代写LNG302 Interpersonal Communication in the Workplace Semester 2, 2023-2024调试数据库编程

LNG302 Interpersonal Communication in the Workplace

Semester 2, 2023-2024

Written Analysis of Communication

With reference to the readings provided, as well as lectures and workshops in Weeks 1 through to Week 6 of the module, analyse the piece of communication provided to you via email as a transcript. with the aid of so-called “face theory” . For the purposes of this assignment,  “face  theory” is inclusive of  “politeness  theory” and  “face constitution theory”, in addition to Goffman’s work as found in Interaction Ritual. In this assignment, “Face theory” can also be treated as an extension of “speech act theory” . The analysis should be set out as a report under the following headings and address the issues corresponding to these headings. Refer to the line numbers on the transcript. when citing examples. There is no need to reproduce large amounts of the transcript. apart from quotations that effectively illustrate your analysis.


Outline the structure of the report and highlight any theoretical or analytical issues you would like to draw to the  reader’s attention  in particular. These are issues to be addressed in detail in the remaining sections of the report.

Preliminary Observations

Highlight the preliminary observations you made on the interaction. This may include, but is not limited to, commenting on the possible topic(s) of the meeting, the participants, the timing, and other relevant aspects of the situation. Briefly indicate which parts of the transcript helped you make these observations and those which may bring these very observations into question.


With reference to theoretical material concerning “face theory”, and based firmly on your analysis of the text provided, address such questions as the ones below:

●   What did each of the speakers think about:

o The situation they were in?

o Each other?

o Themselves?

●   What did the speakers make of the impression others may have had of them?

●   How did the speakers’ evaluations of any of the above change over the course of the meeting? How were these changes expressed in their verbal and non- verbal behaviour?

●   How were these changes noticed by some speakers in different ways and to the different degrees and at different points of the meeting?

●   Relative to their respective expectations and goals, how did the speakers compare in terms of their performance in the meeting?

Questions Remaining on the Interaction

Discuss what questions could still be asked of the interaction. In other words, discuss what things remain uncertain despite the analysis reported above. Moreover, what problems could be identified with “face theory” and its varieties in the light of your analysis? What suggestions can be made to develop such a theory further to explain variations in interpersonal communication in the workplace?

Concluding Comments

Include a brief summary of the initial observations, analysis and questions remaining. You may also wish to make pertinent additional comments which do not belong to other sections as such.


Include only those references cited in the report. This section is not included in the word count.


Reproduce a copy of the transcript. provided to you. Display the original line numbers. This section is not included in the word count either.

Word Count

Indicate the length of your report.

Grading Criteria

The usual criteria for written assignments apply. By applying these criteria to this assignment, it would be possible to describe the quality of very good reports on this topic as compared to very poorly written reports on the same topic.

Superior reports tend to …                        Inferior reports tend to 

Refer to the text carefully but not rigidly in order to support the analysis.

Discuss the text line by line and in sequence, even repeating much of the text, but for no

particular reason.

Pose relevant questions of the text while

providing tentative insights into the interpersonal communication under analysis.

Pose questions only or provide only insights.

Refer to reading and lecture material only where relevant whilst presenting the analysis.

Refer to reading and lecture material instead of presenting much analysis.

Include relevant questions on strengths and weaknesses of viewpoints expressed in

readings and lectures.

Present a lot of material from readings and lectures without relating it to the analysis.




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