CSC3100 Data Structures Programming Assignment II


CSC3100 Data Structures Fall 2022
Programming Assignment II
Due: Dec 11 2022
1 Problem 1: Special Shortest Path
1.1 Statement
City C consists of n nodes, representing different places. There are m edges between these nodes. For
the edge ei = (ui , vi , wi), there is a bidirectional(undirected) trail connecting ui and vi with length of
wi .
For a path P = {pi}, consisting of edges p1, p2, p3, · · · , pk, the length of each edge is li = wpi . Normally,
passing the edge pi with length li will cost li units of energy. Specially, if li = K · li1, then passing
this edge will only cost (K 1) · li1 units of energy.
Alice is starting from the node 1. Alice wants to know how many units of energy it will take at least
to visit the node x, for any x. If x is unreachable from the start point(node 1), you should output 1
as the result.
1.2 Input Format
The first line consists of three integer numbers n, m, K. The following m lines each consists of three
integer numbers u, v, w to describe a bidirectional trail.
1.3 Output Format
You need to output a line consisting of n integers, each representing the minimum units of energy to
reach node i from node 1.
1.4 Example
Input 1
Output 1
4 3 0
0 2 5 -1
1 2 2
2 3 4
3 1 5
Input 2
Output 2
3 3 2
0 2 4
1 2 2
2 3 4
3 1 5
11.5 Constraints
1 3
30 pts
n 105
m 2 × 105
K = 0
1 wi 104
4 5
20 pts
n 103
m 2 × 105
K = 1
6 7
20 pts
n 105
m 2 × 105
K = 2
8 10
30 pts
n 105
m 2 × 105
K 105
1.6 Hints
Hint: You can modify(or add) some edges to the original graph to fit this problem into
the algorithm you know.
22 Problem 2: Median Search Tree
2.1 Statement
If the sorted array of all the values in the set is {ai} n
=1, let t = n/2, then the median 2k values are
{atk+1, · · · , at+k}.
Barbara has got a set of values with size of 2k initially. Barbara wants to do m operations on it. Each
operation belongs to the following 3 types:
1 w: insert a value w.
2: output all the median 2k values, i.e. atk+p, 1 p 2k.
3 p: delete the p-th value among median 2k values, i.e. atk+p.
We guarantee that all the values will be distinct and the size of the set is always at least 2k.
2.2 Input Format
The first line consists of two integer numbers m, k. The second line consists of the 2k values in the
initial set. Then, the following m lines each consists of the command of an operation.
2.3 Output Format
You need to output one line for each query(operation 2). Each line consists of 2k positive integers, the
median 2k values of the set at that time in ascending order.
2.4 Example
Input 1
Output 1
3 1
2 4
2 3
1 4
3 1
Input 2
Output 2
5 2
2 4 6 8
8 4 2 6
4 5 6 8
3 4 5 6
1 5
1 3
2.5 Constraints
1 3
30 pts
n 2 × 103
k 25
1 w 106
4 5
20 pts
n 105
k 25
no operation 3
6 7
20 pts
n 105
k = 1
8 10
30 pts
n 105
k 25
2.6 Hints
You can solve this problem with heaps.
33 Problem 3: Football Match
3.1 Statement
While the FIFA World Cup is being held in Qatar, BLGG is organizing a football tournament in LGU,
There are n teams in this tournament, numbered from 1 to n. Each team has its popularity, and the
popularity of team i is ai . A match between i and j will gain ai × aj MOD M attractions.
When a football team loses a match, it will be eliminated from the tournament. At the end, the team
left standing will be the champion of this tournament.
BLGG is wondering that what the maximum sum of the attractions of the (n 1) matches.
3.2 Input Format
The first line contains two integers n and M.
The second line contains n integers a1, · · · , an.
3.3 Output Format
Output one integer representing the maximum sum of the attractions of the (n 1) matches.
3.4 Sample Input/Output
Input 1
Output 1
3 114514
1 2 3
3.5 Constraints
10 pts
n 10
0 ai , M 2 × 109
For all i, j, ai × aj < M
2 5
40 pts
n 10
0 ai , M 2 × 109
10 pts
n 2000
0 ai , M 2 × 109
For all i, j, ai × aj < M
7 10
40 pts
n 2000
0 ai , M 2 × 109
3.6 Hints
You can try to solve this problem using the graph algorithms we learn in classes.
44 Problem 4: Prefix
4.1 Statement
You are given n strings s1, s2, · · · , sn and q queries. In i th query, you are given a string ti , please find
out how many strings in s1, s2, · · · , sn begins with ti .
4.2 Input Format
The first line is an integer n.
Each of the next n lines contains a string, respectively. The (i + 1)th line of input is si .
The (n + 2)th line of input is an integer q.
Each of the next q lines contains a string, respectively. The (n + 2 + i) th line of input is ti .
4.3 Output Format
Output q lines. The i th line contains the answer of i th query.
4.4 Sample Input/Output
Input 1
Output 1
4.5 Constraints
All strings only contain lowercase letters.
1 4
40 pts
n, q 103
P n
=1 |si | , P q
=1 |ti | ≤ 103
5 10
60 pts
n, q 106
P n
=1 |si | , P q
=1 |ti | ≤ 106
4.6 Hints
You can try to store s1, s2, · · · , sn in a tree.
Since the input might be very large, fast input method such as BufferedReader in Java is required.
5A. Requirements
Code (90%)
The distribution of programming grade is 20%, 20%, 25%, 25% for the four problems respectively.
You can write your code in Java, Python, C, or C++. The time limit may vary among different
languages, depending on the performance of the language. Your code must be a complete runnable
program instead of only a function. We guarantee test data strictly compliance with the requirements
in the description, and you do not need to deal with cases where the input data is invalid.
We provide a example problem to better illustrate the information above.
Report (10%)
You also need to write a report to explain the following:
What are the possible solutions for the problem?
How do you solve this problem?
Why is your solution better than others?
Please note that the maximum number of pages allowed for your report is 5 pages.
Remember that the report is to illustrate your thinking process. Keep in mind that your report is
supposed to show your ideas and thinking process. We expect clear and precise textual descriptions
in your report, and we do not recommend that you over-format your report.
B. Example Problem: A + B Problem
Given 2 integers A and B, compute and print A + B
Two integers in one line: A, and B
One integer: A + B
Sample Input I
1 2
Sample Output I
Problem Scale & Subtasks
For 100% of the test cases, 0 A, B 106
import java . util .*;
public class Example {
public static void main ( String [] args ) {
int a , b;
Scanner scanner = new Scanner ( System . in );
a = scanner . nextInt ();
b = scanner . nextInt ();
scanner . close ();
System . out . println (a + b );
AB = input (). split ()
A , B = int ( AB [0]) , int ( AB [1])
print (A + B )
# include < stdio .h >
int main ( int argc , char * argv [])
int A , B ;
scanf ("%d%d", &A , &B );
printf ("%d\n", A + B );
return 0;
# include < iostream >
int main ( int argc , char * argv [])
int A , B ;
std :: cin >> A >> B;
std :: cout < < A + B << std :: endl ;
return 0;
C. Submission
After finishing this assignment, you are required to submit your code to the Online Judge System
(OJ), and upload your .zip package of your code files & report to Black Board.
C.1 Online Judge
Once you have completed one problem, you can submit your code on the page on the Online Judge
platform (, campus only) in order to gain marks for the code part. You can submit your
solution of one problem for no more than 30 times. After you have submitted your program, OJ
will test your program on all test cases and give you grade. The grade of your lastest submission will
be regarded to as the final grade of the corresponding problem. Each problem are tested on multiple
test cases of different difficulty. You will get a part of the score even if your algorithm is not the best.
The program running time may vary on different machines, please refer to the result on
the online judge system. OJ will show the time and memory limits for different languages on the
corresponding problem page.
OJ access code: CSC3100assignment4, you are using this code whenever you are asked to do so.
If you have other questions about the online judge system, please refer to OJ wiki (campus network
only). And if this cannot help you well, feel free to contact us.
C.2 BlackBoard
You are required to upload your source codes and report to the BlackBoard platform. You need
to name your files according to the following rules and compress them into :
A4_ < Student ID >. zip :
A4_P1_ < Student ID >. java / py / c/ cpp / cc
A4_P2_ < Student ID >. java / py / c/ cpp / cc
A4_P3_ < Student ID >. java / py / c/ cpp / cc
A4_P4_ < Student ID >. java / py / c/ cpp / cc
A4_Report_ < Student ID >. pdf
For example, suppose your ID is 123456789, and your problem 1 is written in Python, problem 2 is
written in Java, problem 3 is written in C and problem 4 in C++, then the following contents should
be included in your submitted
A4_P1_123456789 . py
A4_P2_123456789 . java
A4_P3_123456789 .c
A4_P4_123456789 . cpp
A4_Report_123456789 . pdf



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QQ: 99515681