代写MIS102 Data and Networking代做Prolog


Subject Code and Title

MIS102 Data and Networking


Individual Presentation + PowerPoint




8  minutes (+/- 10%)

Learning Outcomes

The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:

b)  Compare and review communication protocol stacks and generate recommendations.

d)  Demonstrate proficiency with network design alternatives


Due by 11:55pm AEST Sunday end of Module 4.2 (Week 8)



Total Marks

100 marks

Task Summary

Create an eight-minute video presentation with PPT slides, on your chosen technology trend in Blockchain or Cloud Computing. Please check with your learning facilitator to make sure that the chosen topic is relevant for this assessment.


This assessment gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your presentation skills, in a topic related to the new technology trend in Data and Networking, and more specifically in Blockchain or Cloud Computing.

You need to demonstrate your knowledge in the chosen trend, and its main communication protocols. As a future IS and networking expert, you need to provide recommendations to Australian companies which could benefit from adapting the trend.

Task Instructions

Complete the following tasks:

Part A - Technology trend

•    Choose a technology trend with the main source coming from a recent report (2020 -

onwards, currency of information is very important) from McKinsey, KPMG, Deloitte,PWC or EY.

Please make sure that the chosen technology trend on data and networking is specifically on Blockchain or Cloud computing.

•    The chosen topic needs to be approved by the facilitator at the end of Module 3.2 Please

remember that the topic needs to be discussed from the perspective of Data and Networking, and contain communication protocol information.

•    Prepare some slides which will support your presentation. The content of the slides will contribute to your grade too.

Part B- Video

•    Create an eight (8) minute video presentation, presenting the PPT slides you have prepared.

- Discuss the chosen technology trend from the perspective of Data and Networking.

-  Discuss the protocols part of the chosen trend, and which protocols appear to be more important.

-   If this trend is to be adopted by an Australian company, what recommendations will you provide to the company? The recommendations should be well supported and clearly justified.

What you shouldn’t do:

-  You do not have to discuss based only on one single report/source of information.

-  You do not have to talk in general about Cloud computing or Blockchain.

-  You do not have to talk about how any of those company (KPMG, Deloitte, etc.) have applied these technologies themselves.

Recommended Slides Content:

Slide One – Cover Slide with Title of the presentation (the chosen technology trend), your name, the subject, class CRN, your student number ID and lecturer’s name.

Slide Two – You might consider to have a general & broad discussion on different technology trends that you have investigated, in Blockchain and Cloud Computing space. Please use in-text references as this will show that you have done your research.

Slide Three - Narrow down to the main selected trend (your topic), and delve deeper. Why is that  your choice? What are the main characteristics? (You might consider togo more than one slide on this)

Slide Four – Discuss the protocols that appear to be more important when compared to other protocols for the chosen technology trend?

Slide Five – Discuss three to four concrete recommendations to the company that is about to

adopt the chosen trend (Remember these need to be short, sharp and actionable. Bullet points can help in this case).

Slide Six – Reference list of at least six (6) references. (You are at liberty to use the references listed in the brief, or any other academic references sources)

Please feel free to use between 6-10 slides, but we wouldn’t recommend you togo more than that.

Also, the slides structure provided above is just a suggestion. As long as you have covered all the required points, you might consider to use an alternative structure

Possible sources of information




https://home.kpmg/au/en/home.htm l








•    Place the references in the last slide of the PPT presentation using the APA 7th  edition style.

•    You need to include in-text references throughout your slides. The in-text references have to match with the references in the list (last slide).

•    Additional references that can be accessed using the Torrens Library search engine maybe used to supplement the required reference from the consulting company.

•    It is essential that you use appropriate APA style. for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing here-


Submission Instructions

•    Submit a Video file with you presenting the slides via the Assessment 2 submission link.

•    You have to record an 8 mins video presentation. Please have a look at the photo in the link below.


•    The video has to be in .mp4 or .mov format.

•    The video should not contain just yourself, but also the slides.

•    You can use the Zoom application to record yourself (by creating a meeting and pressing recording), or any other software that you are familiar with.

•    Please note, that this is a presentation and not a reading.

•    You should avoid recording different videos and merging them in the end. The video has to be in one go (without interruption).

•     IMPORTANT: Please do not submit a link or a compressed/zipped file.

Regarding the slides and the presentation:

•    Please be careful not to read the notes, as you are assessed even on your presentation skills. Creating the slides wisely can help you to avoid just reading.

•    You should include a slide for introducing your work (why are you here, what are you going to discuss, the structure of your work (similar to a ToC))

•    You can use pictures/graphs/tables to support your discussion and add value to your work, and use the right captioning technique according to APA 7th edition.

•    You should have at least a slide about protocols and which protocols are emphasized in this technology trend.

•    There should be also another slide for the recommendations. What are some of the recommendations to an Australian company which is going to adapt the trend?

•    You should also include a list of references in a separated slide. The references have to be according to APA 7th edition, and they cannot be just links.

•    Please include in-text references in your slides. The in-text references have to match with the

references in the list. Please do not fabricate references, as we always check the quality, and not just the number.



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