代写COMP 636、代写Web App

COMP 636: Web App Assessment
Milestone submission due: 5pm Monday 9 October 2023
Final submission due: 5pm Monday 30 October 2023
Worth: 50% of COMP636 grade
Submit via Akoraka | Learn, with files set up and available on Github and Python Anywhere.
BRMM car club runs a monthly competitive Motorkhana event. These are different from the ‘Havea-go’ family fun day that you saw in the first assessment, although there are similarities. Your task is
to develop a small Web Application to help the manage drivers, cars, courses and runs for a single
competitive Motorkhana event. You will also write a report.
A Motorkhana has six courses, and each driver has two runs (attempts) at each course, with the best
of those two runs counting towards their overall result for the day. Each run total is the driver’s time
in seconds plus any cone/wrong direction penalties (5 seconds per cone hit, 10 seconds for a WD).
A driver’s course time is the best of their two run totals for that course. If a driver completes only
one of their two runs, then their course time is the run total of the completed run. If a driver misses
both runs, their course time will display as ‘dnf’ (did not finish).
For example, some run totals and calculated course times from a previous Motorkhana were:
Driver Course Run num Seconds Cones WD Run Total
101 A 1 33 1 1 48
101 A 2 50.5 0 0 50.5
105 A 1 0
105 A 2 0
101 F 1 0
101 F 2 42.25 0 0 42.25
Driver Course Course Time
101 A 48 Best of his two course A calculated run totals.
105 A dnf Did not finish course A (no times for A1 and A2).
101 F 42.25 No time for his F1 run, so best for course F is his F2 run total.
The overall result for each driver is calculated as the sum of their six course times. Drivers with
fewer than six course times are awarded an overall result of ‘NQ’ (Not Qualified). That is, a driver
with ‘dnf’ for any course is not qualified to win overall.
In competitive Motorkhana, Juniors are aged 12-25 and have both their date of birth and their
current season age (in whole years) recorded at the time of entry. Junior drivers who are 16 or
younger must also have a designated caregiver (the driver ID of another driver who isn’t a junior).
Each driver is associated with exactly one car (see the Data Model, below.) However, more than one
person can drive the same car. For example, Jack Atwood and his mother, Maggie Atwood, are both
competing in car number 18.
Download the Web Application Project Files from the Assessment block on the Learn page. These
will get you started, including for the Milestone. You will add more routes and templates as you
develop your app.
This is an individual assessment. You may not collaborate or confer with others (e.g.,
telling others exactly how to do a task, or sharing code, or using ghost writers or AI, etc),
but the discussion of general concepts (e.g., how Jinja templates work in general) is
allowed. The University policies on Academic Integrity are here.
Functional Requirements
There will be two interfaces:
• A public/driver interface to allow drivers to view information and results.
• A club Administrator interface for admin staff to use to update, edit and add data. This
interface requires administrators to access the system via an Admin button or link from the
home page (do not add password functionality – security would be added to a full system to
restrict access, but it is not required for this assessment). The Admin link will provide a gateway
to the Admin features. The Admin features must not be visible in any public navigation (apart
from the Admin link or button on the home page).
Driver Interface on the default / route
• List of courses: Make the courselist page display the course’s image, rather than the name of
the image file. Modify or tidy the template as appropriate.
• Driver’s run details: A driver’s name is selected from a drop-down list of drivers to display a
page showing the driver’s run details and run totals, including the course names (but not the
course ID letter). Include the driver ID and names, and car model and drive class, as headings.
• List of drivers: Modify the /listdrivers route so that each driver’s car details are also displayed.
Do not display the car_num. Show them in surname then first name order, and use Bootstrap
to display the junior drivers in yellow. Make the driver name a clickable link that also displays
the driver’s run details page (see above).
• Overall results: Show the overall results in a table, from best to worst overall result, and with
any NQ results at the bottom (at the bottom of the list or as a note below the table). The table
will include the driver ID and names (including ‘(J)’ for juniors), and car model. Display all 6
course times for each driver, as well as their overall result. The winner should display “cup”
next to their result, and the next 4 display “prize” (just the text is fine, or optionally suitable
alternative symbols).
• Bar graph: Display a horizontal bar graph of the top 5 drivers overall. Modify the supplied
script in top5graph.html, but using driver names and overall results as passed variables instead
of hard-coded constants. The horizontal bars should use one of the 140 standard HTML colour
names (not pink or lime or anything too pale!), and make the max width sensible but
considerably wider than 320 pixels.
Administrator Interface
• Junior driver list: Display the junior drivers including any caregiver names, ordered by age from
oldest to youngest, then by surname.
• Driver search: Search for drivers by first name or surname, allowing for partial text matches.
• Edit runs: Enter or edit times, cones and WD for a run. The admin will be able to select a driver
and then edit any runs for that driver, or select a course to edit any runs for that course.
o The admin should not have to re-enter any existing values that are not being entered/
• Add driver: Add a new driver and assign them to an existing car. (Do not add any new cars.)
o This must also add 12 blank runs (two for each course) with null times and cones. WD will
default to zero. (Times, cones and WD will be entered using the Edit Runs feature above.)
o Must be able to specify whether new driver is a junior. If so, must also enter a date of
birth, and calculate and record the age, and ensure that the driver has a caregiver, if
needed (provide a list of eligible caregivers to select from). If not a junior, none of these
options (date of birth, caregiver selection) should be visible.
Your report must be created using GitHub Markdown format and saved in the README.md file of
your GitHub repository. It does not need to be a formal report – a tidy document using the following
headings will be sufficient. Write a brief project report that includes:
• Web application structure:
o Outline the structure of your solution (routes & functions, and templates). This should be
brief and can be text-based or a diagram (as an image).
o It must indicate how your routes and templates relate to each other, as well as and what
data is being passed between them.
o Do not just give a list of your routes. Do not include all of your code. Do not describe the
interface and user experience or html layout.
• Assumptions and design decisions:
o Detail any assumptions that you made (what isn't clear or stated in this brief that you had
to assume or ask about).
o Discuss the design decisions you made when designing and developing your app (what
design options you weighed up, why you designed your app the way that you did, your
decisions about the routes, templates, navigation, broad layout, etc, that you made).
o Note your assumptions and your decisions as you work, so you do not forget them! For
example, did you use multiple similar pages, or share some page templates perhaps with
hidden items? Did you use GET or POST to request and send data, and how and why? You
will have considered many design possibilities. These are only two examples.
• Database questions: Refer to the supplied motorkhana_local.sql file to answer the following
o What SQL statement creates the car table and defines its three fields/columns? (Copy and
paste the relevant lines of SQL.)
o Which line of SQL code sets up the relationship between the car and driver tables?
o Which 3 lines of SQL code insert the Mini and GR Yaris details into the car table?
o Suppose the club wanted to set a default value of ‘RWD’ for the driver_class field. What
specific change would you need to make to the SQL to do this? (Do not implement this
change in your app.)
o Suppose logins were implemented. Why is it important for drivers and the club admin to
access different routes? As part of your answer, give two specific examples of problems
that could occur if all of the web app facilities were available to everyone.
• Image sources: It is not necessary to use any external images in your web app, apart from the 6
course diagrams provided, but if you do, ensure you reference the image source in your report.
Data Model
Model Notes:
Child table.field * (refers to) Parent table.field
driver.caregiver driver.driver_id
driver.car car.car_num
run.dr_id driver.driver_id
run.crs_id course.course_id
* the ‘Foreign Key’
Cars are classed (drive_class) as one of ‘4WD’, ‘RWD’ or ‘FWD’ (4-wheel drive, rear-wheel drive,
front-wheel drive). Your app does not need to modify the data in this table in any way.
Drivers with a date_of_birth must also have an age calculated and recorded. Drivers aged 16 or
younger must have a caregiver. All drivers must have a car.
The driver’s driver_id is an ‘auto-incremented’ field. That means that when adding a new driver, do
not supply a driver_id; the database will assign one for you.
Each run record is for a particular driver (dr_id) on a particular course (crs_id) and is for the driver’s
first attempt or second attempt at that course (run_num, value of 1 or 2). cones is usually less than a
handful and never more than 25. wd is a Boolean type field, shown in the model above as type
TINYINT(1), and defaults to the value 0 (false).
The number of courses at a BRMM competition Motorkhana is six (course_id is always A-F).
Project Requirements
You must:
• Use only the COMP636 technologies (Python & Flask, Bootstrap CSS, MySQL). Do not use
SQLAlchemy or ReactJS (or other similar technologies) in your solution.
Do not use any scripts, including JavaScript, except for the



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QQ: 99515681