代写EE 210 Laboratory 03 Fall semester

EE 210

Laboratory 03

Fall semester

This laboratory activity is a tutorial for Multisim (Version 14.2), a circuit simulation software package by National Instruments that allows you to graphically build circuit schematics, to simulate the network, and to analyze the network response. Multisim also has a number of virtual lab instruments that you can use to test your circuits just as you would on the bench with real instruments.  It is important to become familiar with this software because it will be used in several of the subsequent labs to verify manual network analyses.  Due to the tutorial nature of this lab, your submissions are different than for other labs. Follow the directions below:

· Lab Submission: You will not have a prelab or lab worksheet to complete.  Instead, you will submit the following items at the beginning of your next lab meeting:

· Screen shots of simulation measurements, as requested

· Screen shots of virtual oscilloscope displays, as requested

· Excel plots, as requested

This lab activity is not a group submission. Each student is expected to do and submit their own work.

In-Lab Activities:

Activity 1:  DC analysis of a passive DC network

In this experiment you will be introduced to the DC analysis capabilities of Multisim.  You will use virtual multimeters and wattmeters to test your circuit.  You will learn how to run an interactive simulation as well as a DC Operating Point Analysis.

Figure 1: Passive DC Network

1.  Launch Multisim and model the schematic in Figure 1 above.

a. Place the resistors:         

i. Select the “Place Basic” button.  The “Select a Component” window will open.  For the remainder of this lab, if you have any doubt about what a button is, mouse over it and a tooltip with its name will appear.

ii. In the “Family” column, highlight “Resistor”.

iii. In the “Component column, highlight or type “5k” and press OK.

iv. Position the ghost resistor and click to place a resistor on the schematic.

v. The “Select a Component” window will reopen.  Select a 10k resistor.  Click OK to place the second resistor.

b. Place the voltage source:                  

i. From the “Select a Component” window, set “Group” to “Sources”.

ii. In the “Family” column, highlight “Select all families”.

iii. In the “Component column, highlight “DC_POWER” and press OK.

iv. Position the ghost DC power supply and click to place it on the schematic.

c. Place the current source in the same manner as the voltage source, but select “DC_CURRENT” from the “Component” column.

d. Place the ground in the same manner as the voltage source, but select “GROUND” from the “Component” column.

e. Select Close or hit ESC when the “Select a Component” window reopens to end the part placement mode.

f. Arrange the parts to roughly match Figure 1.

i. To move a part, click and drag it.

ii. To rotate a part 90 degrees hit CTRL+R while it is selected.

g. Connect the parts:

i. Click on the terminals of each part to place a wire.

ii. (To place a wire manually key CTRL+Q).

h. Change the voltage value for the voltage source.

i. Double-click on the voltage source and a properties panel will open.

ii. Select the “Value” tab, if it is not already selected.

iii. Change the voltage to 6V.

i. Specify the current value for the current source using the same procedure as for the voltage source.  Set the current source to 3mA by entering either ‘0.003’ or ‘3m’ in the current box.  You can specify any multiplier units manually using k(kilo), m(milli), u(micro), etc. 

2.  Set up virtual DMMs to monitor the network voltages and currents:                

a. Place a DMM to measure the voltage Va.

i. Select the Multimeter icon from the “Instruments” toolbar on the far right.

ii. Click to place it on your schematic.

iii. Connect it as you would a real DMM for the voltage measurement.

iv. Double-click on the DMM and set it to measure DC voltage.  Leave the measurement window open.

b. Place another DMM to monitor the voltage Vb across the 10k resistor.

c. Place a third DMM to monitor the current Ia.

i. Select the Multimeter button from the “Instruments” toolbar.

ii. Click to place it on your schematic.

iii. Double-click on the DMM and set it to measure DC current.  You will always want to perform. this step prior to connecting a DMM for current measurements to your circuit to minimize simulation errors.

iv. Connect it as you would a real DMM for the current measurement.

3. Run the simulation by selecting the green “Play” button. Save a screen capture image showing the schematic with these measurements. You will submit this as part of your lab submission. Stop the simulation by selecting the red “Stop” button.                  

4. Set up a virtual wattmeter to measure the power dissipated by R1 and R2.           

a. Remove the virtual DMMs.

b. Place a wattmeter to measure the power dissipated by R1.

i. Select the wattmeter icon from the “Instruments” toolbar.

ii. Connect the voltage portion in parallel with R1.

iii. Connect the current portion in series with R1.

iv. Double click on the wattmeter to display the screen.

c. Place another wattmeter to measure the power dissipated by R2.

d. Re-run the simulation by selecting the green “Play” button. Save a screen capture image showing the schematic with these measurements. You will submit this as part of your lab submission. Stop the simulation by selecting the red “Stop” button.

5. You can also run a DC analysis which will automatically measure all desired parameters for you.  The steps for doing this are as follows.

a. Remove all of the measurement devices from your circuit model and repair any broken network connections.

b. Rename the network branch between R1, R2, and I1.

i. Select the “Nets” tab in the Spreadsheet View window.

ii. Select the Net that highlights the network branch between R1, R2, and I1.

iii. Click the box located in the “Net name” column () to open the Net Properties window.

iv. Specify the network name in the “Preferred net name” text box, located in the “Net name” tab (e.g. Va).

v. Ensure the ‘Show net name’ check box is checked.

vi. Click Apply, then OK to close the properties window.

c. Repeat step b, and rename the network branch between V1 and R1 (e.g. Vin).

d. Select “Simulate” from the main menu bar.

e. Select Analysis and simulation.  Highlight ‘DC Operating Point’ in the Active Analysis table on the left.  The DC Operating Point Analysis menu will open on the right-hand side.  This menu will contain a list of voltage, current and power variables for each node/component.  Multisim assigns a number to each node; if you did not assign your own name in the previous steps, you will need to determine Multisim’s nodal numbering system to measure the correct values in the following steps.

f. To measure Va, select and add this node’s associated voltage variable to the list of output variables (e.g. V(Va)).

g. To measure Vb (or any voltage that is not a node voltage) you will need to select “Add Expression” and then enter a mathematical expression to calculate the desired voltage (e.g. “V(Vin)-V(Va)”).

h. To measure the current Ia, add the variable I(V1) to the list of output variables.  This calculates the current through the voltage source labeled V1.   NOTE:  Passive sign convention is used, so I(V1) is actually –Ia.  

i. To measure the power dissipated by each resistor, add the variables P(R1) and P(R2) to the list of output variables.

j. When your “Selected Variables for Analysis” list contains variables associated with Va, Vb, I(V1)), P(R1), and P(R2), click the simulate button. Verify the results which are displayed agree with those you measured earlier. Save a screen capture image showing the table with these measurements. You will submit this as part of your lab submission. Stop the simulation by selecting the red “Stop” button. 

6. Save your schematic to a convenient location by selecting File>Save As> . Type the desired file name “Lab03_DC” 

Activity 2:  Transient analysis of a passive AC network

In this experiment you will be introduced to the transient analysis capabilities of Multisim.  You will use a virtual function generator to provide an input to your circuit and a virtual oscilloscope to view voltages in your circuit.  You will also learn how to export transient waveform. measurement data to a spreadsheet.

1. Open a 2nd instance of your existing schematic and give it new name.

a. On the main toolbar select File>Open and then navigate to your Lab03_DC file.

b. Save this 2nd schematic (which you will be changing) as “Lab03_AC”. 

2. Replace the DC voltage source with a virtual function generator.                

a. Remove the DC voltage source from your schematic.

b. Select the Function Generator icon from the “Instruments” toolbar and place it on your schematic.

i. Double-click on the function generator.  Set it to 1kHz sine wave with an amplitude of 5V (this means the sine wave will be 10 V peak-to-peak).

ii. Connect it to your circuit using the “+” terminal on the left for the positive lead and the center “com” terminal for ground.  (Leave the “-” terminal on the right unconnected.) 

(FYI:  If you want a more realistic function generator interface, there exists a model for an Agilent function generator on the “Instruments” toolbar.  This function generator’s knobs/buttons/controls are like those on an actual Agilent 33120A.  If you are more comfortable with this more realistic function generator, you may use it instead.  Make sure to note that when using THIS function generator model instead of the generic one, the signal voltage you define is Vpp, not V amplitude, so if you want a 5 V amplitude sine wave you would enter 10 Vpp as your “amplitude.”)

3.  Set up a virtual oscilloscope to measure the output of the function generator on channel A and Va on channel B:                   

a. Place a virtual oscilloscope on your schematic.

i. Select the general Multisim oscilloscope icon from the “Instruments” toolbar.  The icon is labeled “Oscilloscope.”

ii. Click to place it on your schematic.

iii. Connect the + terminal on Channel A to the output of your function generator. Connect the – terminal on Channel A to ground.

iv. Connect Channel B to measure Va. Make sure to connect both the + and – terminals, as you did with Channel A.

v. Change the color of the Va network branch.

a. Under the Nets tab of the Spreadsheet view, select the Va net from the list and click the color column to enable the color selection for the Va net.

b. Click the drop-down arrow and select a color (other than the default red).  You may choose ‘other’ if you wish to choose from a wider array of colors than shown.

vi. Double click on the oscilloscope to display its screen and controls.

(FYI: If you want a more realistic oscilloscope interface, there exists models for both Agilent and Tektronix oscilloscopes on the “Instruments” toolbar. The knobs/buttons/controls match those of their physical oscilloscope counterparts. Note that these models don’t have a negative (--) terminal for the scope input. They only have a + connection and the voltage is always displayed with respect to ground. The Tektronix model has a separate G terminal that needs to be connected to circuit ground.)

4. Run the simulation by selecting the green “Play” button.

a. The colors for Channel A and Channel B on the oscilloscope display will match the associated net colors you selected earlier.

b. While the simulation is running, you can adjust the display:

i. Set the vertical scales for both Channel A and Channel B to 10 V/div

ii. Adjust the Timebase scale to display a few complete cycles of the input and output signals.

iii. Make sure that the trigger is set to rising edge trigger on Channel A with a trigger level of 0 V. Setting the trigger type to “Normal” will result in a constantly-refreshing display. Setting the trigger type to “Single” will result in the display of a single sweep.

iv. You can pause the simulation at any time to freeze the display.

v. Two vertical measurement bars on the left edge of oscilloscope screen can be moved anywhere on the screen to get an accurate readout of any points on the displayed signals. The window below the oscilloscope screen displays the measurement bar values. Place one bar at a point where Channel B is maximum and place the other bar at a point where Channel B is minimum. This allows you to determine the peak-to-peak amplitude of the signal.

vi. With the peak-to-peak measurement displayed, save a screen capture of the oscilloscope display showing this measurement. You will submit this as part of your lab submission. Stop the simulation by selecting the red “Stop” button.

Activity 3:  DC analysis of an active DC network

In this exercise you will learn how to use a dependent source in simulation.

Figure 2: Active DC Network

1. Open a new project.

a. On the main toolbar select File>New

b. Create a Blank workspace

c. Save it as “Lab03_ACTIVE” 

2. Model the schematic in Figure 2.

a. To place a voltage controlled current source:

i. Set “Group” to “Sources” button in the “Select a Component” window.

ii. In the “Family” column, highlight “CONTROLLED_CURRENT”

iii. Select the VOLTAGE_CONTROLLED_CURRENT_SOURCE and place it on your schematic.

iv. Connect it as in Figure 3.  You will be measuring the voltage across R1 as a reference for your voltage dependent source.

a. To flip a part vertically hit ALT+Y while it is selected.

Figure 3: Active DC Network (Multisim View)

3. Set the transconductance of your dependent source to 0.002 Mho.  Transconductance (G) = 1/(Resistance).  The unit of transconductance is Mho = 1/Ohm so that:

Volts*Mho = Volts/Ohm = Amps 

4. Set up DMMs to measure the voltages Va and Vb.

5. Set up another DMM to measure the current Ia exiting the voltage source.  Pay particular attention to the orientation of your “+” and “-“ terminals so that you get the current sign right.

6. Run the simulation by pressing the green “Play” button. Save a screen capture image showing this schematic and DMM measurements. You will submit this as part of your lab submission. Stop the simulation by selecting the red “Stop” button. 

Activity 4: Dealing with Operational Amplifiers (a preview of things to come)

In this exercise, you will get a first look at operational amplifiers, a topic that we’ll be covering in class shortly. You will also learn how to export simulation data to Excel for later analysis/plotting.

1. Download “Opamp_Lab_03” from Canvas.  This file illustrates how to connect operational amplifier models in Multisim.

2. Use the virtual DMM to take the following measurements and determine the gain of the circuit (Vout/Vin).

a. I1

b. I2

c. I3

d. Vout

3. Save a screen capture image showing the schematic and DMM measurements. You will submit this as part of your lab submission.

4. Replace the 1 Volt DC power supply with a signal generator.

o Set the signal generator to a sine wave with 1 Volt amplitude (2 V Peak-to-Peak amplitude), 5kHz, 0V DC offset.

o Use the generic Multisim oscilloscope to capture Vin on channel 1 and Vout on channel 2.

o Change the Interactive Simulation Settings to run for only 5 periods of the 5kHz input signal (1 ms). The reason that we only want to run the simulation for 5 periods is because we will be saving the data to an Excel file and don’t want to generate more data than we need.

§ On the main menu go to Simulate>Analysis and simulation.

§ Highlight ‘Interactive Simulation’ in the Active Analysis table and, under the analysis parameters tab, change End time (TSTOP) to 0.001 s.

5. You can export simulation data to Excel in table-form. for later analysis or more sophisticated plotting. The instructions for doing so are below. Note: In order to capture the data you must use the general Multisim oscilloscope, not one of the special scopes.             

a. Click the green “Play” button to run your simulation. 1 ms worth of data will be generated.

b. Click the “Grapher” button on the “Main” toolbar. Your oscilloscope display will now show up in a separate “Grapher” window.

i. Export your data to an Excel spreadsheet by going to Tools>Export to Excel on the main menu of the Grapher View window.

ii. Select both sets of data and click “OK”

iii. Your data should now be conveniently displayed in an Excel spreadsheet.

6. Using the Excel data, plot Vout vs Vin.  Make sure to include an appropriate title and axis labels.  Measure the slope of the line you have plotted. What do you think this line represents?  (It is possible that you will see two parallel lines -- this is the result of a capacitance effect causing a phase shift between input and output. It is not an issue that you need to worry about).

7. Save a screen capture image and submit a copy of your Excel graph. Include the calculation of the line slope and an explanation of what the slope of the graph seems to represent for this circuit.

8. Now replace R2 with a resistor of value 100 kΩ and repeat steps 4 - 5 (only measure the slope of the center region).  

9. Save a screen capture image and submit a copy of your Excel graph. Include the calculation of the line slope and an explanation of what the slope of the graph seems to represent for this circuit. Also include a brief discussion what additional phenomenon is being shown on the graph. 

Summary of items to be submitted

- Four schematic screenshots (two from activity 1, activity 3, activity 4)

- One table screenshot (activity 1)

- One oscilloscope screenshot (activity 2)

- Two Excel graphs with discussions (activity 4)



mktg2509 csci 2600 38170 lng302 csse3010 phas3226 77938 arch1162 engn4536/engn6536 acx5903 comp151101 phl245 cse12 comp9312 stat3016/6016 phas0038 comp2140 6qqmb312 xjco3011 rest0005 ematm0051 5qqmn219 lubs5062m eee8155 cege0100 eap033 artd1109 mat246 etc3430 ecmm462 mis102 inft6800 ddes9903 comp6521 comp9517 comp3331/9331 comp4337 comp6008 comp9414 bu.231.790.81 man00150m csb352h math1041 eengm4100 isys1002 08 6057cem mktg3504 mthm036 mtrx1701 mth3241 eeee3086 cmp-7038b cmp-7000a ints4010 econ2151 infs5710 fins5516 fin3309 fins5510 gsoe9340 math2007 math2036 soee5010 mark3088 infs3605 elec9714 comp2271 ma214 comp2211 infs3604 600426 sit254 acct3091 bbt405 msin0116 com107/com113 mark5826 sit120 comp9021 eco2101 eeen40700 cs253 ece3114 ecmm447 chns3000 math377 itd102 comp9444 comp(2041|9044) econ0060 econ7230 mgt001371 ecs-323 cs6250 mgdi60012 mdia2012 comm221001 comm5000 ma1008 engl642 econ241 com333 math367 mis201 nbs-7041x meek16104 econ2003 comm1190 mbas902 comp-1027 dpst1091 comp7315 eppd1033 m06 ee3025 msci231 bb113/bbs1063 fc709 comp3425 comp9417 econ42915 cb9101 math1102e chme0017 fc307 mkt60104 5522usst litr1-uc6201.200 ee1102 cosc2803 math39512 omp9727 int2067/int5051 bsb151 mgt253 fc021 babs2202 mis2002s phya21 18-213 cege0012 mdia1002 math38032 mech5125 07 cisc102 mgx3110 cs240 11175 fin3020s eco3420 ictten622 comp9727 cpt111 de114102d mgm320h5s bafi1019 math21112 efim20036 mn-3503 fins5568 110.807 bcpm000028 info6030 bma0092 bcpm0054 math20212 ce335 cs365 cenv6141 ftec5580 math2010 ec3450 comm1170 ecmt1010 csci-ua.0480-003 econ12-200 ib3960 ectb60h3f cs247—assignment tk3163 ics3u ib3j80 comp20008 comp9334 eppd1063 acct2343 cct109 isys1055/3412 math350-real math2014 eec180 stat141b econ2101 msinm014/msing014/msing014b fit2004 comp643 bu1002 cm2030
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