代写English 112.3 (W01) Literature and Composition: Reading Drama Fall 2024代做留学生SQL语言

English 112.3 (W01) Literature and Composition: Reading Drama

Fall 2024

Land Acknowledgment  

We acknowledge that the land on which we gather is Treaty Six territory and traditional Métis homeland, and we acknowledge the diverse Indigenous peoples whose footsteps have marked this territory for centuries. Our Department’s vision is to be a place where many peoples come together to engage in mutually respectful relations and dialogues.

Course Description

What is drama and how does it differ from the other major genres of literature? What vocabulary do we use to discuss it? What is the relationship between the dramatic work and its historical context? English 112: Reading Drama is an introductory course that approaches these broad questions through the close reading of several plays and critical texts. Over the term, we will analyze the written dramatic text, explore the relationship between the written text and its performance, and investigate the connection between the dramatic work and the world that it reflects, distorts, and reveals. Specific attention will be directed towards the works’ treatment of class, gender, and identity. Also, in addition to learning the tools of critical analysis, students will study and practice composition and grammar.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to demonstrate that you know:

· the terminology needed to read and write about dramatic works.

· how to engage in close readings of individual works.

· how to formulate critical arguments about one or more works, as evidenced in a clear and persuasive essay. 

· how to use English grammar and punctuation correctly.

· how to differentiate between primary and secondary sources and how to use MLA documentation.

Required Texts

Texts are available from the University Bookstore unless otherwise noted (http://www.usask.ca/bookstore/)  

· Bean, Richard. One Man, Two Guvnors

· Churchill, Caryl. Top Girls

· Clements, Marie. The Unnatural and Accidental Women

· Graff, Gerald, and Cathy Birkenstein. They Say / I Say 5th edition

· Mamet, David. Glengarry Glen Ross

· Shakespeare, William. Hamlet (https://www.folger.edu/explore/shakespeares-works/hamlet/read/)

· Online: Various readings (see Canvas)


Assignments and Exams

OLIP Quizzes and Academic Integrity Tutorials (complete/incomplete) Due dates vary: see Canvas

· Students will complete four multiple-choice quizzes from the Online Library Instruction Program and four multiple-choice quizzes about academic integrity. These quizzes must all be completed to pass the course; these grades do not count toward the student’s overall grade in the class. See Canvas for more details.

Discussion Board Posts (9 posts @ 1.1% each; 10% of total grade) Due dates vary: see Canvas

· Discussion board posts involve short responses (~200-500 words) to a classmate’s post. See Canvas for additional instructions and a grading rubric.

Research Presentation (15% of total grade) Due dates vary: see Canvas

· Students will be responsible for researching a topic related to one of the course texts, writing an essay presentation (~500-800 words), and answering at least two of their peers’ questions about your topic. See Canvas for additional instructions and a grading rubric. This assignment must be completed to pass the course.

Essay Draft and Peer Review (5% of total grade) November 4; November 8

· Students will write an essay draft of approximately 400 words for the Literary Analysis Essay on Hamlet and/or The Unnatural and Accidental Women. They will then provide feedback on two peers’ essays using the provided peer review form. See Canvas for additional instructions and a grading rubric.

Literary Analysis Essay (30% of total grade) November 22

· Students will use their knowledge of close reading strategies to write an essay of approximately 1500-2000 words on a topic from Shakespeare’s Hamlet and/or Clements’ The Accidental and Unnatural Women. See Canvas for additional instructions and a grading rubric. This assignment must be completed to pass the course.

Final Exam (40% of total grade) TBD: Scheduled by the Registrar’s Office between December 7-23

· Students will write an at-home, 3-hour final exam that will test their understanding of the terminology, major concepts, and literary works covered during the course. As always, writing skills are important and will factor into the final exam score. Exam questions will focus on identifying and correcting grammatical and stylistic errors, definitions of literary terminology and vocabulary, the analysis of important quotations, and writing a formal essay on a given topic(s). See Canvas for additional instructions and a grading rubric. The final exam must be completed to pass the course.

Incomplete Coursework

· Completion of the OLIP quizzes, Academic Integrity tutorials, Annotated Bibliography, Literary Analysis Essay, and Final Exam is required to pass this course. In cases of incomplete coursework, students will be assigned a numeric grade not exceeding 49% regardless of the weighting of marks indicated on this course outline.  

Late Assignments and Extensions

· Unless otherwise noted, assignments that are submitted late will be penalized 2% per day or part thereof.  Assignments will not be marked more than 2 weeks past the stated due date or once assignments have been returned to the class as a whole, whichever comes first. Assignments that are not submitted will receive a zero. Except in rare cases, extensions will not be granted, and then, only with appropriate medical documentation. If you are experiencing problems, please speak with your instructor as soon as possible and before the assignment is due. No late penalties apply to weekends and holidays.

· University regulations concerning grading and examinations are at: http://policies.usask.ca/policies/academic-affairs/academic-courses.php and https://paws.usask.ca/go/finalgrades.





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