代写CLIM1001 Introduction to Climate Change - 2024代写C/C++程序

CLIM1001 Introduction to Climate Change - 2024

Published on the  28 May 2024

General Course Information

Course Code :  CLIM1001 Year :  2024

Term :  Term 2

Teaching Period :  T2

Course Details & Outcomes

Course Description

Why do people disagree so much about climate change? How can they tell fact from fction in the debate? How do they know climate change is happening and what are the causes? Climate change is now an issue confronting many disciplines, from architecture, engineering and business through to environmental science, public health, law and economics. This online course will draw on a broad collection of UNSW experts to cover the basics of climate change science, as well as a selection of key related areas from psychology, law, politics, economics, energy supply, ethics and health. A range of perspectives on the nature of these challenges will be treated with a critical analysis approach, as well as hands-on engagement with the peer review process, highlighting its role in the scientifc process.

This course is an online-only offering and therefore there are no physical attendance requirements. There are no pre-requisites and so this course suits students at any stage of their degree. Lectures are asynchronous. However, the course requires regular and consistent online  participation including online group work with other students. Students are expected to familiarise themselves with the course documentation and spend around 6 hours per week on the course. This includes going through lesson content in a timely manner, participating in group work activities, contributing to online discussion forums, and submitting assessments.

Take a look at our short introduction video

Course Aims

This course aims to give students an understanding of the fundamentals of climate change science, an appreciation for the multi-disciplinary nature of the climate change problem, and the need for a critical analysis approach to problem solving in this area. It aims to provide students  with tools and skills to develop their critical thinking and help solve real-world problems related  to climate change.

Relationship to Other Courses

Cobadged as GENS0401

Course Learning Outcomes

Course Learning Outcomes

CLO1 : Outline the key drivers of the climate system, interactions between climate system components and the mechanisms involved in anthropogenic climate change.

CLO2 : Critically analyze relevant material from a range of scientifc and public information sources.

CLO3 : Describe the scientifc method, understand the peer review process, and explain how these are embodied in Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change best practices.

CLO4 : Evaluate climate change mitigation strategies and describe how these affect climate change impacts.

CLO5 : Work effectively in a team to solve problems in a digital environment.

Learning and Teaching Technologies

Moodle - Learning Management System


Assessment Structure

Assessment Item


Relevant Dates

Online tests

Assessment Format: Individual


Due Date: Sunday of Weeks 4, 7 and 10

Group-based peer review exercise Assessment Format: Group


Due Date: Sunday of Weeks 3, 6 and 9

Individual peer review exercise Assessment Format: Individual Short Extension: Yes (3 days)


Due Date: Sunday of Week 11

Forum discussion

Assessment Format: Individual Short Extension: Yes (3 days)


Start Date: Not Applicable

Due Date: Sunday of Week 11

Assessment Details

Online tests

Assessment Overview

These are challenging open-book multiple choice tests, focused on the core science aspects of the course. You are expected to complete three of these quizzes throughout the course; each quiz covering 2 material. Each quiz is worth 10% of the fnal grade. They may be taken as an open-book test. You can only answer each question once, and each quiz must be completed in one sitting, but they are not timed.

Feedback will be provided online after completion of the task.

Course Learning Outcomes

· CLO1 : Outline the key drivers of the climate system, interactions between climate system components and the mechanisms involved in anthropogenic climate change.

· CLO4 : Evaluate climate change mitigation strategies and describe how these affect climate change impacts.

Assignment submission Turnitin type Not Applicable

Group-based peer review exercise

Assessment Overview

The purpose of the group-based peer review exercise is for you to familiarize yourself with the peer review process. In groups, you will perform. three tasks each worth 10% of the fnal grade:

1. Your group will be given a paper, media article or similar, and write a critical summary of it (1.5 pages maximum; one piece per group) which is typically due in Week 3.

2. Your group will write peer reviews of three (3) other critical summaries from other groups (no longer than 3 pages) which is typically due in Week 6.

3. Your group will respond in writing to peer reviews of your writing, and amend original critical appraisal which is typically due in Week 9.

A single mark will be provided to all members of the group, then weighted based on your peer- assessed contribution to the task.

Your group will receive feedback after each stage. A detailed rubric and an example of previous assignments are also provided to guide you.

Course Learning Outcomes

· CLO1 : Outline the key drivers of the climate system, interactions between climate system components and the mechanisms involved in anthropogenic climate change.

· CLO2 : Critically analyze relevant material from a range of scientifc and public information sources.

· CLO3 : Describe the scientifc method, understand the peer review process, and explain how these are embodied in Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change best practices.

· CLO4 : Evaluate climate change mitigation strategies and describe how these affect climate change impacts.

· CLO5 : Work effectively in a team to solve problems in a digital environment. Assignment submission Turnitin type

Not Applicable

Individual peer review exercise

Assessment Overview

You will write a refective piece (~1000 words) on the relative merits and challenges of the peer review process and draw from your knowledge and group experience of peer review activities.

You will need to submit this essay online after the fnal week of teaching (Study period/Exam period).

Feedback will be provided online within 2 weeks of submission.

Course Learning Outcomes

· CLO2 : Critically analyze relevant material from a range of scientifc and public information sources.

· CLO3 : Describe the scientifc method, understand the peer review process, and explain how these are embodied in Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change best practices.

Assessment Length

About 1000 words (two A4 pages) Assignment submission Turnitin type

This assignment is submitted through Turnitin and students can see Turnitin similarity reports. Hurdle rules

Assignment 3 should be submitted to Studiosity and improved according to their feedback before the fnal submission in Moodle.

Forum discussion

Assessment Overview

You will engage in weekly forum discussions related to the week’s lesson content and contribute at least one post per lesson. Discussion boards for each week's material are open until the beginning of the following week. At the end of the course, a staff member will grade your contributions to discussions. A detailed rubric is given to guide your post submissions. Your contributions will be graded based on the quality, frequency and constructiveness of your written discussions in the online forum.

Written feedback will be provided in line with the rubric.

Course Learning Outcomes

· CLO1 : Outline the key drivers of the climate system, interactions between climate system components and the mechanisms involved in anthropogenic climate change.

· CLO2 : Critically analyze relevant material from a range of scientifc and public information sources.

· CLO4 : Evaluate climate change mitigation strategies and describe how these affect climate change impacts.

Assessment Length

There is no fxed length for the discussion board posts. Marks do not depend on length, but the criteria on the rubric.

Assessment information

Students are expected to contribute to weekly discussion boards. Discussion boards are open for one week, from Saturday to Friday of the week's lesson. On the Sunday of Week 11, students will submit their best posts for marking. Assignment submission Turnitin type

Not Applicable



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