代写ENGM036 Digital Mapping and Survey Coursework 2代写Matlab语言

ENGM036 Digital Mapping and Survey

Coursework 2 Brief

Set by: Dr Mohamad Abdel-Aal

Submission date: 13th  December 2024 12:00 noon (Week 12)

Submission method: ELE2

Assessment Weight: 50% of the module mark Title:

Digital  Mapping and Surveying of Taddiforde  Brook-  Inves;ga;ng  the  poten;al of a  Local hydropower energy source.


The purpose of this coursework is to assess your ability to use digital mapping and analysis tools to evaluate land and provide high-quality data to support the poten;al construc;on of a small hydropower sta;on. Rather than solely aiming to prove the viability of hydropower at Taddiforde Brook, the assessment encourages you to cri;cally evaluate all relevant factors and arrive at a reasoned conclusion supported by data-driven insights and jus;fica;ons.


1.   Demonstrate the ability of u;lising and choosing the appropriate new developments in surveying tools and seHngs [ILO 1].

2.   Create quality spa;al data and evaluate it, using the appropriate soNware packages, to propose the construc;on of a renewable energy technology [ILO 3].

3.   Formulate a project aim and objec;ves, by analysing the obtained data, to inves;gate the poten;al of construc;ng a renewable energy technology [ILO 2].

4.   Discuss the  limita;ons of uncertainty,  using engineering and technical reasoning, in data collec;on and its implica;ons on future work [ILO4].

5.   Evaluate and analyse relevant technical literature to propose appropriate solu;ons for the given problem (described below) using an integrated approach [ILO 5 & 7].

6.   Apply all the  relevant health & safety, codes of prac;ce and standards, to iden;fy, evaluate, manage and mi;gate risks appropriately [ILO 6 & 8].

7.   Act professionally according to theEngineering Council standards, func;on effec;vely and evaluate your effec;veness [ILO 9 & 10].

Problem descripJon:

U;lising natural resources to generate energy has become increasingly important, par;cularly with the recent  UK net-zero targets and the growing demand for fuel.  Developing a new renewable energy source requires careful integra;on with nature and thoughaul adjustments to achieve op;mal results while minimising nega;ve impacts on areas such as ecology, the economy,   and   society.   Consequently,   thorough   surveying   and   mapping   of   poten;al renewable energy resources in the region are essen;al.

For this coursework, you are tasked with surveying and mapping Taddiforde Brook to evaluate the feasibility  of  installing  hydropower  technology.  You  will  need  to  provide  preliminary es;mates  of   poten;al   hydropower  genera;on  and   iden;fy  suitable   loca;ons  within Taddiforde Brook. In your analysis, consider the technical feasibility as well as the poten;al impacts on local communi;es, biodiversity, and other land uses.

For the  purposes  of  this  study,  an  average  rainfall  intensity  of  1  mm/hour  and  a  runoff coefficient of 0.6 are assumed for Taddiforde Brook.

Submission Requirements:

You are required to submit a technical report explaining the details of your work. The report should include the sec;ons listed below.

In addi;on to the main report, please submit the following items as an electronic appendix. This list is not exhaus;ve, addi;onal relevant materials may be added as appropriate:

a.   The ‘ Project’ file in ArcGIS Pro APRX format which shall include the following:

•   All relevant raster data files

•    Mapping raster le of the poten;al power genera;on b.   Point Cloud file for Taddiforde Brook in RCP format

c.   Contour and surface files in DWG format

d.   Computa;onal codes (e.g., MATLAB or similar) in text or similar format

The report must not exceed 10 pages in total, excluding references and appendices.

1.   IntroducJon [5%] [knowledge, cogniJve]

Provide  relevant  background  informa;on  on  the  site  based  on  collected  data  and  other sources.  The  introduc;on  should  guide  you   in  formula;ng  a  specific   project  aim  and establishing SMART objec;ves

2.   Methodology [25%] [research, literature and cogniJve (analysis)]

Describe the methodology used, beginning with the planning stage. Jus;fy the selec;on of appropriate mapping and surveying tools, as well as the types of files, e.g. DEM or DSM, used for es;ma;ng and mapping power output. Discuss the expected margin of error from the tools and data, and evaluate their suitability for achieving your aim and objec;ves. Ensure that all relevant methods used in the surveying campaign are thoroughly presented and explained.

Outline the approach taken to justify the study's final outcomes. Refer to relevant literature, and apply an engineering, logical, scientific or mathematical knowledge in your justification. Explain  any  additional  work  undertaken  to  achieve  the  results,  including  equations  and computational  codes  used  to  estimate  generated  power.  Demonstrate  proficiency  with relevant software packages, such as ArcGIS, Autodesk Civil 3D, Autodesk ReCap and MATLAB for importing, processing and exporting files. This includes the processing of Point Cloud data to prepare for construction planning and create a surface model.

3.   Results [25%] [knowledge, Professional and cogniJve (analysis)]

Present all  relevant data collected from the Taddiforde  Brook survey,  including eleva;on profiles,   flow   accumula;on,   and   stream   ow   characteris;cs   essen;al   for   assessing hydropower poten;al.

•   Spa;al analysis output:

o Display the relevant data you used to es;mate the hydraulic parameters.

o Using flow accumula;on, present possible dam heights based on the equa;ons learnt in this module or other similar principles.

o Present the poten;al hydropower across the Taddiforde Brook region.

o Use screenshots for the key features and upload relevant files as explained in ‘Submission Requirements’ sec;on.

•    Final dam height determina;on:

o Provide a reasoned es;mate of the most appropriate dam height, accoun;ng for technical poten;al with environmental, social, and economic factors.

•    Hydropower output es;ma;on:

o Present the calculated annual energy output (e.g., kWh/year) based on the determined head and es;mated ow rate, accoun;ng for factors like efficiency and seasonal ow varia;ons.

4.   Discussion [25%] [research, literature and cogniJve (analysis)]

This sec;on allows you to interpret your ndings, connec;ng them to real-world applica;ons and the overall aim of the project. Always support your arguments with strong evidence from literature, logical reasoning or the applica;on of scien;fic and engineering principles.

•    Key findings:

o Discuss  the  primary  results,  including  es;mated  dam  heights,  poten;al hydropower outputs, and key loca;ons iden;fied.

o Explain how these findings align with the project’s objec;ves and support the decision regarding the viability of hydropower at Taddiforde Brook.

•    Implica;ons:

o Cri;cally  evaluate  the  implica;ons  of  installing  hydropower  infrastructure, considering technical feasibility, environmental impacts (e.g. on local habitats and water quality), social (e.g. acceptability) and economic factors (e.g. cost- benefit and payback period).

•    Uncertainty:

o Address the uncertain;es and limita;ons inherent in your analysis, including data  accuracy,  assump;ons  about  key  elements  and  methods  used  for hydropower  and  other  calcula;ons.  Discuss  the  poten;al  effects  of  these limita;ons  on  the  reliability  of  your  results  and  any  risks  to  the  project’s feasibility.

5.   RecommendaJons for future work [5%] [as discussions]

Briefly  add  some   recommenda;ons  for  future  work,  what   methods,  technologies   and prepara;on would you change and what you suggest for improving the final outcomes in the future. This should  mostly  be  based on the  limita;ons discussed in the  previous sec;on. Propose surveying methods to plan infrastructure for delivering power to the University’s Streatham Campus, including transmission line route assessments.

6.   ReecJon on your work eecJveness [5%] [professional]

You will need to briefly describe the key incidents that impacted your performance, e.g. in comparison to submiHng Coursework 1, and analyse what happened in depth from different angles. You then think and report what this means to you as a professional and how your reflec;on will aid your future work. For more guidance on reflec;ve wri;ng, clickhere.



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