ECE5550: Applied Kalman Filtering


9.1: Parameters versus states

Until now, we have assumed that the state-space model of the system whose state we are estimating is known and constant.

However, the system model may not be entirely known: We may wish to adapt numeric values within the model to better match the model’s behavior. to the true system’s behavior.

Also, certain values within the system may change very slowly over  the lifetime of the system—it would be good to track those changes.

For example, consider a battery cell. Its state-of-charge can traverse its entire range within minutes. However, its internal resistance might change as little as 20% in a decade or more of regular use.

• The quantities that tend to change quickly comprise the state of the system, and

• The quantities that tend to change slowly comprise the

time-varying parameters of the system.

We know that Kalman filters may be used to estimate the state of a dynamic system given known parameters and noisy measurements.

We may also use (nonlinear) Kalman filters to estimate parameters given a known state and noisy measurements.

In this section of notes we first consider how to estimate the parameters of a system if its state is known.

Next, we consider how to simultaneously estimate both the state and parameters of the system using two different approaches.

The generic approach to parameter estimation

We denote the true parameters of a particular model by θ .

We will use Kalman filtering techniques to estimate the parameters

much like we have estimated the state. Therefore, we require a model of the dynamics of the parameters.

By assumption, parameters change very slowly, so we model them as constant with some small perturbation:

θk = θk1 + rk1 .

The small white noise input rk is fictitious, but models the slow drift in  the parameters of the system plus the infidelity of the model structure.

The output equation required for Kalman-filter system identification must be a measurable function of the system parameters. We use

dk = hk (xk, uk,θ , ek ),

where h(·) is the output equation of the system model being     identified, and ek models the sensor noise and modeling error.

Note that dk is usually the same measurement as zk , but we maintain

a distinction here in case separate outputs are used. Then,

Dk = {d0, d1 , . . . , dk }. Also, note that ek and vk often play the same role, but are considered distinct here.

We also slightly revise the mathematical model of system dynamics

xk = fk−1(xk−1 , uk−1,θ,wk−1)

z k = hk (xk, uk,θ,vk ),

to explicitly include the parameters θ in the model.

Non-time-varying numeric values required by the model may be embedded within f (·) and h(·), and are not included in θ .

9.2: EKF for parameter estimation

Here, we show how to use EKF for parameter estimation.

As always, we proceed by deriving the six essential steps of sequential inference.

EKF step 1a: Parameter estimate time update.

The parameter prediction step is approximated as

This makes sense, since the parameters are assumed constant. EKF step 1b: Error covariance time update.

The covariance prediction step is accomplished by first computing θ˜ k −.k .

We then directly compute the desired covariance

The time-updated covariance has additional uncertainty due to the fictitious noise “driving” the parameter values.

EKF step 1c: Output estimate.

The system output is estimated to be

d(^)k = E[h(xk, uk,θ , ek ) | Dk — 1]

hk (xk , uk , θ(^)k , e-k ).

That is, it is assumed that propagatingθ(^)k and the mean estimation

error is the best approximation to estimating the output.

EKF step 2a: Estimator gain matrix.

The output prediction error may then be approximated

using again a Taylor-series expansion on the first term.

From this, we can compute such necessary quantities as

These terms may be combined to get the Kalman gain

Note, by the chain rule of total differentials,


The derivative calculations are recursive in nature, and evolve over time as the state evolves.

The term dx0/dθ is initialized to zero unless side information gives a better estimate of its value.

To calculateC(^)k(θ) for any specific model structure, we require methods

to calculate all of the above the partial derivatives for that model.

EKF step 2b: State estimate measurement update.

The fifth step is to compute the a posteriori state estimate by

updating the a priori estimate using the estimator gain and the output prediction error dk − d(^)k

EKF step 2c: Error covariance measurement update.

Finally, the updated covariance is computed as

EKF for parameter estimation is summarized in a later table.


We initialize the parameter estimate with our best information re. the parameter value: θ(^)0(十) = E[θ0].

We initialize the parameter estimation error covariance matrix:

We also initialize dx0 /dθ = 0 unless side information is available.



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