)

8.    Implementation schedule

9.    Campaign evaluation methods

10.  Estimated budget

11.  References

Submission Requirements

Your slides for this assignment will be submitted by 2359hours on the stipulated date via the Turnitin link on the module folder on Blackboard.

You must include the full name of all group members in your submission.

Word Count

Your presentation must be within 15-20 minutes with approximately 20 slides. The group presentation will consist of an individual Q&A.

Word count for the notes section is not applicable however your notes should be detailed enough to explain each slides content in detail.

There will be a penalty of a deduction of 10% of the mark (after internal moderation) for presentations exceeding the presentation time limit.

How to submit your assessment

The assessment must be submitted by the due date as stated. No paper copies are required. You can access the submission link through the module folder on Blackboard.

•   Your coursework will be given a zero mark if you do not submit a copy through Turnitin on Blackboard. Please take care to ensure that you have fully submitted your work.

•    Please ensure that you have submitted your work using the correct file format,

unreadable files will receive a mark of zero. The University accepts Microsoft Office and PDF documents, unless otherwise advised by the module leader.

•   All work submitted after the submission deadline without a valid and approved reason (see below) will be given a mark of zero.

•    If you would like to apply for a slight extension, you must apply before the deadline with a valid reason and supporting copies of documentation.

•    If you need a considerable amount of extension, you may apply for a deferral, which

takes you to the next assessment period (for example, to the resit period following the main Assessment Boards). You will find information about the process and what is or is not considered to be an event beyond your control at


•   Students MUST keep a copy and/or an electronic file of their assignment.

•   Checks will be made on your work using anti-plagiarism software and approved plagiarism checking websites.



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