代做COMM221001 Broadcast & Digital Communication Summer 2024代写留学生Matlab程序

COMM221001 Broadcast & Digital Communication

Summer 2024

 Course Description:

This course introduces the student to a broad sampling of broadcast and digital writing styles utilized across many industry platforms. Areas of focus include news, sports, documentaries, commercials and public service announcements, educational television, and writing for specialized audiences. The theories, ethics and practices of this genre of communication will be introduced as well as interview methods and techniques. Case studies and practical assignments complement classroom discussions. Instructor is an industry veteran with expertise in how to apply classroom theory to practice.

 Course Delivery: asynchronous

 Required Readings/Videos: will be available in Canvas unless otherwise noted.

 Other equipment / material requirements:  Voice Record Pro app (free for Apple phones). Please email instructor at [email protected] for recording alternatives.


Canvas is the Learning Management System (LMS) at Boston College, designed to help faculty and students share ideas, collaborate on assignments, discuss course readings and materials, submit assignments, and much more - all online.  As a Boston College student, you should familiarize yourself with this important tool.  For more information and training resources for using Canvas, click here.

In the case of any technical difficulties or concerns, please contact [email protected] or 617-552-HELP (4357) for immediate assistance.  Canvas requires particular computer specifications and wifi access.  It is important that you plan accordingly.   

Course Goals:

 By the end of this course, students will:

1. Appreciate the differences among academic, print and broadcast writing.

2. Understand the nuances of a successful interview process.

3. Understand the importance of attribution and sourcing.

4. Appreciate the power a publicly shared story can hold.

5.  Learn how to convey a variety of stories for different industry platforms in the broadcast style. of writing.

6. Leave with a sample portfolio of various industry communications.

Assessments and Grading Policy

There are twelve course assignments that will be completed this session.

Module 1 includes a News/Entertainment Crossover Analysis and a Print/Broadcast Comparison. Each counts for 5% of the grade; so this week’s assignments total 10%.

These assignments will provide students with the learning outcomes of identifying key differences between print and broadcast/digital language, as well as the cross-over between news and entertainment.

Module 2 includes a Pivotal Moment Interview, complete with a subject biography and query line. This will comprise 10% of the grade. This will provide students with the learning outcomes of mastering the labeling of trigger words when conducting interviews and illustrating the proper trajectory of the query process.

Module 3 consists of a Case Reasoning which will comprise 10% of the grade. This will provide the students with the learning outcomes of critically analyzing a story’s impact, influence and power, as well as identifying “money bytes” and the proper utilization of compelling bytes.

Module 4 consists of three smaller assignments. A broadcast news vo/sot, a social media post and a snapchat short. Students do *not* have to post these to their individual social media accounts, nor do they need to have such accounts; they are merely going to mirror the language and look that these posts have. Each of these three assignments count for 5% of the grade, for a total of 15% for this module.

Module 5 includes a larger-stakes assignment. Students will write an analytical paper on children’s television programming; identifying the differences between public broadcasting and commercial television. This will provide students with the learning outcome of being able to properly identify the difference between PBS and commercial programming, as well as identifying stereotypes. This paper will comprise 15% of the grade.

Module 6 is comprised of a Storyboard draft and Pitch Letter draft. These are both worth 5% of the grade for a total of 10% for the module. The learning outcomes for this module will be that students will be able to identify their appeals and approaches in targeting their specific demographic.

Module 7 is the high-stakes week. This final week will determine whether the student has secured the learning outcomes of strict attention to detail, grammar, and continuity. The student should be able to professionally present this project and it will be a portfolio example the student will be able to utilize for job interviews. The final Storyboard will count for 20% of the grade and the final Pitch letter will count for 10% of the grade. This module is worth a total of 30% of the grade.

The Communication industry is a deadline driven industry.  Having said that, I am well aware that extenuating circumstances can often impede student deadlines. Students should communicate immediately with the instructor via email if such a circumstance arises. If a student misses a deadline, the assignment will automatically start at a B grade (86%). If the assignment is more than two weeks late, the assignment will begin at a C grade (76%).

The undergraduate grading system for Woods College is as follows:

A (4.00), A- (3.67)

B+ (3.33), B (3.00), B- (2.67)

C+ (2.33), C (2.00), C- (l.67)

D+ (l.33), D (l.00), D- (.67)

F (.00)

The graduate grading system for Woods College is as follows:

A (4.00), A- (3.67)

B+ (3.33), B (3.00)

B- (2.67)

C (2.00)

F (.00)

Letter Grades:

94-100        A

90-93          A-

87-89          B+

84-86          B

80-83          B-

77-79          C+

74-76          C

70-73          C-

67-69          D+

64-66          D

60-63          D-

 0-59           F

All students can access final grades through Agora after the grading deadline each semester. Students who complete course evaluations can access grades earlier, as they are posted.

Course Assignments

It is expected that students will spend 15 hours per week on exercises and assignments. These are listed below. Some weeks may require more time and some less, but the average is approximately 15-20 hours per week over the course of the summer session.

Course Calendar








Intro to Storytelling

a) News/Entertainment Crossover Analysis: Balloon Boy

b) Segway Print/Broadcast Comparison



The Art of Interviewing

a) Pivotal Moment Interview, Bio and line of questioning


Telling Difficult Stories

a) Plainville Teen Text Case “Money Bites” and Reasoning


Social Media

Broadcast Writing Style

a) Broadcast News vo/sot

b) Twitter, Facebook, Instagram posts

c) Snapchat Short


Special Audiences

Children/Educational programming

a) PBS/Commercial programming Analysis Paper



Promotional Writing

a) Storyboard draft

b) Pitch Letter draft


Final Project Presentations

Credibility/Attention to Detail

a) Final Storyboard presentation

b) Pitch Letter


MODULE 1:   

LO:  Identify key differences between print and broadcast language; describe cross-over between news and entertainment.


LO:  Label effective trigger words when conducting interviews and trajectory of questioning process. Conduct a professional interview resulting in interesting and descriptive storytelling from the subject.

MODULE 3:   

LO:  Critically analyze a story’s impact, influence and power.

MODULE 4:   

LO:  Write a clear, concise, conversational and compelling story for broadcast and digital media. Write a corresponding tease and social media blurbs.


LO:  Explain difference between commercial and educational children’s programming. Demonstrate the ability to label stereotypes embedded in children’s media.


LO:  Identify approach and appeal of commercial and public service storytelling. Write a professional PSA or commercial spot targeting a specific demographic. Identify goals of PSA/spot.


LO:  Professionally present storyboard and pitch letter for PSA/spot. Demonstrate strict attention to continuity, grammar and detail.



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QQ: 99515681