代做BCPM000028: Supply Chain Management帮做R编程

BCPM000028: Supply Chain Management

1. Introduction:

This document includes important information regarding your summative assessment.

Please read this document in full and refer to it while preparing your assignment.

This coursework has one part with a weighting of 100%, marked on a scale of 100.

Please note that this is an INDIVIDUAL coursework.

2. Assessment Brief:

The assessment for this module is an individual term paper of 3,000 words that explores aspects of supply chain control and transparency. The question for the paper has two main parts:

Part A (appx 1500 words)

Provide a synthesis of the key supply chain literature highlighting the key features, benefits, of and approaches to supply chain integration.

Part B (appx 1500 words)

With reference to the relevant construction supply chain literature, critically assess whether and how the elements identified in part A can be applied in the construction context to achieve the same benefits.

Part A’s word count should include your brief introduction, while part B should include your paper’s conclusion.

Your role in dealing with this assignment is to identify relevant published material and discuss and analyse this material, making a case in response to the brief. Some of the material published may contain case study material which you may wish to consider and reference, but you shouldn’t construct your discussion around the case study material solely – use it to illustrate the conceptual points that you derive from the literature.

A good academic essay will always cite recent journal articles in addition to some key book-based references. Use Google Scholar but avoid web-based material unless you are certain of the quality of the source. Try to be critical in your thinking and analysis, not just descriptive of what others say.

3. Use of AI:

UCL has introduced a categorisation of assessments with regard to the use of AI.

This assessment is a Category 2 assessment. Therefore:

Students are permitted to use AI tools for specific defined processes to support the development of specific skills as required by the assessment, such as data analysis, transcription, and translation, generating insights, giving feedback on content, or proofreading content.

Students must acknowledge where they have used AI within their coursework.

For more information about each category, and to see examples, please go to Using AI tools in assessment

4 Assessment sequence and weighting:

Summative Assessment Term Paper

Weighting (%) 100%

Release date 20/2/23

Submission date 17/04/24

Corresponds to Learning Outcomes

L1              L2             L3            L4

✓               ✓              ✓             ✓

A reminder of the learning outcomes which you are expected to demonstrate in your paper:

At the end of the module, students will be able to:

1. Demonstrate the economic importance of supply chain management and the extensive scope of the subject area,

2. Critically reflect on the established bodies of knowledge and best practice, and

3. Recognise the knowledge and skills required for successful supply chain management in organisations.

5. Format:

This assignment has a limit of 3,000 words (see table below for inclusions and exclusions).

All sources and references should be acknowledged using the Harvard referencing system.

Examples of the Harvard referencing system are included in your Course Notes and were discussed in the research methods sessions.

There is a 10% leeway for the word limit: submissions that are within 10% over or under the word count won’t be penalised on the basis of wordcount.

Type of content Counts towards the word limit

Table of contents                                                                       No

Reference list or bibliography at the end                                       No

Cover page                                                                                No

Diagrams, annotated pictures, figures, and any other visuals           No

Appendices                                                                                No

Abstract                                                                                     No

Acknowledgements                                                                      No

Footnotes                                                                                   Yes

Tables in the main text                                                                 Yes

In-text citations                                                                           Yes

6. Marking Criteria:


A clear statement which sets the scene and outlines the context, the objectives of the essay and a summary of the structure of the paper. An overview that stimulates the reader about the content of the paper.                       10%

Problem context

Synthesise key texts from the literature to highlight the key features, benefits of, and approaches to supply chain integration. Consider what the key themes are that you would like to explore in the second part of the paper.             35%


The analysis should explore whether and how the elements identified in part A can be applied in the construction context to achieve the same benefits. We are looking here for an assessment of the literature and evidence as to whether supply chain management and integration works in the construction context, rather than normative statements of what could, or should be done.             35%


This section is an opportunity to highlight the key findings of your exploration. Summarise your arguments and guide the reader to find the answer for the implications of your exploration, you should highlight any managerial recommendations based on your paper.             10%


You will be assessed on the proper use of Harvard referencing, grammar, and the quality and flow of the argument presented in the paper. The objective is to write following an academic style, supporting your arguments with evidence from the literature. You are encouraged to use headings/sub-headings to organise your text. Introduce any tables/figures before they are presented in the text.    10%

7. Penalties:

Please refer to the UCL Academic Manual for details of penalties for misconduct, and for the types of misconduct.

Late submissions

- Late submissions up to 2 working days will attract a deduction of 10 percentage points but will not take the mark below 50%.

- Where work is late by 2-5 working days, marks will be capped at 50%

- If coursework is submitted more than 5 working days late, marks will be capped at 1%

In the context of word count:

- Penalties of up to 10% of marks will be applied due to over/under-length.

- Over/under-length penalty cannot take the student’s mark below ‘Pass Mark’

In the case the coursework that is submitted is over/under-length and is also late, the greater of any penalties will apply.

Any use of AI that exceeds the permitted use in this assessment brief will be subject to UCL

Academic Misconduct policy and could lead to penalties.

8. Assessment Support:

There will be an introduction to the assignment brief in Session 1, and an opportunity for Q&A in the last session of the module, but you are welcome to raise questions during any contact hours, or through the Moodle Forum for the module. You can also contact the module lead by email with questions, or requests to meet to discuss the assignment.

I will be holding an online clinic for students to discuss any issues they are having with the coursework before the submission deadline. The session will take place on Friday 5th April, between 2-4pm. A Teams link will be posted to Moodle shortly before that date.

The Writing Lab is a free service offered through the UCL Academic Communication Centre which runs workshops, tutorials and support sessions to enhance academic writing and research skills. The Writing Lab's services are available for undergraduate and postgraduate students in the Joint Faculties of Arts & Humanities and Social & Historical Sciences, the Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment, and Psychology & Language Sciences: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/writing-lab/

UCL Student Union English Language + Writing Support Programme supports non-native English speaking students with their academic writing and speaking. Peer Tutors run several different types of free activities to help you with your written and spoken English, including a regular programme of workshops, one-to-one sessions and 'Coffee and Conversation' which is a weekly opportunity to get together and practice your spoken English with other students: https://studentsunionucl.org/advice-and-support/support/language-writing-support-programme



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