代做INF60010 Assignment 2 Proposed System Analysis and Modelling Semester 1 2024代写C/C++编程

INF60010 Assignment 2 Proposed System Analysis and Modelling

Semester 1 2024

Words Limit: 3000 +/-10%      Weighting:  40%

Part 1 Due date: Friday 24th  May @11:59 PM AEST

Assignment 2 submission details

.   All pages should include your group number in the document footer.

.   All references should be appropriately cited using the Harvard style.

.   Submit your report as ONE Microsoft Word document, Turnitin doesn’t accept ‘zip’ file.

.   Save your file as follows: [group numberA2.filetype] e.g. group10A2.doc

.   Submit your final report via INF60010 Canvas link > Assignments > Assignment 2 Submission link

o Assistance can be obtained from the Swinburne Service Desk (03) 9214 5000.

o DO NOT email the assignment.

o If you have any queries you may discuss it with the tutors during the workshops or via emails.

Assignment overview

This assignment continues on from your first assignment. In the first assignment, you have analysed and modelled the current system by using structured analysis tools. This is a group assignment. Students are required to form. into groups of three (or four) in order to prepare and present a solution to the case that was covered in assignment 1. This must be suitable for a presentation to the business management team.

In this assignment, students are required to develop a workable and stand-alone system using all the knowledge and information that they have learnt in the unit (INF60010) to provide possible solutions and make recommendation which should be able to solve the key problems identified that the case company is facing.

Note: This assignment covers all lessons.

Group Work and Project Teams

1. This task should be completed by project teams of three (3) or four (4) students working together in a collaborative way. Students can form. their own team by the end of week 8. We have created Group space which allow students self-enrolment. Please follow the instruction to enrol into a relevant group.

2. Group work provides rich learning and social experiences for students. To be equitable and effective, however, a group project must operate on the basis of sustained input from all members of the group. There can be no room for ‘free riders’. A group project is the collective responsibility of the entire group, and if one member is temporarily unable to contribute, the group should be able to reallocate responsibilities to keep to schedule. In the event of longer-term illness or other serious problems involving a member of a project group, it is the responsibility of the other members to make the project supervisor aware of the situation straight away.

3. Marks will be awarded individually, based on participation, communication and contribution to the project.

4. The team leader will make one submission only on behalf of all members of the team. Ensure that the full name and student number of every member of the project team is provided as part of the submission.

5. A contribution form. must be completed, signed and added in the report appendix.

Assignment 2 Requirements

If students need more detail regarding the business, they should conduct their own research.

Diagrams should preferably be generated by using Visio Pro or other virtual tools, however students may use the drawing capabilities of other packages subject to the approval of tutors.

As a team, you need to review the proposals (Assignment 1) that each member puts forward for submission. You need to discuss each proposal on its merits and decide which one will be best suited to use as your foundation for this assessment (Assignment 2). Creating groups* will be discussed during week 6.

*Note Group should be formed before the results for the Assignment 1 are released (beginning of week 7) so    that your team decision is not based by results and feedback from the INF60010 marking team (this does not    include those students who have not submitted assignment 1). Once a team decision has been made, you can start to share documents when you receive confirmation from our teaching staff.

The Report Components

Create a word-processed business report with:

Cover Sheet

.     Document Title

.    Author(s) information

Executive Summary

.    What this assignment is about and what you want to achieve.

Table of contents


.     Why conduct system analysis and design for a business? What are some of the key things you need to

consider when collecting requirements for the new proposed system?

.    The purpose of your work.

.    Where you collected data and information for completing the report?

Problem(s) which you are aiming to solve

In assignment 1, each student selected three (3) problems which they considered were essential to solve and provided explanations.  In your group, you should  now discuss those  problems and decide all  key  problems should be considered and why. Your proposed system should address these problems. You can quote your own assignment 1 as a reference. Everything has been discussed in assignment 1, you shouldn’t repeat details in assignment 2.

Scope and System Requirements (Proposed system)

.     Description of Proposed System: You are required to provide a brief description of the proposed system and clearly explain the system’s objectives and constraints.

.     Describe how would you apply the requirements gathering techniques effectively to gather system requirements (there are many techniques which you can adopt, such as ‘Interview’…).

.     List all system requirements you identified: List all functional and non-functional requirements for the proposed system. Provide a brief explanation for each of the requirements, particularly those which are new in the proposed system. You should explain why you added the new requirements and how they help to solve the problems identified.

User Stories and acceptance criteria

.    A brief explanation of each stakeholder’s potential interests in the new system.

.     Identify different types of users and write at least two sample user stories based on each of the key stakeholders’ requirements. You should also list the key acceptance criteria.

Use case descriptions

You are required to

.     Provide a brief use case description for each of the key functions.

.     Select 3 key uses cases (link to the changes) to create intermediate level use case descriptions.

.     Select at least 1 of the 3-intermediate level use case descriptions to develop a full (formal level) use case description.


.     Suggest and compare at least three (3) different types of solutions (e.g. develop from scratch, COTS, Cloud based etc.) and the advantages and disadvantages of each type for the business case. Discuss whether internal or external development would be more suitable for the proposed solution.

.     Make your recommendation as to the most appropriate solution for the case with your justification as to why it is the best solution.

.     Discuss what steps the case business needs to take if they follow your recommended solution and wish it to be successfully implemented and adopted.

.     Confirm project feasibility by briefly discussing the economic, organisational, technical, and other    factors along with the required resources and time schedule. You are not required to provide actual numbers e.g. costings or specific dates.

.     Briefly discuss the most suitable methodology (e.g., Agile or Waterfall) which you consider the business can adopt for their new system’s analysis, design and implementation process.

.    Justification of the chosen modelling approach – compare and contrast the structured analysis and

design techniques and models with other modelling techniques (e.g., the object-oriented models and  techniques), and clearly identify the strengths and weaknesses of each set. Your justification should be supported by appropriate references and linked to the case.

.    A brief explanation on how you manage changes (both technical and people).

Please note that this assignment requires research and analysis. You are not just answering ‘what’ questions, but most importantly ‘why’ & ‘how’ questions. You should include relevant references which can support your ideas and points of view.

Your proposal & analysis should be comprehensible to management and to users who are computer literate. Your discussion and  points of view should be supported by academic references (Journal articles, books, conference papers and leading researchers’ blogs, published industry examples…).


Summarize the whole assignment, your key findings and limitations.

Reference list

List all references used in the report. You need at least 6 to 8 journal references for assignment two. You need to consider the year of publishing (some recently published papers are required.). You have to follow the newest Harvard referencing system. Please check Swinburne website for details.

NB:   this  is  a  business  report  and  should  be  written  accordingly  i.e.  directed  to  the  customer  who  is  “Mt Dandenong Bakery” owner and management team. It should reflect your understanding of the tasks required.

You can get help by reading relevant textbook chapters and lesson overviews, completing exercises, and attending workshop discussions. Also, please ensure you take advantage of assignment consultation sessions for understanding the assignment requirements. Please make sure you start earlier and DO NOT WAIT to the final week.


All modelling components (All tables and models) should be put in appendices:

.    You are required to use the CRUD technique to identify new use cases for the proposed system which link to 3 or 4 new added data entities (you have to use both CRUD tables).

.    You  are  required  to  complete  an  event  table  which  includes  all  key  events  (20  to  24)  for  the  new proposed system. Depends on your suggestions for the new proposed system, some of the Events of the

current system may continue to apply to the Proposed System.

.     OO Modelling (for the proposed system)

o Use case diagram: Present the system proposal using the OO modelling approach. Describe    the key system functions and indicate the automation boundary of the information system as well as its users using a use case diagram.

o Activity and Sequence diagrams: You are required to select your fully developed use case descriptions and develop corresponding activity and sequence diagrams.

Diagrams should preferably be generated by using Visio Pro or other virtual tools but students may use the drawing capabilities of other packages subject to the approval of tutors.

Notes on formatting and structure

It is expected that all work submitted has been edited for spelling, grammar and clarity.

The Report should include *Title page, Executive Summary, *Table of Contents, Introduction, Main Body (you can provide appropriate headings and subheadings for this section, for example, proposed system description, functional  and  non-functional  requirements……,  etc),  Conclusion,  Recommendation,  *References  and *Appendix. Please note that accurate referencing using the latest version of the Harvard system (eg reference list and content) is a very important aspect of your assignment.

NB: Items marked with an * does NOT form part of the word count.


Any evidence of plagiarism (click on to read in detail) will result in a Fail. Collaborative discussion with other members in the unit around concepts and additional examples is highly recommended, but don’t copy.

We have adopted the Turnitin facility for assessment submission. This facility provides a

matching service which will compare Draft and/or Final submissions with a significant database of web published resources, including online databases and journals. In the case of a Final submission, this will also be compared with other Swinburne items submitted previously. It is expected students will be able to self-assess and correct submissions. It is the student's responsibility to familiarise themselves with how to avoid plagiarism. Please ask if you are not sure.

Don’t forget to keep a back-up. If your assignment goes astray, whether your fault or ours, you will be required to re-produce it.  Lack of back-up will not be taken as an excuse for lost materials.

Late assignments  may result in a lower grade for the assignment in terms of the Swinburne assessment guidelines. Please show respect for the word limit requirements.

Assignment Draft

Please ensure you take advantage of having the tutor look at a draft of your assignment. When doing so it is important to note the following:

.    The draft will represent an initial outline of what you propose to do in your assignment (if the draft resembles a final submission, it will not be viewed except to be marked).

.    The teaching staff will provide general feedback indicating if you are on the right track. More explicit feedback may be sought by asking specific and detailed questions, but the teaching staff’s role is not to correct the draft submission.

.     Only one draft per group. If you would want us to review your draft, you have to email it to us at least a week prior to the final submission.

How are you assessed?

Please access the assignment 2 marking guide for detailed marking criteria.



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