代做COMP9120 Database Management Systems Assignment 1: Conceptual Modelling & Logical DB Design代写留

COMP9120 Database Management Systems

Assignment 1: Conceptual Modelling & Logical DB Design

Group assignment (16%)


The purpose of this assignment is to provide you with experience in conceptual and relational database modelling. You are given a domain description for the Central Sydney Hospital. There are 2 high level tasks in this assignment:

•     Create an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) that captures the business concepts and requirements conveyed in this description,

•     Translate  your  ER  diagram into a logical database design including relational database schema creation, key constraints and integrity constraints.

This is a group assignment for teams of 3 people per group. You must be enrolled in an assignment group on Canvas. You must inform. the unit coordinator if you have not formed a group by the end of Week 3.

Please also keep an eye on your email and Ed for any announcements or posts that maybe made.

Submission Details

The submission of your solution is due at 11:59pm on Sunday 08/09/2024 (Week 6). You must submit the items for submission (detailed below) via Canvas.

Items for submission

Please submit your solution to Assignment  1, in the ’Assignment’ section of the unit’s Canvas site by the deadline, including the following four files:

1.    Firstly, you should submit an assignment coversheet as a PDF document (.pdf file suffix)  which is available for download fromthis linkon Canvas.

2.    Secondly, you are required to submit your conceptual model in the form of an E-R diagram using the lecture notation, formatted as a PDF document (.pdf file suffix). Please justify your choices for entity types, relationship types, attributes, primary keys, constraints and design specialities.

3.    Thirdly, you should submit an SQL file (.sql file suffix) containing all DDL statements necessary to fully instantiate a working database based upon your ER diagram, and DML statements to populate each relation. Your file should run without errors in PostgreSQL 16.2. You can annotate your statements using ‘ --‘ at the start of lines for comment. You should group your statements for ease of reading (e.g. by keeping all table constraints within the relevant CREATE TABLE statement rather than declaring them externally, if possible).

4.    Lastly, you should submit another pdf document (.pdf file suffix) including the Relational Model (RM) diagram that provides a visual model of your database schema. The following figure summarises the syntax you must use for the RM diagram:

Domain Description

The Central Sydney Hospital (CSH), one of Australia’s leading hospitals, embarked on a major development of an information systems to deliver improved healthcare facilities and services to their patients.

The CSH encompasses four main departments: general, emergency department (ED), pediatrics, and surgery. Each department is identified by a unique name and may have different daily operating hours. The general department operating hours are 10am to 8pm daily, whilst the emergency department is open 24 hours a day. A department may include wards which are either general or specialised Intensive Care Units (ICUs), where each wardiscomposed of one or more beds. Different beds have distinctive comfort levels, dimensions (length and width), and mattress thickness, and hence have a different “bed cost” associated with it. The CSH has a pediatrics department that includes state-of-the-art wards and ICU, and five operating theatres in addition to the seven within the surgery department. The staff allocation and headcount within a department must be tracked to assist with future staffing requirements.

Staff working for the CSH must have their full name, mobile, address, and salary recorded. A staff can be either a doctor, nurse, or other allied health staff such as dietitian, interpreter, etc. A doctor must be qualified in at least one medical specialty but not more than five. The related training date and level of proficiency must be kept to maintain compliance. Some nurses working with children must have a Working with Children Check (WWCC) as a clearance. The clearance check is valid for three years and the CSH monitors the validity to ensure compliance.

All patients treated at the CSH must register their personal information including full name, email, address, dateofbirth, mobile, emergency contact name and phone, and an insurance number. In the case of the emergency, upon arrival, a triage nurse assesses the patient’s conditions to prioritise treatment based on severity. Patients may also enter through other departments for a planned admission. They enter through the ED due to urgent care or critical conditions. Other details such as the admission date and time, nurse, and CSH doctor involved should also be recorded. For a planned admission, patients must specify the referring health practitioner, and a unique reference number provided by the referring practitioner. For an emergency admission, no information about a referring partitioner is required.

Once a patient is discharged on a date, a billing statement is generated describing the services provided, total cost, amount covered by insurance, and remaining balance owed by the patient. The patient receives an invoice for the amount owing, which can only be paid through credit cards. The credit card details used for paying the owing balance must be recorded for accounting and reporting. These include the credit card number, expiry date, cardholder name, and card verification value (CVV).

Additional details

In addition to the model captured through your ER diagram, the following details apply:

1.    Fields in a tuple related to dates and/or times should always have values.

2.    The length and width of a bed should always have values greater than zero, but not exceed 2.13 m and 1.27 m respectively. The mattress thickness should always have a value between 15.24 cm and 17.78 cm.

3.    All attributes in a tuple relating to details about a name should always have values.

4.    The staff’s salary should always be greater than nil.

5.   Patients must have a specified email address.

6.    A bill should always have a total cost of greater than nil, but not exceed $50000.

7.    The owing balance and amount covered by insurance should not be a negative value.

Task 1: Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

In your first task, assume that the CSH has recruited you as a database designer to develop a conceptual model, described inan ER diagram, to represent the database design of their healthcare information system.

Task 2: Relational Database Design & Modelling

Your second task is to design and create a relational database schema based on the Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) modelled from the first task. In particular, your solution should include:

•     A Relational Model mapping of the ERD which describes the tables and attributes with appropriate data types to capture all information in the model (please use the same names as in your ER diagram for naming tables and attributes);

•     Creation of the database schema using PostgreSQL which include the appropriate PRIMARY KEY, UNIQUE, FOREIGN KEY constraints for all tables;

•     Correct foreign key specifications including ON DELETE clauses where suitable;

•     Appropriate additional integrity constraints expressed by means of NOT NULL or CHECK clauses;

•     INSERT statements to populate each relation with at least one record, to demonstrate a database instance consistent with the ER model.

Escaping PostgreSQL keywords in DDL

If you need to escape PostgreSQL keywords like “Table”, you will need to use double quotes. e.g. CREATE TABLE “Table” (…);


Q: How to draw the link from foreign key in a table to its referenced candidate key in another table if the foreign key contains more than one attributes?

A: You should draw it in the same way to the following RM diagram (specifically, see the Sell table). You can use any of the available tools such asdraw.io, Visio,Lucidchart, Excalidraw, etc. to draw your diagram.


This assignment is worth 16% of your final grade for the unit of study. Your group’s submission will be marked according to the attached rubric (see last section of this assignment description).

Group member participation

If members of your group  do not contribute sufficiently, you should alert the unit coordinator as soon as possible. The course instructor has the discretion to scale the group’s mark for each member as follows:

Percentage of contribution

Proportion of final grade received

< 5% contribution


5 - 10% contribution


11 - 15% contribution


16 - 20% contribution


21 - 24% contribution


25 - 28% contribution


29 - 30% contribution


> 30% contribution


Note: The above table assumes that each group will have 3 members, so, on average, around 33% contribution is expected from each member of the group. In special case, if a group has less than 3 members then the contribution percentage  will  be  adjusted  accordingly. You must  justify  your contribution percentage by providing   a  detailed explanation of your individual contribution on the assignment coversheet mentioned before. You must also regularly record and maintain a diary of your group meetings and discussions on Canvas. Furthermore, we may run random face- to-face interviews to understand and justify your contribution, if needed.



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