代做COM332 Chinese Cinema Assignment 1帮做R程序

Department of Media and Communication

COM332 Chinese Cinema

Assignment 1 Portfolio (40%)

Deadline of submission

23:59 on 1 November 2024

Submission method


Submission format

A video essay – Video

A storyboard – Table in a Word document

A bibliography – Word


40% of the grade for COM332

Learning outcomes assessed

A, B, C, & D

This assignment comprises three parts and is worth 40% of the total module mark. You are asked to create a video essay of 5 minutes (+/-5%, namely +/- 15 seconds) long, focusing on the topics and themes discussed in the first six weeks of this module.

The video essay is the audio-visual equivalent of the written essay. It requires you to research, plan, develop your argument and convey your ideas clearly. Your video essay can be constructed from audio, visual and textual material to build an argument and address an issue. You might use film clips, use voice-overs, still images, written work and music to create your work. A video essay is never just a collage of material. It is always the presentation of an organised and coherent argument.

Your video essay should have the same components as an essay: an introduction, argument, discussion and conclusion. Your central argument supported by original ideas and detailed analysis using examples collected through research.

The list of films you may choose from:

Early cinema:

· The Goddess (神女, Wu Yonggang, 1934)

· The Big Road (大路, Sun Yu, 1934)

· Scenes of City Life (都市风光, Yuan Muzhi, 1935)

Films directed by the Fifth Generation directors:

One and Eight (一个和八个, Zhang Junzhao, 1983)

Horse Thief (盗马贼, Tian Zhuangzhuang, 1986)

King of the Children (孩子王, Chen Kaige, 1987)

To Live (活着, Zhang Yimou, 1994)

Back to Back, Face to Face (背靠背, 脸对脸, Huang Jianxin, 1994)

Films directed by the Sixth Generation directors:

— The Days (冬春的日子, Wang Xiaoshuai, 1993)

— Beijing Bastards (北京杂种, Zhang Yuan, 1993)

Platform. (站台, Jia Zhangke, 2000)

— Blind Shaft (盲井, Li Yang, 2003)

Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

· the leftist film movement and its importance

· the role of women in early Chinese cinema

· the modernist perspective and the Avant-gardism of the fifth generation directors

· the independent cinema of the sixth generation directors

· etc.

What to submit?

Besides the final video essay, you are also asked to submit the evidence of your work. This includes the storyboard and bibliography to demonstrate the research undertaken with the work. Your portfolio includes the video and the supporting material used to create the video.

· A video essay (5 minutes)

· A storyboard

· A bibliography

Weighting of each element and marking




A storyboard


Please refer to the marking descriptor

A video essay


Please refer to the marking descriptor

A bibliography

Although submitted separately, this is part of the assessment of the video essay. Subject to whether appropriate amount of relevant sources is referred to in the correct APA format, academic integrity penalty applies

Notes on the submitted files:

· Video essay file format: MOV or H.264; resolution: 720p or 1080p

· Please submit the storyboard and bibliography in Word.doc or Word.docx format (not PDF) ; Times New Roman; 12 Point Font; Double Spaced

· File name: Student ID_COM336_VideoEssay/


· Include page numbers

· APA referencing style. (see LMO for citation guide)

Late submission policy:

Late submission will be penalised -5% per working day from the maximum possible marks you can receive for this assignment (100%). After 5 days (-25%), you will automatically receive 0%.

COM336 Video Essay Portfolio Feedback Form

Student name

Student No.


Mark subject to moderation (after penalty)

Quick Feedback







Competent (50-59)

Adequate (40-49)






Structure and Argument

Knowledge and Understanding



Additional Comments (if any)

Storyboard Format

This is a partial example of what is expected from the storyboard. It should demonstrate the detailed plan of your project and the sources of your footage. It should give an overview of what you are planning for the project. It also provides a blueprint to assess how the project is executed into a video essay. Only minor changes are permitted once the storyboard is submitted.


1 minute

.30 seconds

2 minutes

.15 seconds

.45 seconds

3.22 minute

Progression of ideas


The issue of global migration


Collapse of the local community





Collage of static images; history of migration video clips

Own filming; people in the city fade into busy night life in town






YouTube: xxx

Website: xxx

Own made sequence from still images from Google image

Own filming

TED: xxx





Voice over

Voice over

Footage source




Storyboard Marking Descriptor


Exceptional (80+)

Fully developed, exceptionally original, clear theme or topic

Rich supporting details

Logical progression of ideas

Excellent (70-79)

Very good development of theme or topic

Details are specific and enhance development

Logical progression of ideas

Comprehensive (60-69)

Good development of theme or topic

Details are specific and contribute to the development of project, but some important details are missing

The progression of ideas is slightly difficult to follow in places

Competent (50-59)

Limited expression of purpose

Rudimentary development of theme or topic; limited in depth or clarity

Details lack relevance; important details omitted

Adequate (40-49)

Unclear purpose

Undeveloped or vague themes or topics

Few relevant details

Poor (0-39)

Lacks purpose

No appropriate topic development

No relevant details

Important core information not integrated into understanding the project plan



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