代写COMM1023 Fundamentals of Communication Final Essay调试R语言程序

COMM1023 Fundamentals of Communication

Final Essay (25%)

Deadline: 27 December 2024 (Friday), 9.00a.m. (upload to iSpace, late submissions will be deducted 10% per day late)

Length: 900-1000 words (excluding References)

Draft Essay Due Date (5%): 2 December 2024 (Monday), 9.00a.m. (upload to iSpace). Feedback on draft to be given in Week 14 (Dec 9-13) during seminars.

Answer one of the following questions:

1.  In what ways has digital media reshaped patterns of media consumption? Discuss two specific examples of these transformations and critically examine their broader social or cultural implications.

2.  Examine the challenges faced by media producers in the digital era. Discuss issues such as copyright concerns, shifting audience behaviors, and the influence of social media on media production.

3.  In  the  digital  age,  we  are  not  just  sitting  there  passively  receiving.  How  do audiences actively shape the meaning of media texts? Use your own examples from areas  such  as  social  media  or  fan  communities  to  discuss  how  audience interpretations can challenge or reinforce the creator's intended message.

4.  How does social media influence political beliefs among young adults? Explore how social  media  platforms  shape  or  reinforce  political  views  and opinions among young people. Students can examine theories such as the agenda-setting function of  social  media,  the  spiral  of  silence,  and  the  third-person  effect,  providing examples  from  recent  political  events  to  illustrate  how  social  media  impacts audience perception and behavior.

5.  Choose a specific example where AI-Generated Content (AIGC) was used in a news story or media production. Analyse the ethical challenges posed by this case from perspectives   such   as   authenticity   and   public   trust,    media    professional responsibilities, copyright issues, and social bias. How did these challenges impact the relationship between the audience, media practitioners, and the media content itself?

6.  In the digital age, we don’t just consume images passively; visual culture plays a role in shaping who we are. Discuss how visual media (like films, TV, or social media) contributes to personal and collective identity. For instance, consider how movie characters or online personas might influence people’s sense of self or values. Use your own examples to explore this influence.

7.  How   is   virtual    reality    transforming   consumer    experiences   in    retail   and entertainment? Explore how VR technology is utilized in retail and entertainment to   enhance   customer   engagement   and   satisfaction.   Students   can   discuss interactive design principles and analyze real-world examples, such as virtual try- ons in fashion and immersive experiences in movie theaters and gaming.

8.  What is the role of nonverbal communication in building trust during live-stream shopping and TV sales? Explore how nonverbal cues—such as body language, eye contact, and tone—affect consumer trust in live-streaming sales and TV shopping. Students  can  apply  theories  of  interpersonal  communication  to  discuss  why nonverbal communication is crucial in these scenarios, supported by examples from popular live-stream platforms or TV sales shows.

9.  How have recent technological developments influenced China’s ability to “tell a Chinese story well”  on the  international  stage? Analyse  how  advancements  in digital media have impacted the effectiveness of Chinese storytelling campaigns. Use a specific case to illustrate how technology has enhanced or hindered the ability to convey cultural narratives to a global audience.


l The assignment needs to be written formally with paragraphs, an introduction and conclusion, and a References list. Use APA referencing style. consistently.

l Do not write the essay using bullet points.

l Your essay needs to have a References list.


Penalties for academic dishonesty should be executed in the following manners:

l A  student who is found to  have committed an act of academic dishonesty in respect of any part of a course-based assessment such as plagiarism in written assignments, submission of material(s) for assessment which is not the student’s own work, the use of fabricated or copied data for assessment, shall receive zero marks for the part found plagiarized.

l For  more serious or  repeated cases, the student concerned shall be given an F grade for the whole course and disciplinary action may be sought from the Student Disciplinary Committee.

l Any student found to have committed academic dishonesty shall be excluded from participating  in the  end-of-semester teaching  and  learning  evaluation  for the course concerned.

l ChatGPT  and  other  generative  AI  tools  may  be  used  for  brainstorming  and proofreading, but not for writing this assignment.

Final Essay Rubrics








Use of examples





Poor examples; most not relevant to the topic

Examples often

inadequate to support


Good examples; some   examples are irrelevant to the topic

Excellent examples that illustrate the topic very  well


Depth of analysis






No analysis


Minimal analysis that often rests entirely on description


Adequate analysis that  does not probe beneath the surface of the topic


Often deep analysis that partially includes the

student’s own input

Very deep analysis that    explores multiple aspects from the student’s own



Inclusion of Sources and Citations






materials   referenced

Poor understanding

shown; very few

readings mentioned;

inconsistent with APA style

Comprehension often

unclear; narrow range of  readings discussed; many errors following APA


Comprehension fair; some slight

misunderstandings; wide range discussed; often

follows APA style

Shows excellent

comprehension with a

wide range of materials;

follows APA style











Very poorly structured; hard to follow; intro

and/or conclusion missing


Adequate structure

although unclear in

places such as intro and conclusion

Good structure;

Any lack of clarity does not greatly impede

comprehension; intro and conclusion fair


Clear structure; easy to   follow and comprehend; includes complete intro  and conclusion




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