代做FIT4005、代写 Python,java 语言程序

Faculty of Information Technology

FIT4005 / FIT5125

Research Methods for IT

Semester 1 2024

Assignment 4: Weeks 10 & 11


Post-studio Exercises for Weeks 10 & 11


This assignment is worth 30% of the total marks for FIT4005 / FIT5125

Assignment due date

Thursday, 6-June-2024 at 4:30pm (Week 14)

Submission method

Submit to Moodle:

a PDF file for the exercise for Week 10

a video file for week 11

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Assignment Criteria

This assignment comprises the post-workshop exercises for Weeks 10 and 11.

Please note, although each week is listed as a separate component, the Week 10 and Week 11 parts

(Video Treatment and Completed Video) will be marked together. As such, it is expected that you adjust

your Video Treatment as you produce your Video so that they represent the same narrative and can be

marked together.

Week 10 Research Communication Week 11 Creating Video

Weighting: 25 marks Weighting: 25 marks

See page 3. See Page 5.

This is an individual assignment; it must be your own work and expressed in your own words.

Marking guides to help you position your work are available on Moodle.

There are specific requirements for file names on your submission (see the instructions for each


Assessment criteria:

1. The following criteria will be used to determine the score for the assignment:

Content and completeness of tasks

Clarity and relevance of content

Level of critical analysis

Logical structure and organization of ideas

Use of references (where appropriate)

Format, grammar, spelling etc.

2. Note that plagiarism detection procedures may be applied to each submission. See the University rules

and regulations regarding plagiarism and resulting penalties. Any case of plagiarism detected will mean

automatic failure of the entire assignment. Note that even where TurnitIn reports a non-trivial similarity

score, this may simply be the result of text that is part of the original question or answer template (this

is not a problem).

3. Late submissions will incur a penalty of 10% per day, see:


4. Submissions (Word and PDF) should include:

Student's name

Student ID number

Tutor's name

Studio name

5. Monash policy on Special Consideration is available at:


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6. In line with Monash policy we aim to mark and return work within 10 working days of submission where


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Assessed Exercise (Week 10)

“Creating a Video Communication Plan”

Careful planning is required when creating content for communicating research. Considering your audience is

key, and adjusting your content, narrative, and style to meet these requirements is a vital skill.

As part of your assessment submission for Assignment 4, you need to produce a video which communicates

a specific piece of FIT research. Please select one of the research papers from the list provided on the

Moodle page for Week 10, section: "5. Assignment Task (assessed)". It is not allowed to use papers outside

of this list to complete the assignment.

Your task is to create a ‘video treatment’ document, filling in the time, content and script columns that

will effectively communicate your chosen paper.

Your 90 second video will be sent to a number of investment companies seeking opportunities. This is a

typical situation that academic researchers find themselves in, where the business engagement staff are

seeking to communicate to investment companies and other organisations (such as private donors and

charities) what the nature of a specific piece of research is (in your case that is the research described in the

papers). Such organisations have staff with a good technical knowledge but who are not usually specialists in

the specific research area. The only goal of the video is to stimulate interest in the organizations to find out

more about the research. Therefore, your video will be used to introduce the core technical innovations and

the significance of these to gain potential meetings with members of the organisations at which the detail and

opportunities can be discussed further.

For the assessment we will look at the treatment and script along with the content of the video. The

treatment plan and script should be aligned with the video. If you change your idea, or you decide to

focus on a different audience be sure to update this treatment before submission!

What to Submit

1. A PDF filled out using the Week 10 assessment template (video treatment) named "STUDENT-ID-Week10-treatment.pdf".

How Much to Write

Although there is no explicit word limit for this activity, be aware that your video treatment and script should match the video that

you submit as part of the assignment, which is limited to 90 seconds.

What to Know

This is an individual exercise that forms part of the assessment for the unit, you must therefore work alone and follow Monash

University’s policies, procedures and regulations relating academic integrity, plagiarism and collusion (see Moodle).

Tutors may not provide support to you when you are completing this assessed exercise.

Tutors will provide feedback on any studio activities (during the studio) and this should be of help to you in completing the


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The aim of this assessment is to evaluate your skills at communicating research, and to assess your ability to communicate to

different audiences.

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Assessed Exercise (Week 11)

“Creating a draft video”

Following on from the Week 10 activity in this part of the assessment, you should:

1. Complete (and update) the video treatment (video plan) template, making sure to fill in the visual and

justification columns. These columns should succinctly describe what visuals will accompany each

element of your video, and why you made this decision in relation to the content and audience.

2. Record the audio for your dialog and any visuals you require (e.g. Zoom interviews)

3. Edit these into a draft video that can receive feedback in week 12.

Continue to use the template provided in Week 10 Assignment Template (Video Treatment) to carry out

this assessment.

For the assessment we will look at the treatment and script along with the content of the video. The

treatment plan and script should be aligned with the video. If you change your idea be sure to update this

treatment before submission!

What to Submit

1. An mp4 video file of less than 90 seconds and less than 25MB in size named "STUDENT-ID-Week11-treatment.mp4"

How Much to Write

Although there is no explicit word limit for this activity, be aware that your video treatment and script should match the video that

you submit as part of the assignment, which is limited to 90 seconds.

What to Know

This is an individual exercise that forms part of the assessment for the unit, you must therefore work alone and follow Monash

University’s policies, procedures and regulations relating academic integrity, plagiarism and collusion (see Moodle).

Tutors may not provide support to you when you are completing this assessed exercise.

Tutors will provide feedback on any studio activities (during the studio) and this should be of help to you in completing the


The aim of this assessment is to evaluate your skills at communicating research, and to assess your ability to communicate to



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