Name(s): _______Vickie_____________ Date: _________________

Lab #1 – Tabular and Graphical Displays
Objectives: At the end of this lab, you will be able to:
• Find descriptive statistics using Excel and SPSS
• Identify appropriate ways to summarize data
• Explore relationships using crosstabulation/contingency tables
• Interpret the results in the context of the problem
Directions: Refer to the Excel file Lab #1 to complete the following tasks. All results and
explanations need to be reported within this Word document after each question. Make sure to
use complete sentences when explaining your results. Your results should be formatted and
Data Set: 2011 Movies
The motion picture industry is a competitive business. More than 50 studios produce a total of
300 to 400 new motion pictures each year, and the financial success of each motion picture
varies considerably. Data collected for the top 100 motion pictures produced in 2011 are listed in
the Lab #1 Excel file.
Description of the variables
Motion picture: The name of the movie
Opening Gross Sales [OGS] ($): the opening weekend gross sales in millions of dollars
Total Gross Sales [TGS] ($): The total gross sales in millions of dollars
Number of Theaters [NT]: The number of theaters the movie was shown in
Weeks in Release [WR]: the number of weeks the movie was released

Exercise 1. Use graphical methods and descriptive statistics to explore all the variables to learn
how the variables measure the success of the motion picture business.
A. Identify which of the four quantitative variables (OGS, TGS, NT, and WR) would be
appropriate to summarize a) using grouped frequency distributions and b) using
ungrouped frequency distributions. Explain.
Grouped: OGS, TGS
Ungrouped: WR, NT

B. Construct frequency distributions and graphs for each of the four quantitative variables
(OGS, TGS, NT, and WR).

C. Use descriptive statistics to summarize opening gross sales, the total gross sales, the
number of theaters and weeks in release. What conclusions can you draw about the
opening gross sales, the total gross sales, the number of theaters and the number weeks
the movie was released?

Opening Gross Sales: With a sample size of 100, OGS averaged approximately $27.5M
with a standard deviation of $26.5M. These two values alone suggests that OGS is
extremely skewed to the right, which is also highlighted with a median of $19M
compared to the mean (average) of $27.5M. With a range of $169.12M compared to the
maximum of $169.19M further indicated a wide spread in the data and the potential for

Total Gross Sales: Using the same sample size, the TGS is higher than the OGS. The
average TGS for the 100 movies is $90.4M, with a median of $72.4M and a standard
deviation of $68.1M. While not as skewed as OGS the TGS is skewed to the right. Again, the range is $351.9M with a maximum of $381M, very likely to have outliers in the data

Weeks in Release: With the sample size of 100 movies, the mean and median are
approximately the same (mean = 14.58 weeks and median = 14.5 weeks) with a standard
deviation of 5 weeks. These statistics indicate the distribution is approximately normal.
However, with a range of 37 weeks with the maximum number of weeks at 43, there
should be concerns about potential outliers.

Number of Theaters: With the sample of 100 movie theaters, we find the mean to be 3114
movie theaters and the median to be 3102 movie theaters. Based on these values the
distribution appears slightly skewed right, however, the graph indicates the distribution is
skewed left. Taking a look at the graph of Number of Theaters as an ungrouped
distribution we are better able to see the distribution is approximately normal with some
potential outliers to the left, which accounts for the distribution appearing more skewed
to the left.

D. Construct a cross-tabulation table to explore the relationship between the total gross sales
and the opening weekend. Discuss the relationship between the total gross sales and the
opening weekend.

Based on the results of the crosstabulation, the TGS sales increased as the OGS increased. The
better a movie did during its opening is an indicator of expected total sales.

E. Use a cross-tabulation table to explore the relationship between the total gross sales and
another variable. Discuss the relationship between the total gross sales and the variable
you select.

Lower Total Gross Sales (≤ 76.06 million):
The majority of movies with lower gross sales (≤ $76.06 million) tend to be shown in fewer
theaters, with 21 movies being released in theaters numbering between 2801-3050. However,
this group also spans a wide range of theater counts, showing that movies with lower sales
can be distributed widely, but with little impact on gross sales.

Mid-Range Gross Sales (76.07 million - 216.06 million):
Movies with moderate total gross sales between $76.07 and $216.06 million tend to be
distributed across a more moderate number of theaters. For example, in the $76.07-$111.06
million range, 6 movies were shown in 2801-3050 theaters, and the numbers are smaller
across other theater count ranges.
It suggests a slight increase in total gross sales as the number of theaters increases, but
there’s no clear-cut, direct linear relationship visible at this point.

High Total Gross Sales ($356.07+ million):
Interestingly, the movie(s) with the highest gross sales (greater than $356.07 million) are
shown in a significant number of theaters (4051–4300), indicating a clear relationship
between high box office performance and wide distribution.
The concentration of movies with gross sales above $321.07 million tends to occur in theater
counts above 4051, reinforcing the idea that wider distribution contributes to higher total
Overall Relationship:
There appears to be a positive relationship between the Number of Theaters (NT) and Total
Gross Sales (TGS). Movies that are distributed in more theaters generally tend to have higher
gross sales.
However, the relationship is not perfectly linear, as there are some movies with fewer
theaters (like those ≤ 2300 theaters) that have respectable gross sales. Conclusion:
The data suggest that wider distribution (more theaters) tends to correspond with higher gross
sales, particularly at the higher end of the sales spectrum. However, other factors, such as the
quality, marketing, and audience appeal of the movie, likely influence total gross sales as



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