代做MAN00150M Research Methods 2024代写Java程序

School for Business and Society

Module Code:                                    MAN00150M

Module Title:                                      Research Methods

Open/Closed Assessment:               Open

Maximum Word Count:                    2500 words

Release Date:                                    07/03/2024

Submission Deadline:                      22/05/2024 - 11:00am

Weighting:                                         100%

Important information

A penalty of five marks will be deducted for late submissions that are made within the first hour after the deadline. Submissions that are more than one hour late but within the first 24 hours of the deadline will incur a penalty of ten marks. After the first 24 hours have passed, ten marks will be deducted for every 24 hours (or part thereof) that the submission is late for a total of 5 days. After 5 days it is treated as a non-submission  and given a mark of zero. The consequences of non-submission are serious and can include de-registration from the University.

If you are unable to complete your open assessment by the submission date indicated above because of Exceptional Circumstances you can apply for an extension. If unforeseeable and exceptional circumstances do occur, you must seek support and provide evidence as soon as possible at the time of the occurrence. Applications must be made before the deadline to be considered.

Full details of the Exceptional Circumstances Policy and claim form. can be found here: 


If you submit your open assessment on time but feel that your performance has been affected by Exceptional Circumstances you may submit an Exceptional Circumstances  Affecting Assessment claim form. by 7 days from the published assessment submission deadline. If you do not submit by the deadline indicated without good reason your claim will not be considered.

Please take proper precautions to safeguard your work and remember to make backup copies of your data. The University provides all its students with storage space on the University server and you should save and back up any work in progress on this server on a regular basis. Computer failure and theft of your equipment or storage media are not considered exceptional circumstances and extensions cannot be granted for work lost for these reasons.

The University has guidance on the use of AI in assessments available here. This details appropriate and inappropriate use of digital tools. Inappropriate use will    be considered academic misconduct, and penalised accordingly

Word count requirements

The word count for this assignment is 2500 words.

You must state on the front of your assignment the number of words used and this will be checked.

The main text for this assignment must be word-processed in Arial, font 12, double spacing, minimum 2cm margins all around.

You must observe the word count specified in this assignment brief. The School has a policy of accepting variations to the recommended word count of plus or minus 10%.

What does this mean for you?

Markers will mark your work up to the word count maximum plus 10% and then will stop marking; therefore all words which are in excess of the word count plus 10% will not be  marked.

Where your word count is more than 10% below that specified, it is likely that this will result in a lack of analytical depth or relevant content, which will be reflected in the mark assigned.

What is in the word count?

The word count includes:

-         the main text, including in-text reference citations and quotations. The word count does not include:

-      Appendices. These may be used to include supporting data, which may be too detailed or complex to include as a Table. They are not a device to incorporate material, which would otherwise cause you to exceed the word limit.

-       Title page

-       Contents page

-      Abstract/executive summary

-       Tables, figures, legends

-       Reference lists

-      Acknowledgements


2500 Word Limit

The Research Methods module has explored elements of a research process, including how to ask a research question, how to decide on different and interrelated dimensions of a research design, how to consider the consistency across these different dimensions, and how to reflect on both the possible ethical dilemmas of a particular research design and the ethical conduct needed throughout a research process. We have learnt that there are different ways to approach research and that the methodology (approach and strategy) and methods used are determined by the research purpose - what you are seeking to know and discover. We have also learnt that all methodologies and methods have merits and limitations.

In this assignment, you are required to demonstrate your understanding of the research process and research design by identifying, discussing, and critically evaluating an appropriate research methodology and method[s] to address a research topic. We do not identify a research topic for this assignment. This research topic, therefore, will be your choice of any topic that is of interest to you. We do not limit the specific research topic from which you can choose. This research topic can be one of the possible topics you would like to develop for your dissertation.

It is important to clarify that you have the freedom to choose a research topic to be used in this assignment. This chosen topic can be, but does not have to be, your dissertation topic.

This Research Methods module assignment provides a platform for you to indicate a consistent and effective research design, including identifying, discussing, and critically evaluating:

●   Which research topic will you focus on, what your research question is, and why this research question is important (e.g., this justification of importance can be done by critically engaging with existing literature on this chosen research topic area;  and  thinking  about  its  practical importance/implications  in exploring this topic area in general and your research question in specific);

●   A research philosophy that is relevant to your research topic and design;

●   Appropriate method(s) for data collection and data analysis that would effectively address your research question, highlighting the strengths and limitations of your recommended method[s];

●   Possible ethical issues/dilemmas and important ethical conduct needed in undertaking your specific design of research, demonstrating awareness of the ethical considerations required when conducting research.

Your work should be fully referenced, using appropriate literature sources, drawing from module materials and core readings, and supplemented by your own wider reading.



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