159.352 Assignment 2 Black Jack game

 159.352 Assignment 2: 

In this assignment you will create a Java/JavaScript implementation of Black Jack game 
following the specification below. 
Part 1: Server [12 marks]
1. In NetBeans, create a Java Web Application assignment2_server_
student id>
2. In this project, create a package nz.ac.massey.cs.webtech.s_
student id>.server
3. Develop a game engine that uses the following http services. The game engine is 
to be implemented in one or multiple servlets providing the services described in 
the table below. The user will play the game with the computer i.e. the dealer. Each side is dealt 2 cards, and they take turns (user first) to decide whether to hit
(deal one more card) or stand (stop receiving card). Given a hand the user has at
most two options to choose when making a move; hit or stand. When it is the 
dealer’s turn, the computer’s action is predetermined; hit when the value of 
dealer’s cards is 17 or less, otherwise stand. The hand which reaches 21 or gets 
closest to it wins. At the end of the game display the winner, and allow the user 
reset and start a new game. 
Game state is to be maintained in a session. Your server will use a standard 52 
card deck and maintain the state of user’s hand and the computer’s hand. There 
are no bets involved (i.e. no money to keep track of). Game state (player hands, 
whoseTurn, winner, etc) is stored in a servlet session. This should also work if the 
user disables cookies in the browser.
4. The server needs to maintain the number of games played and percentage of 
games won by the users for as long as the server has been running. This game 
stats should be persistent so it can stored in a file (stats.xml, stats.json) or in a 
database. It is to be updated and displayed with every game played.
URL (all URLs are relative 
w.r.t. root URL, such as 
Part 2 - Tests [7 marks]
In NetBeans, create a Java Application assignment2_test_. In 
this project, write blackbox unit tests for the services implemented in part 1. Use 
standard junit tests without any particular web application testing frameworks for this 
purpose. You may use the apache http client library (highly recommended !). For each 
service described in the table above, there should be at least one test. If an error 
response is specified, a separate test should be added to test that the respective error 
response is generated. 
Note: To run these tests, you will need absolute URLs for the respective services, in 
particular, there must be a fixed port. Try to use localhost:8080. If for some reason this 
is not possible, specify the root URL in a static final variable in each test class. Example:
public class ServiceTests {
public static final String SERVER_URL = “http://localhost:8084”;
Part 3 - User Interface [7 marks]
1. In the server project assignment2_server_ , create a 
JSP page blackjack.jsp that displays the game board and has functionality to 
create new games, makes moves, display winner, and game stats.
2. blackjack.jsp uses only the services specified in part 1 to play the game. 
3. You have freedom to design the user interface, you can use either the textual or 
graphical game interface.
4. The client must ensure that only valid moves are sent to the server, you can use 
javascript and the possiblemoves servlet to validate input.
Part 4 – Deployment [4 marks]
After you have finished developing and testing, deploy your web application in a docker 
container and host it on Heroku cloud.
Here is an online back jack game you can use to familiarize yourself with the rules of the 
Interaction between client and server is based on the services specified in the table. To 
get started with part 1, you can use an http client like postman or curl.
A README file containing instructions needed to run your web application. In your 
README file make sure to put down the URL of your web application hosted on 
Dockerfile and necessary files to run your web application in Docker.
Upload the zipped netbeans projects to stream. Both projects (for part 1 and part 2) can 
be zipped into one file, please name this file assignment2-.zip. It is highly 
recommended to test the zip (unzip into temporary folder, and try to open and run the 
projects in this folder with netbeans on general lab VM) before uploading.



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